So, um... yeah, I just joined. I came across this place yesterday. After reading all the fan fiction, I decided to join. =3
Let's see... what do you need to know about me? You may call me Rye. I'm 17 years old. I LOVE Loonatics Unleashed. Characters in order of how much I like them: 1) Rev! 2) Tech. 3) Ace. 4) Lexi. 5) Slam. 6) Duck.
Also, I do have an account on, so you can find me there as Two Striped Socks. And yeah... that is all. =)
Thanks. Pleasure to meet you, Mimic. -bows- I found these forums by way of Google. x3 After reading every single fan fiction in the LU section of, I decided to look for more. So this site came up, I read all the fan fictions, and now I have joined. =)
Yes! The Rev empire grows! And welcome Rye. Hope you enjoy the crazy stuff we do here. You can check out some of my fan art in "Akira Cat's art gallery" and some of my fan-fics I got up here. Tell me what you think .
Akira_Cat wrote: Yes! The Rev empire grows! And welcome Rye. Hope you enjoy the crazy stuff we do here. You can check out some of my fan art in "Akira Cat's art gallery" and some of my fan-fics I got up here. Tell me what you think .
All hail the Rev empire! o: And thank you. ;D I'm sure I will. I've already read all your stuff but I will be sure to check out your art too. ^ ^;
Hi ZS! And welcome to the LUO fan base! I would give you some Dream Cakes but everyone else would try and glomp me so they'd stop me from giving you them. I don't see what's wrong with them. Watch.
Eats a dream cake.
See. Nothing to feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrr...
I faint.
Simba: What Akira is trying to say is welcome. And don't try and eat her dreamcakes. Don't!
Zadavias_spirit wrote: I'm a new member here, so Hi everyone (especially Rev Runner fans. I know my username is based on Zadavia, but LONG LIVE REV RUNNER FOREVER!!!!) :)
-raises hand and waves- I'm a Rev fan. xD Welcome!
Try and say this in Rev's voice.... Amy-always-wanted-walls-with-awesomeful-awesomefulness-awesomefully-filled-with-awesomer-things!!! Try and read THAT, Rob Paulsen!!! *does a cool move with Super Coyote Warrior Sword* YAY!! I didn't kill myself that time! *cheers, but hits self in head with coyote-shaped handle* Ow.
zadavias_spirit wrote: Try and say this in Rev's voice.... Amy-always-wanted-walls-with-awesomeful-awesomefulness-awesomefully-filled-with-awesomer-things!!!
xD I can only say that up to about halfway through "awesomefulness" and then I get confused. -tries again- oo; Gah. x3