Rev: First comes the sirloin steak then the triple-decker sandwhich and then the spaghetti and meatballs and now here comes the fruit a la mode and the ten-scoop ice cream, the pepperoni pizza, the sushi plate, the king crab and calamari, lobster, a whole plate of shrimp, the roast turkey, the roast chicken, the roast duck - no, not that Duck - the whole pan of dumplings - wow, he`s on fire tonight folks - and now he`s cooling off with the fruit punch, and...oh, wow, he actually ate the grasshoppers-on-a-stick!
Now he`s moving on to the pies...blueberry, boysenberry, cranberry, gooseberry, strawberry, raspberry, wildberry, cherry...and now he`s at le fromage, including cheddar, mozzarella, gouda, and, there`s no stopping this guy! He`s just getting warmed up, people! Now he`s moved on to the nuts...peanuts, walnuts, almonds, cashews, toffees, pecans, even coconuts! And WHOAH! He gulped down all the super-spicy-take-it-if-you-can-handle-it-tomato stew! And he`s just now gulping the milk! I`m getting a stomachache just watching!
Lexi: You`re not the only one. I think I`ll pass on dinner tonight.
Crossfire: And to think, I came this close to making yet another Ace/Lexi joke. Out of respect for those who tire of guessing what my next Ace/Lexi joke will be, however, I`ll respectfully step away this time.
But you have to feel sorry for the big guy. He's always being left out or getting picked on.
I hug Slam.
Slam: Eh?
Me: Don't worry Slam! I won't let you feel down just because you're not popular!
Slam: Eh?
Y'think maybe Slam eats as a comfort technique perhaps? Due to being the most ignored member of the Loonatics? Gasp! That's it! That's why he's always stuffing himself! He's trying to eat as much he can to fill the emptiness in his heart! Poor Slam!
Ayelet_Ripley wrote: Crossfire: Wow. I could really imagine Rev talking as I was reading! XD
Yeah, I know! That was funny. Too bad Rippie (my lil sis) is an anti-slammer, I think all loonatics deserve to be loved! *Hugs slam beside Akira_Cat* Slam: Eh? Me: Still not working. WE NEED MORE PEOPLE OVER HERE! Slam: Eh? Me: *slaps head* Doh!
I say it this way, "He needs to eat alot to fuel all those muscles."
I believe in Jesus Christ as my Saviour
Lucky: Why can't you Toons just enter a room normaly?! Bonkers: Us Toons don't do normaly things! That's what makes us sooo adorable! X3 Lucky: Yeah, like a trainwreck. -__________-
Cassidy and Dusk: Freaky siamese twins seperated at birth.... ~ Andrea
Many thanks to HCoyote for the awesome avatar! I love it! <3
Danni- Official supporter of Tessidy, Sethidy, Cassless, Duri, Seck, Ricy, Dapphire, Calric, and Cassaghu 83 And Maley D. Because it's wrong. \8D/