Serenity’s Play # 1 ME (Serenity): Okay, I’ve talked to the Warner Brothers studio and they have given me permission to use you guys in my own personal shows and plays. So what do you think of that? Loonatics: *gulps* Me: Aw, come on! It’ll be fun! I promise! Now for the first play we’re starting with something easy… Duck: Like what, Little Red Riding Hood? Me: You read my mind, Duck! Loonatics glare at Duck. Me: Okay… I’ve already got the cast and script done. Here are the characters… Red’s mom will be played by Lexi… Lexi: Okay… Me: Red will be played by Duck… Duck: WHAT!!!! Me: Granny will be Ace… Ace: ……… Me: The lumberjack will be Rev… Rev: I-can-deal-with-that. Me: Slam is the narrator… Slam: Huh? Me: And the part of the wolf goes to Tech! Tech: Hold on! This is because I’m a coyote isn’t it?! You think a blood thirsty wild dog like me would be the sort to waltz up to a little girl and her grandma and eat them up huh?! Is that where you’re going with this!!!!!? Me: Great job!!! That was perfect!! Now if you act like that in this play we’re sure to be a hit! Tech: Me: Here’s your scripts! You have an hour to memorize them and get into your costumes! Good Luck!!!
Me an hour later: ……and….ACTION! Curtain comes up. Lexi is in an apron and Duck is wearing a blue frilly dress and a red hooded cape. Lexi’s trying not to laugh. Slam is pretending to read the book in front of him and starts narrating…Slam: Grubarabreegru drabagara…. Lexi: Now Du—I mean Dear, bring these goodies to G-g-granny at the other end of the woods. He—I mean she isn’t feeling well. Lexi’s trying to force back a grin. Duck huffs and says half heartedly… Duck: Yes mother dearest. I will bring these goodies to Granny. Lexi is ready to explode: And remember to not talk to strangers and stay away from the coyo---wolf! Stay away from the big bad wolf! Duck: Yes mother dearest. I will do as you ask. I loathe—love you. Good bye. End of scene and you can hear Lexi busting up behind the set.
Next scene Duck is in a forest on a trail with a basket, skipping along and despising every second of it… Slam: Rugarugrab dababgudab greedagrub
Duck: Do I half to? Slam: Res… Duck sighs: Lalalalalalalala… You can hear Lexi and Rev laughing behind stage as Tech jumps out from behind a cardboard bush. He is dressed in a fury brown costume. Tech rolls his eyes as he say his lines. Tech: Hello Little Red. What do you have in that basket there?Duck: Roadrunner… A red hand comes out of the curtain and whacks Duck over the head. Tech does the same… Duck: I mean cookies! Tech: Where are you taking those yummy cookies? Duck: To my Granny’s (behind his hand) if you want to eat him go right ahead… Me: Duck: I mean… She lives just down this road at the other side of the woods. I have to go see him now. By bye… Duck skips along down the path. Tech rubs his hands evilly as he turns to the audience. Tech: I will get there before Red and eat her Granny and then her! Mwahahaha!
Next scene Tech is at Granny’s house. Slam makes a few narrative gurgles. Tech knocks on the door. An annoyed voice sounds from inside. Lexi is still laughing… Ace: Who is it…?
Tech makes a girly voice and Rev cracks up as well.
Tech: It’s me. Little Red. Ace: Please come in… Tech enters cottage. Ace is in a bed with a pink bonnet and nightgown. Hs face is laying on his hand in an extremely impatient figure. Ace: Oh. Wait. You do not look like my Red… Lexi and Rev crack up… Tech: I will eat you up with big pointy teeth! Ace: Oh. Please. No.
Next scene Duck is at the door. Slam narrates. Duck knocks. Tech sounds from inside with an irritated tone. Tech: Who is it? Duck is equally as irritated: It’s your darling… do I have to say this line, Serenity? Me: Yes… Duck sighs: Your darling baby bugging bugga boo…
Tech is heard trying not to snicker but does it anyways.
