The dark figure that laid on the ground razed up his hand. No details where there, only darkness and shades of gray. The sounds of fighting echoed around the dark void. The faded reds of fire where every were. Other detail-less figures fought around the one that laid on the ground who held the out line of a gun in his hand. A gun shot was heard and another figure fell down to the ground. The freshly wounded figure became visible for a split second as it's limp body struck the ground.
Angel jolted up into the sitting position from her slumber with tears soaking her face and sweat matted her blond hair to her head. Through her deep panting she realized she heard her mothers voice gently cooing warm words to her and rocked her in her arms.
Angel closed her eyes and let the tears pour out like rain as she clutched to her mother. What the child had seen in her dream scared her and confused her. Was her dream trying to tell her something? If it was she hoped with all her heart it wasn't to come to be.
“It's okay. I'm hear, Angel. It'll be all right.” Lexi whispered to her crying child. Angels cries quickly became small whimpers. “Do you want to tell me what the dream was about?”
Lexi could feel her daughter shake her head back and fourth, “Are you sure? It mite make you feel better.”
“I don't want to.” Angel mumbled with her head bared deep into her mothers side.
“All right then. I wont make you tell me if you don't want to.” Lexi replied stroking her daughters short hair.
Lexi looked up when she heard the flap door of the tent. There stood a gray rabbit with deep blue eyes, “Is every t'ing okay Lex? I heard Angels cries from my tent.”
“One moment Ace.” The tan rabbit turned her head back to her child, “Are you going to be okay now Angel?”
Angel nodded. Lexi gently laid Angel back down. Angel turned onto her side and grabbed a near by white cap. The cap meant a lot to the child. The cap had once belonged to her father. The father she had never known. The child knew very little of her father in truth. She didn't even know that the only physical trade she shared with her father was her blue eyes. Other wise she was near identical to her mother.
Sure that her child was okay, Lexi stood up in the tent and walked out to speak with the gray rabbit.
“What was dat about Lexi?” He asked with concern when she came out.
“It was a Nightmare. She wont tell me what it was about. Ace, she's had this nightmare four times in a row. Every time she wont tell me what there about. Ace I'm getting scared.” She said on the brink of tears. Ace pulled her into a hug, “Ace what if there from the attacks on the camp? Maybe it was the wrong idea to bring her.”
“Lexi I don't t'ink dere from the attack, because why would dey be startin' now? And you know as well as I Angel would of come. She has to much of you and me in her. She would of fought tooth and nail to come, or she would of fallowed us wit' out us knowin'.” Ace, leader of the Loonatics, was Angels father. Very few knew he was, and this included Angel. Only two others knew the truth about Angels origen. They where Lexi's dear friend, Rat-a, and the Queen of Fruten who most believed to be dead, Kiara. Ace himself had only recently learned about his daughter.
Lexi had once been part of the Loonatics team on Acmetropials. There she had had a secret relationship with Ace resulting in Angel. But before Lexi had even known she was with child there enemy, the Kuton Army, took her away from them, and had them believe she was dead. It made her unable to ever tell them about the child.
How ever one day the Loonatics cam across Angel in the streets of Acmetropilic. Angel told the Loonatics about how there 'deceased' friend was alive. The Loonatics where reunited with there lost team mate, and agreed to help in stopping the Kuton army who had been forcing there, cruel and unjust, rule upon the people of the planet Fruten.
“I guess you right.” Lexi lightly checked at Ace's statement. She looked back at the tent, “Well I should probably be getting back in there. Good night Ace.”
“Night Lexi.” He replied as he watched her go in. In side the tent where only two beds and a few bags. Things that where easy to travail with. Out side the tent Ace gave a look around the camp. Many portable small tents where set up, and a few lanterns where hung.
They where making an army to fight against the Kutons. So far there numbers where deep into the hundreds and growing every day. They where open with the knowledge that they existed. They didn't try to hid the fact that they where there. Unlike the Freedom Fighters, a group who also fights against the Kuton Army, but hide there existence. With this known it didn't surprise any of them that the Kutons where after them. The Kutons feared them, It was plane to see.
The Loonatics had only been at this for three weeks, and already there numbers where large and the Kutons had tried to stop them by attacking them when ever they camped. How the Kutons seemed to know there every location they didn't know, but they weren't scared and didn't let it bother them.
