Ive seen her! She's cute! Looks jsut like Speedy! ^_^
Me: I SHALL HAVE THEE FERRET GOD OF DOOM SMITE YE DOWN IF YE FAIL TO DO SO!!!!!! I SHAAAAAAALLLLL!!!!!!!! Ozzie: *standing on a tall pillar in a cape and robes with his stone glowing* MWAHAHAHA!!!!! Do as she says or I shall turn you all into bugs! AHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Ant:... Is that supposed to be a threat? Rev: *squeals like a girl and jumps into Ace's arms* They're BACK!!! D8
Hhhmmm....serenity is most commonly used as a word then a name. Hey! You should look up what serenity is in Spanish Soupapowa!
Me: I SHALL HAVE THEE FERRET GOD OF DOOM SMITE YE DOWN IF YE FAIL TO DO SO!!!!!! I SHAAAAAAALLLLL!!!!!!!! Ozzie: *standing on a tall pillar in a cape and robes with his stone glowing* MWAHAHAHA!!!!! Do as she says or I shall turn you all into bugs! AHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Ant:... Is that supposed to be a threat? Rev: *squeals like a girl and jumps into Ace's arms* They're BACK!!! D8
Me: I'm on it! Quick: *looks over my shoulder* ...did ya get it? Me: uno momento... Quick: ............how bout now? Me: no! not yet...wait why don't you just tell her?! Quick: ...it's serenidad by the way Me:
AW HEY! That's cool! Thanks Quicky! Serenidad. Hhhmmm...sounds like a name I coul;d give my pop....c(X
Me: I SHALL HAVE THEE FERRET GOD OF DOOM SMITE YE DOWN IF YE FAIL TO DO SO!!!!!! I SHAAAAAAALLLLL!!!!!!!! Ozzie: *standing on a tall pillar in a cape and robes with his stone glowing* MWAHAHAHA!!!!! Do as she says or I shall turn you all into bugs! AHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Ant:... Is that supposed to be a threat? Rev: *squeals like a girl and jumps into Ace's arms* They're BACK!!! D8
Hi! Quick rules on DA. I was wondering who you were. NO Offense or anything but i was puzzled that thier was a few quick x seth pairings. In your art its Quickxrev. Love her! Kiki: quicks coool Techie/Minerva: (hehe) yeah Jake: duh Cidney: I like her.
I support Rexi, Acexi, Texi. Yaoi is the manga term for guy/guy. I will support that to, but only if its well writen.
It's ok, Fantasy. I got confused at first. Soupah (or DarkInSye) actually created Quick... But another fan (4get) has chosen to pair her up with her own OC. :3
ALSO! I've got a picture I drew of Quick... somewhere...
I've actually drawn a lot of the main OCs on this board (Cassidy, Quick, Icy, Rita (Iggy's OC))... I should DO something with it. XD
ANYWAY! I love Quick's design! But I also love how Iggy makes her more and more curvaceous... I think I prefer her as a curvaceous character. :3
Andrea: ....I think my kidney laughed. Sye: Your bladder told it to stop. 83
Quick: *runs in* CLEAR! *shcoks me with heart...reviver...thing >,>* Me: *deep breath* YOU DREW A PICTURE OF WHO? SOME...WHERE?....O,O.....*falls back* Quick: oh no, no fainting. nuh uh no, not today.
....*ahem* yes, well......you are right Xtream I created Quick and 4gets creathed Seth.
Actually I kinda ship BOTH pairings ...buuuut I'm more partial to QuickXRev...because that was the origional one. But QuickxSeth is still cute to me ^-^
The only reason I don't have any QuickXSeth art in my gallery is becaue (unlike Mizz Xtreamcrazy up there ^) I lack the skillz to draw other's OCs to my liking :/ But as soon as I feel I got im' down, I'll draw Seth and Quick
Anyway, I'm glad you both like her design 8D And Actually I DO love how Iggy draws Quick more curvaceous. Because that's how she's SUPPOSED to look.....I'm trying to work on drawing her more like that But I'm just so darn stiff with my pencil *shakesfist*
oh yeah....by the way Quick has something to say.
