As a result from boredom and nostalgia for LU (because I no longer have paytv so I can't watch it), earlier today I made something I've never done before, but that lifted my mood a little. Thought I'd share because...well this is LUO. *d'oh!*
Feel free to grab what's there, no need to tell me if you're taking something and i'm not asking credit for the icons either, since that wouldn't really be right, though it's always appreciated. Also, if you have a LiveJournal feel free to add me if you like, I'm always looking for friends! =)
You changed your signature? But..but..but...the hypnotizing Rev! ;_; Come back! *stretches arm out in despair* Joking, I'm flattered! ^_^ But I think your sign was so much better than this cheap colorbar XP
Hmm something about the Tech it just me or in the first image with the huge red irises he looks like he's possessed? Oh dear, what have I done? XD
That's because FurAffinity, being mostly an adult oriented site has a lot of filters, for underage people and people who want to be up there but avoid adult themed pics. To be able to view the pictures you must be registered, signed in and unchek the filter.
If you have access to the Naughty boards I could just upload it to photobucket and post it.
I don't have access to the naughty boards either. I never felt the need to browse there really, tho' i'm old enough. Hmm, maybe i ought to reconsider. But don't don't trouble yourself about it for now Ayelet.
That's because FurAffinity, being mostly an adult oriented site has a lot of filters, for underage people and people who want to be up there but avoid adult themed pics. To be able to view the pictures you must be registered, signed in and unchek the filter.
If you have access to the Naughty boards I could just upload it to photobucket and post it.
Heyz, I got an account and shut off the filter and I still can't see it DX Did I not do something right?
Bwahaha. I couldn't get the mental image out of my head, so when I finally got home, I just had to make an animated icon of it. Hope you enjoy, it's giving me TEH GIGGLEZ!
What episode did you pull that Tech icon from? I wanna know what he was saying, and to whom.
It was from A Creep In The Deep. Rev was rambling about knots, and Tech was all, "Speaking of knots, that was highly allucidating. Not!" to which Rev gave a shocked then annoyed response.
Shagster: With the possibility that LU may have concluded, I've been rationing my viewing of episodes I haven't seen (which is quite a few). I've been going through S1 first because I can watch it in full DVD quality, but I might just make an exception in this case.
Ayelet: Tech should be telling Rev about knots, not the other way around! Maybe he got snarky because he has more experience with them. ;)