DeviantART now blocks (whether you are a member or not) mature content until you are 18 years of age. Now this kind of makes me mad because now I can not view some of the deviations on my watch list and even one of my own pieces of artwork. Do not get me wrong, I am not a sick person that looks up hardcore porn, but I do watch people like Whitedog2, Yami-shin, and Kaejae's WLU series. It just really got my blood boiling when I found out that I am unable to look at my own piece of art, something I created and should have more rights than anyone else on the website to look at. I sent a complaint about it to the people of the website, heh, like that'll do anything.
This really just makes me mad, sorry if I wasted your time with this, but I really needed to vent.
Try to change your year of birth, it should work. ;) It's what I did in sites like this when I was still under 18 and never had any kind of problem whatsoever.
Heh, I suppose they did that to prevent people from using this trick...they're smarter than the dudes on SheezyArt were...haha. Well then, the only thing you can do is changing account.
I dislike it too. I mean, I can understand not wanting younger (or immature) people to look at more mature artworks, but making it so that you can't even look at your own friggin' art? That's kind of ridiculous...
Bunnies aren't cute like everybody supposes! They've got them hoppy legs and twitchy little noses! And what's with all the carrots! Why do they need such good eyesight for anyway?! Bunnies! Bunnies! It must beBUNNIES!!
Yeah, that's pretty ironic. It's like a 10 year old starring in an R rated movie and then not being able to watch it when it was done. (Which I think does happen)
I noticed that, too! Now I can't view the pics! This is a stupid policy that DA has made >:(
Maddie : *crashes through the wall* EDDIE!!! I'M BACK!! Eddie : NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! And I thought my life was just getting better!! D: Maddie : Well, too bad.