Okay this is how this topic gos. I'll post a screen shot from Loonatic Unleshed and you guys give them things to think, say, or a litle senareo that gos with the seen that wasin't in the show. Theres no winer or any thing jest some fun time.
-Slam, Ace and Lexi walk in to see Duck hard at work- Lexi: Wow Duck, I never thought that I'd see you work this hard in getting your room clean! Slam: kajdfgkbndjl, Ya! Ace: Ya Duck but, uh......why are you ripping up the carpet? Duck: So that I can put in the new hard wood floor of course! Ace, Slam, Lexi: Hardwood floor?! Duck: Ya, suposedly hardwood flooring is easier to keep clean then carpet and the less cleaning I do in here, the better. Lexi: Uh huh... -Tech walks past the door- Lexi: Um, Tech? What are you doing? Tech: Its my latest version of my Port-a-lab since my other one got melted. The thing though, is that it's so...-pant-...darn....-puff-....heavy....-groan-...-notices Duck viguorously ripping up the carpet- What is he doing? Slam: New flooring. Tech: -shakes head and chuckles- Some people just don't think to use they're head, do they? -starts dragging the invention towards his lab, grunting and panting-
Loonatics are staring at something just beyond Duck
Lexi: *to Ace* What is it? Ace: Not sure Lex. Tech? Tech: It appears to be a semi-organic plasma predator. Slam: (Put simply, 'A what?') Duck: Yeah, whatever! Just get it away from the case with my Misty Breeze merchandise!
Duck: I'm out of here Ace, you two-timing bastard! Ace: Wait Duck! I'm so sorry! I just can't help loving both you and Lexi! Lexi: I'm going to give my honest opinion Ace: I don't condone two-timing bastards. (turns to audience) And kids, don't give too much credibility to people who say they're bi; most of the time, they're just confused. (pauses) Okay, maybe gays or straights don't deserve much either. So many people just can't make up their minds these days. Tech: As little interest as I have for this whole conversation, Lexi, I think a lot of people are going to get really mad at you for saying that. I better go get the fire extinguishers before the flames start coming in. Slam: Dublint kerry ka aba me?! (Doesn't anyone care about me?!)
Never stop questioning everything.
Life is never perfect, but that doesn't mean it's not good.
Robo Amigo (R. A.): You're over cofidence is your weakness. Duck: Your faith in your creator (Rev) is yours. *Turns around* R. A.: I got faith in your mama. Duck: *Turns back quickly* What was that? R. A.: Your mama's so fat, Rosie O'Donnal said, "DAAAAAAAMMMNN!"
A proud Acelex Shipper. Please don't hate me. *BAM* Ooooh...
Duck: *to himself* I can't believe they gave me this for my birthday. *to Robo Amigo* Hey, scrap metal, can you do anything? Robo Amigo: Anything you want, oh great, mighty, overlord Duck! Duck: Me like ^^.
in the end nothing maters so why be coshes in life? live like you whant to live but do not dwingle in sorow. You deside your mental status so why desid to be sad? desid to be happy. Even if you live a thousedn years life is still short. Even if you live a milon years life is still not worth it with out love.
Duck: *stares at robot* Robot: *stares at Duck* Ace: Uh, Tech, what are they doing? Tech: Having a staring contest. Ace: Does he know that he will never win? Tech: Most likely. He's probably too stubborn to admit it. Duck: *blinks* DARN IT!!! Robot: Haha! I win! Tech and Ace: *exit room shaking their heads*
I believe in Jesus Christ as my Saviour
Lucky: Why can't you Toons just enter a room normaly?! Bonkers: Us Toons don't do normaly things! That's what makes us sooo adorable! X3 Lucky: Yeah, like a trainwreck. -__________-
Cassidy and Dusk: Freaky siamese twins seperated at birth.... ~ Andrea
Many thanks to HCoyote for the awesome avatar! I love it! <3
Danni- Official supporter of Tessidy, Sethidy, Cassless, Duri, Seck, Ricy, Dapphire, Calric, and Cassaghu 83 And Maley D. Because it's wrong. \8D/
Duck: I swear I'm not crazy! Tech was going to squish me with a mallet! Ace: You reeeeaaaallllyyyy gotta stop watchin' horror movies while eating cotton candy and pepperoni.....