Tech: Come in! Darling baby bugging bugga boo… Duck walks in and we see Tech in a bonnet with his face half covered by a sheet. Duck shakes his head. “You're laughing at me when you’re wearing a bonnet… Tech growls: You’re wearing a dress so keep doing your freakin’ lines… Duck: Oh my. What big eyes you have… Tech jumps up: I’m not doing this! I’m just gonna cut to the part where I eat them to save the audience pain… Tech chases a screaming Duck off set.
Next scene. Slam narrates with some UN pronounceable gurgles and Rev enters holding an axe and wearing a yodeling costume. Me: CUT! Rev, you’re supposed to be dressed as a lumberjack, not a yodeler. Rev: I-know- Serenity-but-the-lumberjack-costume-was-big-enough-to-fit-slam-and-this-was-the-only-costume-skinny-enough-for-me-that-wouldn’t-make-me-look-ridiculous. Duck from offset: And that costume doesn’t make you look ridiculous? Rev crosses his arms: Compared-to-you,-no… Me: Okay, whatever… just keep going… Rev barges into the cottage and points at Tech, who is still chasing Duck around in circles. Rev: How-dare-you-come-in-here-and-terrorize-this-little-duck-and-his-Granny!-I-shall-see-to-it-you-are-taken-care-of-you-barberic-dog! Tech turned swiftly around, hurt. Tech: B-but… Rev… I thought me being a coyote didn’t matter to you…I thought we were best buds…
Rev moves over to Tech and talks to him behind his hand.
Rev: Uh… Tech. We-are-best-buds-but-we’re-kinda-sorta-acting-here. Tech: Oh…right…sorry… Uh…stick to the script? Rev: Yeah-that-would-be-a-good-idea… Rev starts chasing Tech with his axe until finally they run off set.Curtain closes. Lexi is still laughing…
Me: Bravo! Bravo! Encore! The audience wants an encore! Loonatics: Encore?!!!!! The Loonatics are still in their costumes as they come out from behind the curtain. Their eyes are glowing. Me: *gulp* Loonatics chase me out of the theatre with giant mallets… The End!
-- Edited by lovegreenanred at 18:23, 2008-03-06
Me: I SHALL HAVE THEE FERRET GOD OF DOOM SMITE YE DOWN IF YE FAIL TO DO SO!!!!!! I SHAAAAAAALLLLL!!!!!!!! Ozzie: *standing on a tall pillar in a cape and robes with his stone glowing* MWAHAHAHA!!!!! Do as she says or I shall turn you all into bugs! AHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Ant:... Is that supposed to be a threat? Rev: *squeals like a girl and jumps into Ace's arms* They're BACK!!! D8
Thanks! And yes I do need to organize it... when I figure out how. I'm making another one so if there are any requests for a classic folktale I'll keep them in mind.^_^
Me: I SHALL HAVE THEE FERRET GOD OF DOOM SMITE YE DOWN IF YE FAIL TO DO SO!!!!!! I SHAAAAAAALLLLL!!!!!!!! Ozzie: *standing on a tall pillar in a cape and robes with his stone glowing* MWAHAHAHA!!!!! Do as she says or I shall turn you all into bugs! AHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Ant:... Is that supposed to be a threat? Rev: *squeals like a girl and jumps into Ace's arms* They're BACK!!! D8
Okay! It's fixed! Party ova here! Wooh Wooh! Party ova there! Wooh Wooh!
Me: I SHALL HAVE THEE FERRET GOD OF DOOM SMITE YE DOWN IF YE FAIL TO DO SO!!!!!! I SHAAAAAAALLLLL!!!!!!!! Ozzie: *standing on a tall pillar in a cape and robes with his stone glowing* MWAHAHAHA!!!!! Do as she says or I shall turn you all into bugs! AHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Ant:... Is that supposed to be a threat? Rev: *squeals like a girl and jumps into Ace's arms* They're BACK!!! D8
Abby: Do you think it's possible to die from boredom? Chen: I don't think so. Abby: What if your mind wandered off in a daydream and you forgot to eat or drink for days? Chen: Then you'd die of starvation and dehydration. Abby: Caused by boredom.
Hells No! I freeze on the phone when I go to order pizza! + I don't even know WB's phone nuber. If you have it could you hand it over so I can give them a peice of my mind for tacking the show off...
