If your a heavy gamer, you've probably heard of this guy.
He is an attorney and activist. He thinks that video games are the cause of everything wrong with society, He even went too far when he sent a letter to Bill Gates saying that Halo 3 is too violent. Good Luck with that.
His most recent bit....'campaign' was against Take-Two and Rockstar's Game Grand Theft Auto 4 (which is kick ass by the way), he described the the whole GTA series as a murder simulator, well he describes all FPS games like that.
Jack also said that games are the cause of the Virgina Tech Shootings, the game he blamed was Counter-Strike, and sent a letter to Bill Gates saying: "Mr. Gates, your company is potentially legally liable (for) the harm done at Virginia Tech. Your game, a killing simulator, according to the news that used to be in the Post, trained him to enjoy killing and how to kill" Funny thing about that was that Microsoft didn't create the game only published the XBOX version.
He is basically hated by lots of people, Mostly gamers. TV, Movies, Music, and Bad parenting can also have an effect on society, not just video games, but Jack seems to not know that.
Right now, he is being considered for an 'enhanced' disbarment by the Florida Supreme Court for a large number of inappropriate conduct, including 27 violation of rules of the Florida Bar (who Jack also went against at some point) and attempting to practice law out of state without local permission.