Quick: thanks girls....and "Duh" huh? .... oh yeah...I think I like this girl Jake. she's coo-- Me: -__- she's a cat. Quick: DX AHHHHHHHHH! *jumps into my arms*
Jake: not my fault i'm a cat! Beside, Mickey is thinkin up a vegetarian lifestyle for me. Me: Meh, i want my ocs to be friends with everyone. Techie/Minerva: cept duck. kiki: yeah. i'm in the same boat as you quick. He keeps flirting with me.
Cidney: *stage whisper* thoughs she is in love with rip!
Kiki: grrr
I support Rexi, Acexi, Texi. Yaoi is the manga term for guy/guy. I will support that to, but only if its well writen.
Kiki: thank you! Cidney: hehe you both got the attantion of d.d.d Techie/Minerva: I feel for you all. Jake: ahola Quick. Me: dont worry quick. Jakes a vegitarian
I support Rexi, Acexi, Texi. Yaoi is the manga term for guy/guy. I will support that to, but only if its well writen.
Jake: sigh. the reason i dont eat meat is because i cant digest it right. Besides. It would be murder to eat you. Cidney: Yeah, it would... wait i thought you were an assasian? Jake: ex assasian. Cidnay: oh yeah you quite after eing orderd to kill the loonatics, my parents. *frezzes* that means quick my family to. CRAP! Techie/Minerva: i thought you like quick Cidney: I do, but i need another nickname! and my brain hurts from thinking so much. Kiki: because you never use it. Cidney:
-- Edited by fantasychick10 at 02:22, 2008-12-20
I support Rexi, Acexi, Texi. Yaoi is the manga term for guy/guy. I will support that to, but only if its well writen.
Cidney: meh, i just call loonatics nicknames because i was raised by em. techs scidad, slams slamdad, ducks D.D.D, lexis mum, ace is samuri dad, and revs daddy. Kiki: *whispers to Jake* maybe quick should be mommy. Jake: *shakes head* i wont kill you. I save the loonatics lifes! beside, Tech would murder me. Techie?minerva: daddy would Tehc: *comes in picks up Teche/Minerva* time for bed. Techie/Minerva: not... tir..ed...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Jake: and my mom hates the fact i'm *adapts druken slur* "around prey all day and does nothing, and i said nothing about it." Kiki: your moms a drunk right. Jake: no s*ht sherlock,
I support Rexi, Acexi, Texi. Yaoi is the manga term for guy/guy. I will support that to, but only if its well writen.
Jake: *facepalm* my mother is a ^&%&ing drucken b*^ch who thinks that i cant be friends with birds or mice. Cidney: Heehee, that would be funny. Mommy and daddy. Heeeheee Kiki: opiuntybg. Me: KIKI THATS RUDE
-- Edited by fantasychick10 at 03:07, 2008-12-20
I support Rexi, Acexi, Texi. Yaoi is the manga term for guy/guy. I will support that to, but only if its well writen.
Kiki: see they didnt notice! Me: KIKIMIRI! Kiki: sigh, i'm sorry for being rude. Cindey: mommy and daddy, i just did that cause Mickeys obsesed with the pairing quick rev. Jake: i dont get that. Me" What? Jake" your nickname. Me: my last names mckee, kind of sounds like mickey. Jake:
-- Edited by fantasychick10 at 03:30, 2008-12-20
-- Edited by fantasychick10 at 03:32, 2008-12-20
I support Rexi, Acexi, Texi. Yaoi is the manga term for guy/guy. I will support that to, but only if its well writen.
XD of course we like her, shes awsome. I drew her totally randomly cause i was doodiling and i thought, Hey, this is pretty cool, so i drew her in a pic with Katlin, Ace bunnys younger sister (and buttkicker when she is mad at him XD) then i drew her with my other ocs Dili, Cat and Kit. CAT ISNT A CAT
and my scanner wont hook up to the internet but i am going to use my mothers work scanner, she owns a gym.
JUNK FOOOOOOOOD! Is MickD speach for hello and goodbye! 8D