I believe in Jesus Christ as my Saviour
Lucky: Why can't you Toons just enter a room normaly?! Bonkers: Us Toons don't do normaly things! That's what makes us sooo adorable! X3 Lucky: Yeah, like a trainwreck. -__________-
Cassidy and Dusk: Freaky siamese twins seperated at birth.... ~ Andrea
Many thanks to HCoyote for the awesome avatar! I love it! <3
Danni- Official supporter of Tessidy, Sethidy, Cassless, Duri, Seck, Ricy, Dapphire, Calric, and Cassaghu 83 And Maley D. Because it's wrong. \8D/
Duck: *talking like a crazy person* There was this thing, this THING, and then it started TALKING to me, saying it needed me to live, and then it turned into this monster thing and ATTACKED me and I threw an egg at it, and that's why there's a giant hole in the wall! Ace: ...... have you been eating sugar again?
Next week on House M.D....no, just kidding; it's only Loonatics.
Duck:I'm sorry, baby! Let's never fight again! Commencing first round of intensive lip hockey! Ace: Duck! Can't you wait until the fans arent' watching us?!
-- Edited by Anna at 09:08, 2007-07-29
Never stop questioning everything.
Life is never perfect, but that doesn't mean it's not good.
Duck: I saw it It came in a dream!!CERLY TAILE!!!! THOUSEND EYES!!! EEPA!!! EEPA!!EEPA!!! Ace: Some one call the mental instatut, Ducks gone kookoo Duck: I'm not kookoo! I Saw IT!! Its going to hapen AND IT WILL BRING DOOM TO YOU *Starts pointing at every one in the room* AND YOU AND YOU AND YOU AND YOU!!!!!!!
Duck: I jest saw it! it was.....*seems to sare off into a diferent place* Ace: What duck what did you see Duck: Some thing only Rexi fans would like. Ace: Rexi? Duck: Rev and Lexi they, ep they, yipes and ger and uh. Ace: Duck you are macking little sens
in the end nothing maters so why be coshes in life? live like you whant to live but do not dwingle in sorow. You deside your mental status so why desid to be sad? desid to be happy. Even if you live a thousedn years life is still short. Even if you live a milon years life is still not worth it with out love.
Duck: FACE IT!! He's never coming out of that coma!! Ace: Err.. Duck? Rev's just aslee... Duck: DON'T TRY TO FOOL YOURSELF!!! Face the truuuuuuuuuuuuth!!!!!!
for #2: Duck: What the heck? Robo Amigo: Self Destruct in 3...2...1....
for #3: Duck: IT WASN"T ME, I SWARE!! IT WAS THE GIANT FLYING PURPLE PIG THAT CRASHED TECH'S LAB!!! Ace: Uh, ya, sure. I belive you. Now just sit here and wait for the nice men in white to.... Duck: I'M NOT CRAZY I TELLS YA!!! I'M NEVER GOING BACK THERE, YOU HEAR ME?! NEVER!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Ace: Guys, a little help here?
Lexi: OK Duck, you proved that you are able to carry a girl and look so macho now can you put me down please?
Duck: So let's just say that you and Ace are related..... would you have an interest in the greatest action-hero who just happens to be holding you? You can have a lot more fun with feathers and you know what they say about cutting-edge beaks....
Lexi: Duck.....
Duck: .... and did I mention that I descend from Daffy Duck? Talk about good heritage and excellent breeding (smoothes the feathers on his head). Dark plumage and blue eyes, babe! You should be lucky to have me. Why would you want someone like Ace, with whom you may actually be related to? That's just sick!
Lexi: In the previous caption you said that you and Ace are related.
Duck: Did I? Well then.... (gives a wicked smile) how about being with a duck who has two famous ancestors and has the stamina of a bunny... if you get what I mean.
(Lexi slaps him, gets up and leaves.)
Duck: (In Le Pew's accent) Playing hard to get my little pigeon?
The winners write the history, and the losers children will be brainwashed by it.
(Sory for my poor spelling and gramer) Lexi "Duck IF i feel what I think I feel, I'll BRAIN BLAST YOU INTO NEXT WEEK!"
in the end nothing maters so why be coshes in life? live like you whant to live but do not dwingle in sorow. You deside your mental status so why desid to be sad? desid to be happy. Even if you live a thousedn years life is still short. Even if you live a milon years life is still not worth it with out love.
Director: CUUUUUUT! Duck, for the last time, if you`re going to substitute for Ace, you going to put on the yellow suit, mask and ears!
Duck: But it`s hard to breathe in that thing! And yellow is so not me. Why don`t you just put Melissa`s descendant up here and rename the flick "00 Duck" instead?
Lexi: I agree. It`s bad enough that Duck has to be Ace`s sub; l will NOT work with a whiner!