Two characters ran up to Ace. One was a Duck wearing a uniform that had a orange triangle across his chest. The other one was a dark brown-red hare with light blue eyes. There names where Danger Duck and Thomson Scot, or Duck and Pop-pa as people tend to call them. Duck was a member of the Loonatics and was the only one of them to know that Ace and Lexi had been together one night that resulted in the pregnancy of Angel, but still he had no idea the Ace was angles father. Pop-pa was one of Lexi's closest and most trusted friends; When Ace had first meet him he believed Pop-pa to be Angels father, but Lexi had soon cleared that up.
“Hay Ace. Are shift for patrolling the perimeter is done.” Duck reported.
“We saw nothing out of the ordinary, and nothing to be concerned about.” Pop-pa added.
“Ah, Good. Go wake Tech and Rev and tell them it's there turn to patrol. Then get some rest.” Ace ordered. The two nodded and went on there way. Ace gave one last glance at the tent that held the mother of his child and his child before going off to get some rest himself.
Sapphire: *grabs Rev around shoulders*......*shakes him violently* REV! I... Dusk... We... Celeste... HELP!! Rev: I require more words to understand 83 Dusk: *grabs Rev* FIND MY DAUGHTER YOU MORON! USE YOUR GPS THINGIE OR I WILL RIP OUT YOUR BOWELS AND DISPLAY THEM AT A GARAGE SALE!!!!!! Sapphire: *is too flustered to care that she's partly deaf*
Excellent beginning. Nice recap of the last story.
Darkness is apart of us. Working with are light. We all have it, it jest shows more in some of us. -BB and Rea: Its there. [<-I don't get along with people]
Please continue, BTW, You recapped the story realy well, it was brief and din't give too much away!
Kudos on the begginnig of what I feel will be another great story Siamese!!!!
"Be nice to nerds, You'll probably end up working for one" - Bill Gates, Founder of Microsoft™
"Be yourself, don't take anyone else's s**t and NEVER let them take you alive" - Gerrard Way, 'My Chemical Romance'
"Life Moves Pretty Fast. If You Don't Stop And Look Around Once In A While, You Could MissIt" - Ferris Beuller (Mathew Broaderwick) , 'Ferris Beuller's Day Off'
Coolies on the chapter. *sniffs and cries* Sorry. My great-aunt Myra died this morning. She had incuable cancer. Anyways, what am I saying? Update, girl! You are a girl, right?
-- Edited by IceGirl2772 at 01:30, 2008-10-14
Can't think of anything so, don't blame me for being lazy.
Lucky: Why can't you Toons just enter a room normaly?! Bonkers: Us Toons don't do normaly things! That's what makes us sooo adorable! X3 Lucky: Yeah, like a trainwreck. -__________-
Cassidy and Dusk: Freaky siamese twins seperated at birth.... ~ Andrea
Many thanks to HCoyote for the awesome avatar! I love it! <3
Danni- Official supporter of Tessidy, Sethidy, Cassless, Duri, Seck, Ricy, Dapphire, Calric, and Cassaghu 83 And Maley D. Because it's wrong. \8D/
Lucky: Why can't you Toons just enter a room normaly?! Bonkers: Us Toons don't do normaly things! That's what makes us sooo adorable! X3 Lucky: Yeah, like a trainwreck. -__________-
Cassidy and Dusk: Freaky siamese twins seperated at birth.... ~ Andrea
Many thanks to HCoyote for the awesome avatar! I love it! <3
Danni- Official supporter of Tessidy, Sethidy, Cassless, Duri, Seck, Ricy, Dapphire, Calric, and Cassaghu 83 And Maley D. Because it's wrong. \8D/
"Be nice to nerds, You'll probably end up working for one" - Bill Gates, Founder of Microsoft™
"Be yourself, don't take anyone else's s**t and NEVER let them take you alive" - Gerrard Way, 'My Chemical Romance'
"Life Moves Pretty Fast. If You Don't Stop And Look Around Once In A While, You Could MissIt" - Ferris Beuller (Mathew Broaderwick) , 'Ferris Beuller's Day Off'
I wasn't too sure if I could be considered a veteran. I think that title more belongs to Dragon Wing or Xtream.......
