That's not really stupid, it's really just something everyone does once in a while. ;) Me? I was in a debate in school and I wanted to make a point, but I didn't no how to word it. So I said something like, "Equal Representation would be good because if the government had problem with the people, then th country would have to deal with Porportional Representation" and other crud like that. And I think I spoke 1/2 Japanese while doing it.
Hmmm... I have had alot of good ones, but I think the best one I can remember is repeatingly grabbing an electric fence in the rain.
It was painful AND fun!
I've done something similar. My dad was holding on to the electric fence on our horse field and told me to hold his hand. Naturally being little, I did. And then suddenly I felt this sort of electric wave pass through me. I found it fun at the time but I only did it twice cos I didn't want to push my luck.
Hmmm... I have had alot of good ones, but I think the best one I can remember is repeatingly grabbing an electric fence in the rain.
It was painful AND fun!
I've done something similar. My dad was holding on to the electric fence on our horse field and told me to hold his hand. Naturally being little, I did. And then suddenly I felt this sort of electric wave pass through me. I found it fun at the time but I only did it twice cos I didn't want to push my luck.
Doesnt beat some of my relatives, they've peed on electric fences. Close up so the stream was intact enough to carry a current... now thats painful.
techfan979 wrote:Doesnt beat some of my relatives, they've peed on electric fences. Close up so the stream was intact enough to carry a current... now thats painful.
Ooh... that must be. I never knew urinating on an electric fence can do that much damage. But urine contains water and water is a conductor of electricity so that would explain why they got shocked.
techfan979 wrote:Doesnt beat some of my relatives, they've peed on electric fences. Close up so the stream was intact enough to carry a current... now thats painful.
Ooh... that must be. I never knew urinating on an electric fence can do that much damage. But urine contains water and water is a conductor of electricity so that would explain why they got shocked.
-- Edited by Akira_Cat at 03:12, 2007-12-07
Most liquids can conduct as far as I know, Plus theres salt in urine making it extra conductable.
I didn't realise salt in liquids makes things more conductable to electricity. I honestly didn't know that!
Watch myth busters. I'm sure alot of people would call it uneducational non-scientific blowing up of crash test dummys, but you pick up alot of scientific facts on the way.
stupid things... stupid things... um... I've: -closed the car door on my sister's friends tumbs. -ran into the corner on a coffee table at 3 yrs. -ran into a closed door -got hit in the back of the head and face with a ball (actually, it happens every P.E. class) -walked into a wooden cabinet (lesson learned: don't walk around with a head cold) -left my sister at our school once (i still feel bad about that...) -uh... made friends with a back-stabber (boy, was that a mistake)
I have no idea why, but whenever we play soccer or any game involving the possibilty of balls flying at 50MPH, I always get hit. Everywhere. It's like the balls are aiming for me. *gets hit in head with random ball*
As for stupid things, I once accidently locked my sister in our barn once. She had to crawl under the pasture gate. I also have a habit of running into chairs. And tables. And other stuff.
I believe in Jesus Christ as my Saviour
Lucky: Why can't you Toons just enter a room normaly?! Bonkers: Us Toons don't do normaly things! That's what makes us sooo adorable! X3 Lucky: Yeah, like a trainwreck. -__________-
Cassidy and Dusk: Freaky siamese twins seperated at birth.... ~ Andrea
Many thanks to HCoyote for the awesome avatar! I love it! <3
Danni- Official supporter of Tessidy, Sethidy, Cassless, Duri, Seck, Ricy, Dapphire, Calric, and Cassaghu 83 And Maley D. Because it's wrong. \8D/
Stupid thing've done.. I think it was during a late night street race, fell asleep in my car while driving, then woke up when my car hit a pole *My poor Skyline*
He needs to be stopped I like BF Heroes! Deal with it!
Probably when I got myself locked in a movie theater bathroom stall and had to crawl out from below the door ^^'
That and walking into a sliding glass window that I was sure was open
Before you ask about the odd name, my friend suggested the name because of an odd Loonatics Character we made up together. It was based on the design of the Beret Girl and yes, she has always struck me as a squirrel, or a chipmunk.
I think it was when I saw my best friend for the first time in 1 year and i like ran to hug her. But she was, like, 12cm next to meh, and she ran, so we like didn't meet and we both ran into walls.
This is Bob. He is a limecat... FEAR BOB! Click my dragonz! "Bob" the dragon was actually a girl, so I let her go I like purple... it's purple. I, like my friend Dani, support these pairings Tessidy, Sethidy, Calric, Seck, Ricy, Duri and Cassless (Sorta XD) And these which she doesn't, Frev, Lock, Lexarchis and Frob!
