Imagine if they're was an episode of LU when the Loonatics go into a parralel universe where the meet their polar opposites, kind of like in Kingdom Hearts there is a parralel universe with poplar opposites of the main characters known as "The Nobodies".
Here's a comparasion of the REAL Loonatics and their polar opposite counterparts (at Least how I imagined it): --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ace: A fearless leader that has a Brooklynn accent.
Ace's polar opposite: A whimpy Mickey Mouse-like character that has a high annoying voice
Lexi: An independant gal with even attitude
Lexi's polar opposite: A deadly combenation of an army sargent and a gym teacher
Danger Duck: A short, greedy, danger proned, and mistreated super hero
Duck's polar opposite: A tall, rich, flexible, and popular super hero
Tech: An intelligent genuise and inventor with a dry sceanes of humor
Tech's polar opposite: An incredible stupid idiot that doesn't know diddly squatt about technology and stuffs things up his nose
Rev: A hyper-active, happy-go-lucky, fast talking roadrunner friend you'd like to have
Rev's polar opposite: A total emo that acts more angestier and talks a bit slower then Rip, is mostly quiet, and doesn't give a care about anything
Slam: A discusting, messy slob that can only speak a little English
Slam's polar opposite: A clean-cut gentleman that speaks English really well
Oh! Can you try and guess Cassidy's polar opposite?
Cassidy: Extremely hard-headed tomboy who gets a little nervous at times.
Cassidy's Polar Opposite: ????
Conscience: NO! Bad Danielle! You have too many already and school's starting soon! DX
I believe in Jesus Christ as my Saviour
Lucky: Why can't you Toons just enter a room normaly?! Bonkers: Us Toons don't do normaly things! That's what makes us sooo adorable! X3 Lucky: Yeah, like a trainwreck. -__________-
Cassidy and Dusk: Freaky siamese twins seperated at birth.... ~ Andrea
Many thanks to HCoyote for the awesome avatar! I love it! <3
Danni- Official supporter of Tessidy, Sethidy, Cassless, Duri, Seck, Ricy, Dapphire, Calric, and Cassaghu 83 And Maley D. Because it's wrong. \8D/
Lexi's polar opposite: A deadly combenation of an army sargent and a gym teacher
H'm, I'm not sure if that's an accurate polar opposite of Lexi... -ponders- I'm trying to think of how to describe a polar opposite of Lexi, but I'm finding it difficult because there's an insulting way to describe her polar opposite and a more neutral way... and frankly I'm not sure where I stand with her right now. xD