The episodes are in order: 01.Zadavia has returned.( A villain returns and zadavia returns also.) That's it.
02. Know when to live. ( the loonatics have to stop a villain from destroy the world.
03. Blast from the past. ( Ace and Tech face some predictions and flashbacks that might actully happen.)
04: New friend, Old enemy ( The loonatics meet a new friend and see an old enemy.)
05. The year things go weird pt.1 ( Steve, the loonatics' new friend buys a game and they become weird things in the game.)
06. The year things go weird pt.2( Same story as pt.1. Except it continues and they split up and turn against eachother. At the end everything is normal.)
07. The Unexpected. ( The loonatics go on a holiday to a mysterious hotel, but this hotel isn't any normal hotel.)
08. The minute its gone. ( The loonatics try and catch any evil magicain.)
09. Girls? ( The loonatics turn into the opposite sex.)
10. The new planet. ( The loonatics dicover a new planet that never existed nd Steve meets his new girlfriend.)
11. Suprise! ( Its Rev's birthday but someone from Rev's past returns. )
12. Masked Villain Returns. ( The villain they faced in(girls?) returns and he met some new friends.)
13: The Planet conquer. ( Finale. The villain team tries to take the king's crown and save Steve's girlfriend before its too late.)
There you go. let me know what are the ones that you have read already.