Me: I SHALL HAVE THEE FERRET GOD OF DOOM SMITE YE DOWN IF YE FAIL TO DO SO!!!!!! I SHAAAAAAALLLLL!!!!!!!! Ozzie: *standing on a tall pillar in a cape and robes with his stone glowing* MWAHAHAHA!!!!! Do as she says or I shall turn you all into bugs! AHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Ant:... Is that supposed to be a threat? Rev: *squeals like a girl and jumps into Ace's arms* They're BACK!!! D8
I know that. It still pisses me off they're not airing it for a while. I had to go out and buy the two seasons on DVD. Do you know how hard it is to get a hold of those when you can't order it? Took me months man! Rev: Serenity-calm-down... Me:Only if you give me a huuuug... Rev:Uh... *Me whomps Rev* Rev:GETEROFFME!!!
Me: I SHALL HAVE THEE FERRET GOD OF DOOM SMITE YE DOWN IF YE FAIL TO DO SO!!!!!! I SHAAAAAAALLLLL!!!!!!!! Ozzie: *standing on a tall pillar in a cape and robes with his stone glowing* MWAHAHAHA!!!!! Do as she says or I shall turn you all into bugs! AHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Ant:... Is that supposed to be a threat? Rev: *squeals like a girl and jumps into Ace's arms* They're BACK!!! D8
Abby: Do you think it's possible to die from boredom? Chen: I don't think so. Abby: What if your mind wandered off in a daydream and you forgot to eat or drink for days? Chen: Then you'd die of starvation and dehydration. Abby: Caused by boredom.
We could try calling Information for the number...anyways, anyone have any sugestions for another play? Anyone? Please... ^.^
Me: I SHALL HAVE THEE FERRET GOD OF DOOM SMITE YE DOWN IF YE FAIL TO DO SO!!!!!! I SHAAAAAAALLLLL!!!!!!!! Ozzie: *standing on a tall pillar in a cape and robes with his stone glowing* MWAHAHAHA!!!!! Do as she says or I shall turn you all into bugs! AHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Ant:... Is that supposed to be a threat? Rev: *squeals like a girl and jumps into Ace's arms* They're BACK!!! D8
.........never seen that. Not planning to either. To mushy... I'm thinking somewhere along the line of folklores like Little Red Riding Hood.
Me: I SHALL HAVE THEE FERRET GOD OF DOOM SMITE YE DOWN IF YE FAIL TO DO SO!!!!!! I SHAAAAAAALLLLL!!!!!!!! Ozzie: *standing on a tall pillar in a cape and robes with his stone glowing* MWAHAHAHA!!!!! Do as she says or I shall turn you all into bugs! AHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Ant:... Is that supposed to be a threat? Rev: *squeals like a girl and jumps into Ace's arms* They're BACK!!! D8
OHMYGOSH! Perfect! Thanksoooooo Techfan! ^_^ It will most likely be done by the end of the weekend. *runs in a cloud of dust to my room to write*
-- Edited by lovegreenanred at 14:01, 2008-03-08
Me: I SHALL HAVE THEE FERRET GOD OF DOOM SMITE YE DOWN IF YE FAIL TO DO SO!!!!!! I SHAAAAAAALLLLL!!!!!!!! Ozzie: *standing on a tall pillar in a cape and robes with his stone glowing* MWAHAHAHA!!!!! Do as she says or I shall turn you all into bugs! AHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Ant:... Is that supposed to be a threat? Rev: *squeals like a girl and jumps into Ace's arms* They're BACK!!! D8
Nix that. I finished the second play but it probably wont be posted until tuesday. For some reason the thumb drive I put it on isn't letting me open the file. But yeah, Jack and the Beanstalk everybody... ^_^
Me: I SHALL HAVE THEE FERRET GOD OF DOOM SMITE YE DOWN IF YE FAIL TO DO SO!!!!!! I SHAAAAAAALLLLL!!!!!!!! Ozzie: *standing on a tall pillar in a cape and robes with his stone glowing* MWAHAHAHA!!!!! Do as she says or I shall turn you all into bugs! AHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Ant:... Is that supposed to be a threat? Rev: *squeals like a girl and jumps into Ace's arms* They're BACK!!! D8
Thanks Riley! Do you have any requests for a folklore?