Stupid thing've done.. I think it was during a late night street race, fell asleep in my car while driving, then woke up when my car hit a pole *My poor Skyline*
Dude, you're like 14 years old. Why are you street racing at all?
This is Bob. He is a limecat... FEAR BOB! Click my dragonz! "Bob" the dragon was actually a girl, so I let her go I like purple... it's purple. I, like my friend Dani, support these pairings Tessidy, Sethidy, Calric, Seck, Ricy, Duri and Cassless (Sorta XD) And these which she doesn't, Frev, Lock, Lexarchis and Frob!
I meant that, if he lives in a different area with different people. There might be alot of weird things where we lives. just an opinon.
This is Bob. He is a limecat... FEAR BOB! Click my dragonz! "Bob" the dragon was actually a girl, so I let her go I like purple... it's purple. I, like my friend Dani, support these pairings Tessidy, Sethidy, Calric, Seck, Ricy, Duri and Cassless (Sorta XD) And these which she doesn't, Frev, Lock, Lexarchis and Frob!
It was the practical test and our sport was volleyball.
Everytime I serve, it always goes in different directions usually hitting the net!
Once I hit it too hard it somehow bounced back to me and hit me on my arm! But it was sort of funny.
PAINFUL is the appropriate word for it actually. Good thing we had our free time after that! At last it's summer here!
I wish upon a star Wanna be right where you are You set my world on fire Babe I got a crush on you I wish upon a star Can't you see how right we are We should be together Babe I got a crush on you
So if you feel the way I do Would you fancy to To take a ride beside me?
Me and you, you and me. Living a life in harmony It's magic(oh it's magic) babe I've got a crush on you [x2]
WOA! So the ball just sorta came out of nowhere and hit you? THE FLYING BALLS ARE INVADING! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
This is Bob. He is a limecat... FEAR BOB! Click my dragonz! "Bob" the dragon was actually a girl, so I let her go I like purple... it's purple. I, like my friend Dani, support these pairings Tessidy, Sethidy, Calric, Seck, Ricy, Duri and Cassless (Sorta XD) And these which she doesn't, Frev, Lock, Lexarchis and Frob!
It just bounced off the ceiling and hit me! Well, I'm practicing my serve with my cousins. And this morning, I got hit at my head!
I wish upon a star Wanna be right where you are You set my world on fire Babe I got a crush on you I wish upon a star Can't you see how right we are We should be together Babe I got a crush on you
So if you feel the way I do Would you fancy to To take a ride beside me?
Me and you, you and me. Living a life in harmony It's magic(oh it's magic) babe I've got a crush on you [x2]
It's inflated of course. And our volleyballs are brand new, which means they're a little hard.
I wish upon a star Wanna be right where you are You set my world on fire Babe I got a crush on you I wish upon a star Can't you see how right we are We should be together Babe I got a crush on you
So if you feel the way I do Would you fancy to To take a ride beside me?
Me and you, you and me. Living a life in harmony It's magic(oh it's magic) babe I've got a crush on you [x2]
Why did you get inflatable volleyballs? We got stuffed ones with a thick, hard skin. ;__;
The stupidest thing I've ever done? Off the top of my head (because I've done some pretty stupid things in my lifetime...) I can remember there was a cat following me down the street, and I was paying it more attention than what I should've been... Then my dad screamed, "EMILY! WATCH OUT!" And I turned to see what he was on about, and walked straight into a pole with so much force it felt like my nose was broken (luckily it wasn't).
I laughed and cried at the same time. XD
Also, I watched 'Signs' not long after I watched 'The Grudge', and I was focusing too much on the little details and freaked myself out, so when I went to bed, I was a little shaken.
Then when I drifted off to sleep I dreamt that someone was standing above me and suffocating me with a pillow. I couldn't scream because of the force, and when I awoke, I found muself to be laying in the exact same position that I was in the dream, which was freaky.
Then I was all paranoid and began to imagine things, like shadows moving about the room and something climbing up my leg (those who've seen 'The Grudge' may remember that scene). And that just drove me into panic, so I pretty much flung back the covers and leapt out of bed, remembering at the last minute that my step sister was sleeping on a mattress on the floor. So I had to dodge her to avoid waking her, and I kinda stumbled into the door.
My leg started caning, but all I could think of was getting out of the room (it's funny how your mind ignores things when it's in a state of panic and goes into 'survival mode'). So I threw open the door and ran out into the hallway... Well... I tried to run out into the hallway.
It seems that when I jumped out of bed at such a speed, I pulled some ligaments in my thigh, and bunged up my leg. So I ended up just collapsing to the floor crying in pain, wailing for my Daddy... Two days before my grade 8 camp. Yup. My first and only highschool camp was ruined because I let myself get freaked out by a couple of stupid movies.