*pute down hand* XD
I believe in Jesus Christ as my Saviour
Lucky: Why can't you Toons just enter a room normaly?! Bonkers: Us Toons don't do normaly things! That's what makes us sooo adorable! X3 Lucky: Yeah, like a trainwreck. -__________-
Cassidy and Dusk: Freaky siamese twins seperated at birth.... ~ Andrea
Many thanks to HCoyote for the awesome avatar! I love it! <3
Danni- Official supporter of Tessidy, Sethidy, Cassless, Duri, Seck, Ricy, Dapphire, Calric, and Cassaghu 83 And Maley D. Because it's wrong. \8D/
Cassidy:...... she got into the cheese again.... *sighs and walks away*
I believe in Jesus Christ as my Saviour
Lucky: Why can't you Toons just enter a room normaly?! Bonkers: Us Toons don't do normaly things! That's what makes us sooo adorable! X3 Lucky: Yeah, like a trainwreck. -__________-
Cassidy and Dusk: Freaky siamese twins seperated at birth.... ~ Andrea
Many thanks to HCoyote for the awesome avatar! I love it! <3
Danni- Official supporter of Tessidy, Sethidy, Cassless, Duri, Seck, Ricy, Dapphire, Calric, and Cassaghu 83 And Maley D. Because it's wrong. \8D/
Cassidy: *knocks me out with a pillow*
I believe in Jesus Christ as my Saviour
Lucky: Why can't you Toons just enter a room normaly?! Bonkers: Us Toons don't do normaly things! That's what makes us sooo adorable! X3 Lucky: Yeah, like a trainwreck. -__________-
Cassidy and Dusk: Freaky siamese twins seperated at birth.... ~ Andrea
Many thanks to HCoyote for the awesome avatar! I love it! <3
Danni- Official supporter of Tessidy, Sethidy, Cassless, Duri, Seck, Ricy, Dapphire, Calric, and Cassaghu 83 And Maley D. Because it's wrong. \8D/
Sapphire: *grabs Rev around shoulders*......*shakes him violently* REV! I... Dusk... We... Celeste... HELP!! Rev: I require more words to understand 83 Dusk: *grabs Rev* FIND MY DAUGHTER YOU MORON! USE YOUR GPS THINGIE OR I WILL RIP OUT YOUR BOWELS AND DISPLAY THEM AT A GARAGE SALE!!!!!! Sapphire: *is too flustered to care that she's partly deaf*
Ace and Lexi forever and i'm not a peice of toast so don't u even try to eat me*glares at everyone* I'm serious i will hurt you........Kidding i'm a very friendly person
sry i'll try and i do say that on other storyies to i mostly rite that when im tried cause of school but if it annoies u i'll rite something else
Ace and Lexi forever and i'm not a peice of toast so don't u even try to eat me*glares at everyone* I'm serious i will hurt you........Kidding i'm a very friendly person
“Angel...Wake up sweety.” Angel opened her eye's at the sound of her mothers voice. She sat up and looked at her mother sleepily.
“Ya Mother?” Angel yawned and she rubbed her eye's.
Lexi smiled at her daughter, “It's time to go. Get dressed.”
Angel smiled at her mother before going over to a small bag that had Angle's Loonatics uniform in it. Ever sens she had received the gift, Angel wore the uniform every day. Jest like she had seen the loonatics do. After getting dressed Angel placed her white cap on, back words, and notesed a small plat of food intended to be the morning meal. She ate quickly and then started helping her mother pack up the tent. They all had to keep moving to prevent getting attacked, and to go out and gain more members.
After the inside was packed Angel and Lexi exited, and Lexi started tearing down the tent. Angel sat down on a small stump near by. She yawned, still tired from her constantly interrupted sleep, and then looked around. The rest of the camp where doing similar activities: Packing tents, putting out fires, getting ready to move on. Tired, Angel started falling asleep on the stump. Till she almost fell off of it.
“Angel,” She looked up to see that every thing was packed and that it was time to go. As her mother extended a hand that carried a small back pack, “come on. We're moving out.”
