1. she's right, we should be praying that there will be a third season 2. if u go on kidswb.com and enter the site you'll see that the picture for loonatics unleashed isn't there but its on the schudeule, in the videos, and still on kidswb
I personally would like to see a movie about the Loonatics early days when Zadavia first brought them together (presumably) and formed the Loonatics. I`ll bet you there were some initial struggles as the team had to learn how to cooperate effectively, not to mention get to know one another.
Plus, several questions have to be asked:
Who was Villain No. 1?
What were the Loonatics` initial reaction to the prospect of becoming superheroes?
Was Ace always the capable leader he is now?
Were the other `Tics always willing to obey his commands?
Did Tech and Rev know each other prior to joining up with the Loonatics?
Was Duck willing to work with a team?
Did Lexi develop a crush on Ace upon meeting him, and/or vice versa? (sorry, had to ask )
And most importantly of all, what was Zadavia`s reason for forming the Loonatics?
By the way, I really think this ought to go in another section. This section is about character pairings, after all.
Hmm, i think asking for a LU movie now is a bit too high an expectation. We'll have to see if they green-light a 3rd season first. But of course there's always fanfiction! Maybe someone can write up an awesomeful LU movie story? *Hint hint.*
*thinks* could be possible. If Crossfire doesn't mind, we could take that list (and add other questions) and put them into another topic so we can write the script! Then we can somehow use donuts and sticks to lure Charlie Schlatter, Jason Marsden, Kevin Michael Richardson, Rob Paulsen, Candi Milo, and all the other ppl to do the voices, and then we could find someone on this board who's good with sound equipment, and then all the good artists could get together and make the animations, and.. Duck: Dare to dream, rabid fangirl, dare to dream.