Director: *sighs* Why did Ace have to break his arm this week? Fine, fine, get Mel on the set!
Duck: Of course, Misty Breeze will do just fine too.
Ace: *Sees what is going* What the-?!?! Lexi: Oh boy, we're gonna have an earful. *Puts in ear-plugs* Duck: Um... uh... this is exactly what it looks like. Ace: *Seething in rage*
A proud Acelex Shipper. Please don't hate me. *BAM* Ooooh...
Duck: Oh here it is I found it oh thank god- waitasec... what in bloody 'ell?! This isn't my Misty Breeze picture scrapbook! Help! Somebody help! Somebody's stolen my Misty Breeze picture scrapbook and replaced it with this weird pink and black mammal thing with big ears!
Lexi: Ugh, I swear, this is the ABSOLUTE last time I approach Duck while he's roaring drunk... wait... he keeps a Scrapbook?
Duck: What are you guys looking ar me for? I didn't put glue in Rev's toothpaste or traded Ace's sword for a cookie or broke into Tech's lab and trashed it! I swear!
Ace: We were just going to ask you if you had seen the tv remote, but, now that you mention the other problems we've been having....
Tech: I was enjoying the peace and quiet, but since I found my lab in a mess... you must pay!
Rev: *mumbling* YES!
I believe in Jesus Christ as my Saviour
Lucky: Why can't you Toons just enter a room normaly?! Bonkers: Us Toons don't do normaly things! That's what makes us sooo adorable! X3 Lucky: Yeah, like a trainwreck. -__________-
Cassidy and Dusk: Freaky siamese twins seperated at birth.... ~ Andrea
Many thanks to HCoyote for the awesome avatar! I love it! <3
Danni- Official supporter of Tessidy, Sethidy, Cassless, Duri, Seck, Ricy, Dapphire, Calric, and Cassaghu 83 And Maley D. Because it's wrong. \8D/
Continuing off of Cassidy's.......(and if not, then, oh well.)
Ace: Okay, with all said and done, who here finds Duck guilty? Ace, Tech, Rev: -put up thier hands- Ace: Alright then. Duck, you must be punished for what you did! -looks at Tech and Rev- Any sugestions? Tech: No Misty Breeze and video games! Rev: Clean up HQ for a month! Duck: Uh....is there a third option?
Lucky: Why can't you Toons just enter a room normaly?! Bonkers: Us Toons don't do normaly things! That's what makes us sooo adorable! X3 Lucky: Yeah, like a trainwreck. -__________-
Cassidy and Dusk: Freaky siamese twins seperated at birth.... ~ Andrea
Many thanks to HCoyote for the awesome avatar! I love it! <3
Danni- Official supporter of Tessidy, Sethidy, Cassless, Duri, Seck, Ricy, Dapphire, Calric, and Cassaghu 83 And Maley D. Because it's wrong. \8D/
I found these captins for this pix on a diferent topic, figered I'd post them hear. _______________________________________ Ace: Okay Duck! Where were you on the 24th of June at 10.00pm?
Duck: I was in bed asleep!
Tech: So you deny the fact that you were peeking into the bathroom occupied by none other than Lexi Bunny?
Duck: I wasn't peeking in there! I was just checking to see if anyone was in there! You can't just walk in on someone while they do their private business now can you?!
Rev: Then look me straight in the eye and say you didn't peek into the bathroom occupied by Lexi because you wanted to see her in her full glory!
By Akira_Cat ______________________________________ Duck: Lexi and I were just playing an innocent game of twister! I swear!
Ace: Then where were your clothes?
Duck: Uhhh... strip twister?
Ace: Grrrr!...
By The Skunk __________________________________
Duck: Ok look Im sorry I went on all your fanbase and told them you are gay. I just want more love for mine.
Ace: Look Duck! I understand about Rev and Tech, but not me, you shouldn't have done that.
Tech & Rev: Yeah! Wait? WHAT!?
by WaterJewelEmi _______________________________
in the end nothing maters so why be coshes in life? live like you whant to live but do not dwingle in sorow. You deside your mental status so why desid to be sad? desid to be happy. Even if you live a thousedn years life is still short. Even if you live a milon years life is still not worth it with out love.
Ace: Ok Duck, what did you do with that 500$? Duck: Apart from buying Lexi some flowers, not much Ace: Really?........Wait, WHAT! Tech: You know Lexi is Ace's right Rev: Ya! It common sence!
That one made no sence XD *brick'd* Ow
He needs to be stopped I like BF Heroes! Deal with it!