Angel hopped off the stump and ran up to Lexi. She took the back pack and put it on, then slipped her hand into her mothers. As they walked they soon found themselves walking next to Ace, Rev, Tech, Duck, Slam, Rat-a, and Pop-pa. Behind the initial group where the people they had gotten to fallow them into the impending battle that was to come.
Up ahead, Lexi could see Ace talking with one of them from one of there more resent recruitments. The man was a bit of a hiker and knew the land around these parts better then most, so, in a manner of speaking, he was there guide. Ace looked back a moment, caching eyes with Lexi. He smiled and gestured for her to join them in conversation.
“Angel.” Lexi said gently.
Angel looked up, “Yes Mother?”
“Why don't you go walk with Rev for a while. I need to talk with Ace.”
Angel smiled and nodded her head, “Okay mom.”
Angel some what skipped over to Rev, “Morning Rev.”
“Oh,-morning-Angel.-Sleep-well?” Rev asked joyfully to the child.
“Well-” Angel couldn't suppress the sudden yawn that came forth.
Angel looked away from him and more at the ground as she made a small nod.
“Well-then-” Next thing she knew she was planted firmly on the birds shoulders, “that-better.”
Angel yawned again then smiled, “Thanks Rev.”
“No-problem-little-Tomboy.” Rev replied using the name she had originally given the Loonatics in order to protect herself from being found by the Kutons. A combination of the warm rising sun, the swaying with every step, and lack of sleep sent the young rabbit into dream land.
The aria of which they where walking was well vegetated yet the canopy above was thin and let the rays of the sun come betting down. Animal life peeked in and out of the plants. Mostly small critters: butterflies, dragonflies, bees, a small selection of birds, forms of rats, and a animal that seemed rather plentiful in this aria. It was an animal that seemed like a cross between rabbit and cat. As cat and rabbit bodies are already similar the main indication of cat was it's long tail and small set of teeth. As rabbit came from it's long ears that stood up. Rat-a had told them that it was a friendly animal that was called a Girpen.
It was a couple of hours later that Angel started to steer again. She, a little groggy, rubbed her eyes and looked around from her perch on Rev's shoulders. It was about midday now and there where indications that they where coming up to an aria where there was most like a small settlement or village.
“Pleasant-dreams?” Rev asked.
“Uh-huh.” Angel replied, “I dreamed that Mother and Ace where talking next to a lake. It was night time. The moon was full and reflected off the water. It made mama's eyes sparkle. There where moutons in the background and they framed the lake nicely.”
ohhhh soo exicting i can't wait for the next chappie
Ace and Lexi forever and i'm not a peice of toast so don't u even try to eat me*glares at everyone* I'm serious i will hurt you........Kidding i'm a very friendly person
i can't wait for it sounds so sweet with ace waiting to spend time with his daughter
Ace and Lexi forever and i'm not a peice of toast so don't u even try to eat me*glares at everyone* I'm serious i will hurt you........Kidding i'm a very friendly person
"Be nice to nerds, You'll probably end up working for one" - Bill Gates, Founder of Microsoft™
"Be yourself, don't take anyone else's s**t and NEVER let them take you alive" - Gerrard Way, 'My Chemical Romance'
"Life Moves Pretty Fast. If You Don't Stop And Look Around Once In A While, You Could MissIt" - Ferris Beuller (Mathew Broaderwick) , 'Ferris Beuller's Day Off'
AAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^.^ *passes out from cuteness*
I believe in Jesus Christ as my Saviour
Lucky: Why can't you Toons just enter a room normaly?! Bonkers: Us Toons don't do normaly things! That's what makes us sooo adorable! X3 Lucky: Yeah, like a trainwreck. -__________-
Cassidy and Dusk: Freaky siamese twins seperated at birth.... ~ Andrea
Many thanks to HCoyote for the awesome avatar! I love it! <3
Danni- Official supporter of Tessidy, Sethidy, Cassless, Duri, Seck, Ricy, Dapphire, Calric, and Cassaghu 83 And Maley D. Because it's wrong. \8D/
“Thank you Greg. Well talk to you again if we need to know more about da landscape.” Ace said kindly. He and Lexi had been going over landscape and trails of the arias with Greg Maguire, the man who knew the aria, for hours and finally where done. The man gave a nod to Ace before leaving the two be.
“Now there's a guy who likes to talk.” Lexi commented.
