I doubt tv.com has any information right now. It's still only midway through the second season. Information will probably pop up sometime after this season ends. If they decide to continue, they'll probably show the third season in the fall.
In blackest day or brightest night, watermelon, cantaloupe, yadda yadda, erm. . .a superstitious and cowardly lot, with liberty and justice for all!
Martiangirl wrote:I doubt tv.com has any information right now. It's still only midway through the second season. Information will probably pop up sometime after this season ends. If they decide to continue, they'll probably show the third season in the fall. I certainly don't think tv.com can confirm a 3rd season now either. Too early. I think when they announced a S2 last year it was in a press release in April.
well if you go to the main menu click animation,then type the letter ''L'' and you will see listings that begin with the letter ''L'', and last click loonatics unleashed.
If they do make a 3rd season, I would be so happy! And I hope for everyone's sake that WB would make improvements such as more deeper story lines for the loonatics and villains. Why the villains became bad in the first place? Were any of the Loonatics on the dark side before they turned to the side of the good? We'll just have to wait and see.
*Duck walks in with a black mask and weird voice* "YOU DON'T KNOW THE POWAH OF THE DAARK SIDE!!"
Although that would be interesting if one of the Loonatics were evil before. But I don't really see a gymnast, a stunt bunny. a grad student, a wrestler, a pool cleaner, or a delivery boy being on the dark side. Would be cool, though!!
"Too much power used too soon can do as much harm than good."~Zadavia
On their own, they're already quite dangerous. I mean, they have the martial artist, the flexible gymnast who can shimmy past any security, the strong wrestler, speedster and the (evil?) genius. I just can't think of how one should be wary of a pool cleaner. Unless you know, he takes the pole and clunks it over your head.
And the comet only made them more lethal. Yeaaaah. (:
One night and one more time,
Thanks for the memories
even though they weren't so great:
"He tastes like you only sweeter."
Err... sorry to burst your bubble, Hamaniel D, but 2 things. (1) There is no proof out there that the man behind Optiamtus was anything but an "extra," so to speak, just like all those people sitting next to Zadavia when Rupes gave her the music-box thing.
(2) There is no proof whatsoever out there that a S3 of Loonatics Unleashed will ever be. Kids WB has not made any announcements about LU coming back despite our emails and petition. In fact, I think that there is a very good chance that we will not be seeing any new epsidoes until at least fall of 2008.
*sad realization dawns* I'm gong to read some funny posts now... *sob*
Err... sorry to burst your bubble, Hamaniel D, but 2 things. (1) There is no proof out there that the man behind Optiamtus was anything but an "extra," so to speak, just like all those people sitting next to Zadavia when Rupes gave her the music-box thing.
(2) There is no proof whatsoever out there that a S3 of Loonatics Unleashed will ever be. Kids WB has not made any announcements about LU coming back despite our emails and petition. In fact, I think that there is a very good chance that we will not be seeing any new epsidoes until at least fall of 2008.
*sad realization dawns* I'm gong to read some funny posts now... *sob*
Yeah,I know.A girl ca dream can't she? My hopes are too high for a season 3.
But honestly I'm a sucker to a pretty anime faces. Especially on cute beautifully drawn male characters.
I think I heard this somewere but the have not officly cancelled lu and it may continu in 2008.*does a happy dance*don't lose hope lu fans cause there stills hope for season 3.
-I'm a techie,and proud of it-
When Every life meet's another life, Something will be born-Qouted by the Shinno Champion Cynthia
*Duck walks in with a black mask and weird voice* "YOU DON'T KNOW THE POWAH OF THE DAARK SIDE!!"
Although that would be interesting if one of the Loonatics were evil before. But I don't really see a gymnast, a stunt bunny. a grad student, a wrestler, a pool cleaner, or a delivery boy being on the dark side. Would be cool, though!!
But who's know what was Duck before to be a pool cleaner
Since this isn't an official website that has anything to do with kidswb, and since this website can be edited by anyone, this isn't a reliable source. Also, I checked some pages of the actors that voice the Loonatics and such, and there's nothing about any of them working on a third season. Sorry.
Techfan: Well if it's coming out this fall, there's not much time. steve: Anyone with an account on that website can change what it says. Par example, if I had an account, I could delete everything on that page and write, "Monkeys drive busses."
It's cancelled already. But I do hope they put it back up!
I wish upon a star Wanna be right where you are You set my world on fire Babe I got a crush on you I wish upon a star Can't you see how right we are We should be together Babe I got a crush on you
So if you feel the way I do Would you fancy to To take a ride beside me?
Me and you, you and me. Living a life in harmony It's magic(oh it's magic) babe I've got a crush on you [x2]
We should hope instead that they make a whole new series out of it. You know, like 'Loonatics in Space' :facepalms: that sound so stupid..... But anything's better than nothing!
The winners write the history, and the losers children will be brainwashed by it.
Not anything...if they just made another spin-off starring, I dunno, Tweetums and stuff and his crazy antics...that'd be worse than nothing, I'd think.
I was pretty ticked when Loonatics Unleashed was cancelled...Why did they cancel it? Was it because people thought it was a rip-off of Looney Tunes? By the way, I have never seen a single episode or clip of Looney Tunes. Seriously. Never.
Favourite Conversation:
"Hey, Mr. Bump. Thought I'd drop by for a visit." "Uh, hello, Miss Whoops." "Sorry to hear about your accident." "Oh, well. That'll teach me to wrestle elephants." "Hey, a remote control! Ooh, how about we watch some rollerderby?" "Uh, uh, no, Miss Whoops, that's not for the T.V.! Ow! Bed! Crunching! Oh!" "These remotes are so unreliable..."
I think LU was 'unofficially' canceled, As WB never said anything about it being canceled. I just think they didn't have enough budget to make a Season 3.
Another theory my friend came up with is that the LU production crew are planning something big, like a movie.
He needs to be stopped I like BF Heroes! Deal with it!
I would be pretty skeptical about the production of a Loonatics Unleashed Movie. If it were to be produced...well...I would probably not want to see it. It would really depend on the plotline, voice acting, and equality of the characters' screentime/ability usage.
Favourite Conversation:
"Hey, Mr. Bump. Thought I'd drop by for a visit." "Uh, hello, Miss Whoops." "Sorry to hear about your accident." "Oh, well. That'll teach me to wrestle elephants." "Hey, a remote control! Ooh, how about we watch some rollerderby?" "Uh, uh, no, Miss Whoops, that's not for the T.V.! Ow! Bed! Crunching! Oh!" "These remotes are so unreliable..."
I wish upon a star Wanna be right where you are You set my world on fire Babe I got a crush on you I wish upon a star Can't you see how right we are We should be together Babe I got a crush on you
So if you feel the way I do Would you fancy to To take a ride beside me?
Me and you, you and me. Living a life in harmony It's magic(oh it's magic) babe I've got a crush on you [x2]
What the hell? They make movies for three idiots that hit each other in the head 24/7, but they don't make an LU movie? What is this world coming to? Where do you think they'll have information as to whether LU is actually cancelled?