I don't really have a favorite, but all my frinds love manga like Fruits Basket and junk. I personally am not fond of manga, but my friends bug me constantly about it just because I'm 1/2 Japanese. So whenever I go to Japan, I have to buy manga for them. Which was only, like, three times. I'm actually fond of a comic called "Crayon Shinchan." It's a Japanese comic, but I'd rather not say any more since it can be kind of innappropriate. According to my mother, only old Japanese men like Croyon Shinchan, but we both love it anyway.
Seth. Asking for sex at the worst moments imaginable. ~ Emily
Wile E. Coyote was anvil'd, crushed, catapolted, ignited on fire, blown up, runned over, and sent sailing across the desert to God knows where. But he never stopped trying.