Me: I SHALL HAVE THEE FERRET GOD OF DOOM SMITE YE DOWN IF YE FAIL TO DO SO!!!!!! I SHAAAAAAALLLLL!!!!!!!! Ozzie: *standing on a tall pillar in a cape and robes with his stone glowing* MWAHAHAHA!!!!! Do as she says or I shall turn you all into bugs! AHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Ant:... Is that supposed to be a threat? Rev: *squeals like a girl and jumps into Ace's arms* They're BACK!!! D8
You know, a fairytale. Little red riding hood, jack in the beanstalk... something like that.
Me: I SHALL HAVE THEE FERRET GOD OF DOOM SMITE YE DOWN IF YE FAIL TO DO SO!!!!!! I SHAAAAAAALLLLL!!!!!!!! Ozzie: *standing on a tall pillar in a cape and robes with his stone glowing* MWAHAHAHA!!!!! Do as she says or I shall turn you all into bugs! AHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Ant:... Is that supposed to be a threat? Rev: *squeals like a girl and jumps into Ace's arms* They're BACK!!! D8
ohh adventure iland because i think the loonatics would fit perfectly in that tale i bet lexi would make a good amelia adventure iland is a very rare story my great great great grandma caryol wrote
-- Edited by rileybunny at 20:36, 2008-03-11
-- Edited by rileybunny at 20:43, 2008-03-11
stuff that i like:
i like acexi fanfics
hannah montana
goodvsevil (and good wins and then they meet brandon and kick his sorry little butt!)
Sorry, I don't think I kinow that one. I would definatly consider it if I did. Try to pick something simpler, like a grim-brothers story.
Me: I SHALL HAVE THEE FERRET GOD OF DOOM SMITE YE DOWN IF YE FAIL TO DO SO!!!!!! I SHAAAAAAALLLLL!!!!!!!! Ozzie: *standing on a tall pillar in a cape and robes with his stone glowing* MWAHAHAHA!!!!! Do as she says or I shall turn you all into bugs! AHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Ant:... Is that supposed to be a threat? Rev: *squeals like a girl and jumps into Ace's arms* They're BACK!!! D8
Me: I SHALL HAVE THEE FERRET GOD OF DOOM SMITE YE DOWN IF YE FAIL TO DO SO!!!!!! I SHAAAAAAALLLLL!!!!!!!! Ozzie: *standing on a tall pillar in a cape and robes with his stone glowing* MWAHAHAHA!!!!! Do as she says or I shall turn you all into bugs! AHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Ant:... Is that supposed to be a threat? Rev: *squeals like a girl and jumps into Ace's arms* They're BACK!!! D8
Me: I SHALL HAVE THEE FERRET GOD OF DOOM SMITE YE DOWN IF YE FAIL TO DO SO!!!!!! I SHAAAAAAALLLLL!!!!!!!! Ozzie: *standing on a tall pillar in a cape and robes with his stone glowing* MWAHAHAHA!!!!! Do as she says or I shall turn you all into bugs! AHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Ant:... Is that supposed to be a threat? Rev: *squeals like a girl and jumps into Ace's arms* They're BACK!!! D8
DFLSH! That was hilarious! Kiki:Duck was a chick, hehe. Duck: Hey! Techie: That was funny! Cidney: D.D.D and Samuri Dad were chicks! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahah... Loonatics, Techie, Kiki, me: Cidney: okay, i'm good. *freezes* what does DFLSH mean? Me: dead from laughing so hard. Others: ohhh, we get it.
I support Rexi, Acexi, Texi. Yaoi is the manga term for guy/guy. I will support that to, but only if its well writen.
Thank you! This one is just minor humor compared to the other. ^^
Me: I SHALL HAVE THEE FERRET GOD OF DOOM SMITE YE DOWN IF YE FAIL TO DO SO!!!!!! I SHAAAAAAALLLLL!!!!!!!! Ozzie: *standing on a tall pillar in a cape and robes with his stone glowing* MWAHAHAHA!!!!! Do as she says or I shall turn you all into bugs! AHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Ant:... Is that supposed to be a threat? Rev: *squeals like a girl and jumps into Ace's arms* They're BACK!!! D8