Er ya I've been studying about japans school system(which i find very cool by the way),and I though everyone could disscuss it or something,you even get to were slippers in school(Yippie),I really wanna go there one day....
-I'm a techie,and proud of it-
When Every life meet's another life, Something will be born-Qouted by the Shinno Champion Cynthia
You have to clean the bathrooms there. And you have to ride the subway to school everyday and wear uniforms. Summer vacation goes through June and part of July. Seriously. When I rode the subway over there in Japan with my mom in July, we saw groups of girls in plaid skirts and blouses carrying backpacks, and guys wearing white shirts and blue pants carrying backpacks. And, of course, everyone speaks Japanese. But I wouldn't know about it personally. I know, once, my little cousins had to go to school, but they almost refused to go because they wanted to play with me (I'd just flown over there the previous night). Cute kids. Yuki and Kaori.
They also have Saturday schooling. At least at last check I think they did. 7 hours a day 5 days a week is excruciating enough for me right now.
But one thing I do find interesting about the Japanese school system is that the teachers go to different classes in between periods rather than the students. Funky!
I love the sailor fuku uniforms they have there for girls! They're so cute! Although the amount of traveling makes me feel uncomfortable, I love to try the sports clubs they have there.
They also have Saturday schooling. At least at last check I think they did. 7 hours a day 5 days a week is excruciating enough for me right now.
But one thing I do find interesting about the Japanese school system is that the teachers go to different classes in between periods rather than the students. Funky!
its actuelly the same here. We only move to a diffrent room if the current one doesnt have the right tools. year im taking japanese and then we can fo there for 2 weeks and stay with a host family and stuff,and we visit 3 high schools so yep and im also planing to go there after collange for a mouth!
-I'm a techie,and proud of it-
When Every life meet's another life, Something will be born-Qouted by the Shinno Champion Cynthia
Good luck, man. Say hi to my grandma for me if you ever go to ishioka. And if my little cousins are there, say something like, "Luciachan mousugu kuluyo." Never mind, that'd be lying. And then they'd get mad at me. :( Anyhoo, can you speak any Japanese? I mean, the people in convenience stores speak a little english, but Japanese is preferred. And be sure to study up on customs, like make sure you take a shower before going into the public baths. Stuff like that.
I know a little but im learing more next year!plus we stay with the host family for 7 days so yep.I think were going to kyoto but thats all i know,we are going to 2 differnat citys though!i know alot about there customs though im studying so i dont make a fool of myself!
-I'm a techie,and proud of it-
When Every life meet's another life, Something will be born-Qouted by the Shinno Champion Cynthia
Good luck. It's really hard to get around there if you don't speak fluent Japanese. And I warn you, there's nothing there like what's on anime and and cartoons over there. Just make sure you know everything you can about Japan before deciding to live there.
Don't know about the earthquake part (never been there when there was one) but the mean and overpopuated thing I've experienced first hand. Not pretty. XD
when im done collage i want to move to kyoto,whats the living princes,food costs,whats the climate like and can you get a job as a vet,and other things....
-It's Cool To be a Duckie- -Vitani the lioness with an additude we can all trust!
Living prices: Very expensive. Food costs: Expensive. Climate: Kyoto is very humid/hot in the summer and very cold in the winter (it's surrounded by mountains). Nice falls and springs. Vet: ..... uh... yeah. Just like everywhere else in developed countries that own pets. But you have to get REALLY good at Japanese. Like, master the language. Especially if you're doing something like that. Japan gives you an exam (all in Japanese) about the vet stuff. And then you have to become an intern before you can be a vet.
Source: My mom, born and raised in Japan until the age of 27 when she moved to America with her new husband, aka my dad.
Seth. Asking for sex at the worst moments imaginable. ~ Emily
Wile E. Coyote was anvil'd, crushed, catapolted, ignited on fire, blown up, runned over, and sent sailing across the desert to God knows where. But he never stopped trying.