I still went, mind you...
And yes, I was screaming out for my "Daddy" At the age of 14. Sue me. I still hold his hand whilst walking out in public. And I'm turning 17 later on this year. ^__^
Yuuuuup... That's my story. *wanders off*
Andrea: ....I think my kidney laughed. Sye: Your bladder told it to stop. 83
Obviously, everytime you turn the computer off, you lose your internet connection a)Because the computer isn't on to receive data and b)Because you don't need it anymore.
I have teh DSL, and my modem has diagnostic lights. Naturally, every time I powered off, I lost my connection, and the light went red. After the 4th time, I called Tech Support, turned on the computer, and the light turned green again. It was then I realised what was happeneing and why, and hung up before I had the chance to talk to people.
:/ Silly me.
Herr A: We didn't put a Christmas tree up, nothin'. We went to the beach. It was wonderful. BUT... I got in water up to my... crotch area, and when that wave hit ALLLLLLLL my business went running towards my intestinal tract...
I wish upon a star Wanna be right where you are You set my world on fire Babe I got a crush on you I wish upon a star Can't you see how right we are We should be together Babe I got a crush on you
So if you feel the way I do Would you fancy to To take a ride beside me?
Me and you, you and me. Living a life in harmony It's magic(oh it's magic) babe I've got a crush on you [x2]
Stupid thing... h'm. AH YES! I remember one. It only happened a couple months ago...
It was just me and my dad at home. I decided to make dinner before my mom and brother got home. We had two packages of hot dogs so I decided to fry some. Only problem is that they were absolutely frozen solid.
I wasn't too worried. I just threw them on the pan and waited for them to defrost so I could separate them. Not but five minutes later I noticed they weren't looking right... something was off about them. I wasn't sure what.
That's when it hit me. Their was still plastic around them. I grabbed them off the pan, nearly burning my hands as I attempted to rip the plastic off. Unfortunately the plastic had become fused with the hotdogs. I hadn't noticed it before because the plastic was so frozen.
I was a little panicked. My dad was absorbed with his work in his office the room over, so he didn't have any idea what was happening. Knowing my mom would probably be home any minute, I started scheming of a way to get rid of the "evidence," so to speak.
In other words... I smashed up the hotdogs with my bare hands and thought maybe if I just fried them as some sort of mush, it would be okay. Then I realized that the plastic would still be in the mush... so I ran upstairs as fast as I could with the hotdogs and shoved every last bit down the toilet.
Thankfully, we had a second package of hotdogs. Which I was sure to remove the plastic from. I had them cooking when my mom got home.
Noticing I had made only one package, she was like, "Oh, where's the other package of hotdogs?" The only reply I could think of was, "Oh, uh, I don't know. Maybe we used them already..."
My family never did find out what happened to those poor unfortunate hotdogs. XD
And, people, the moral of the story is... make sure to take the plastic off /before/ you cook. >>;
I wish upon a star Wanna be right where you are You set my world on fire Babe I got a crush on you I wish upon a star Can't you see how right we are We should be together Babe I got a crush on you
So if you feel the way I do Would you fancy to To take a ride beside me?
Me and you, you and me. Living a life in harmony It's magic(oh it's magic) babe I've got a crush on you [x2]
I wish upon a star Wanna be right where you are You set my world on fire Babe I got a crush on you I wish upon a star Can't you see how right we are We should be together Babe I got a crush on you
So if you feel the way I do Would you fancy to To take a ride beside me?
Me and you, you and me. Living a life in harmony It's magic(oh it's magic) babe I've got a crush on you [x2]
I wish upon a star Wanna be right where you are You set my world on fire Babe I got a crush on you I wish upon a star Can't you see how right we are We should be together Babe I got a crush on you
So if you feel the way I do Would you fancy to To take a ride beside me?
Me and you, you and me. Living a life in harmony It's magic(oh it's magic) babe I've got a crush on you [x2]
Don't feel bad, Dragon Wing, I was the only one that failed my history class two years ago. THE ONLY ONE. And I wound up taking with that SAME TEACHER. NYARGH.
Herr A: We didn't put a Christmas tree up, nothin'. We went to the beach. It was wonderful. BUT... I got in water up to my... crotch area, and when that wave hit ALLLLLLLL my business went running towards my intestinal tract...
Thanks, Doma. And so it goes. Sometimes school is just one huge bitch.
As far as stupid things goes, last night I had a horrible and humiliating experience involving alcohol. But I think it's safe to say that I'm off of wine now!