“Ya, I t'ought we'd nev-” Ace stopped in mid sentence as he saw Angel go soring through the air above by the means of a stick. One end on the ground one end in the child's hands giving her support and balance. Similar to pole vaulting, with the exception of not letting go of the stick and landing on ones feet.
As she landed, Angel held the stick at staff hight and looked back, “See Rev! It's fun!”
This time Ace witnessed Rev flying through the air, not by his powers but, through the same means as the young rabbit.
Rev let out a laugh as he landed, “Wow!-Who-knew!”
“Hee! Come one.” Angel once again lifted up the stick and ran. Soring through the air and giggling all the wile. Fallowing her was the red bird.
“Um?” Was all that escaped Ace's lips. Lexi crossed her arms and slightly shook her head.
“Angel,” She called softly, “must we go over this again.”
Angel stopped and looked at her mother, “Come on mom! The sticks are strong. See.”
She wapped it against the ground, then looked up hopefully. Lexi rolled her eyes, sighed, and let her arms dropped. Angel let out a small yes as she continued.
“Neh, she dose dat often I presume?” Ace asked as he watched the child play. She had great balance and skill with it.
“Ya. She said it's like flying.”Lexi replied.
“Ya know,” Ace said looking at Lexi, “She shows raw talent. Perhaps, I could teach her martial arts?”
Lexi looked at Ace, a little unsure. Ace's face was pleading.
“Come on Lex,” He looked around and lowered his voice, “Let me spend some time with my daughter.”
Lexi softened her gaze, “I don't see why not. She could probably use some self defense. Of course when it comes down to it, it's Angels choice.”
Both of them looked over at Angel. She caught there gaze and smiled.
“Don't worry mother. It's safe.” Angel leaped off the ground again, but this time the staff got caught in the ground. Cosing the safe to stand on end and bend. Angel heard a small snap. “Uh-Oh”
It snapped in half and cased the child to go falling to the ground and rolling down a small hill that was ahead. As she fell, head first, she balled herself up as she rolled. She stopped rolling with crashing into a bush at the bottom of the hill.
“Angel!” Lexi, Ace, Rev, and Rat-a all ran to see if the child was okay.
“Angel, you alright?” Lexi said as she helped her daughter sit up.
“I'm okay mama. Just a little dizzy.” Angel giggled, leaning against her mother. Angel blinked and shook her head.
“I say Lexi, love. You shouldn't let your youngin go about on a stick.” Rat-a said.
Lexi looked at Rat-a with a small smile, “Uh-huh, said the one who taught her that little trick.”
Rat-a let out a small gasp then looked at Angel, “You little snitch.”
Rat-a started tickling the child, who burst into laughter. Lexi slightly giggled to.
“Wow-Angel-that-was-quite-the-fall.” Rev said.
Ace chuckled, “It sure was, and dat was quick thinkin' to ball yourself up like ya did. You know Angel,”Angel looked up at him, “ you show raw talent in balance and quick wit. Some of da basics of martial arts. Perhaps I could teach you some.”
Angel gasped and smiled wildly. She looked at her mother, “Could he Mother. Can I! Can I!”
Lexi chuckled at her enthusiasm, “I don't see why not. Perhaps you can get better at your landings.”
thats soooo sweet of Ace to wat to do that with his dautgher i can't wait for the next chappie
Ace and Lexi forever and i'm not a peice of toast so don't u even try to eat me*glares at everyone* I'm serious i will hurt you........Kidding i'm a very friendly person
Awwwwwwwwwwww, cute ending, I can't wait for more!
"Be nice to nerds, You'll probably end up working for one" - Bill Gates, Founder of Microsoft™
"Be yourself, don't take anyone else's s**t and NEVER let them take you alive" - Gerrard Way, 'My Chemical Romance'
"Life Moves Pretty Fast. If You Don't Stop And Look Around Once In A While, You Could MissIt" - Ferris Beuller (Mathew Broaderwick) , 'Ferris Beuller's Day Off'
Good job Siamese, especially with Angel's cuteness!
"Be nice to nerds, You'll probably end up working for one" - Bill Gates, Founder of Microsoft™
"Be yourself, don't take anyone else's s**t and NEVER let them take you alive" - Gerrard Way, 'My Chemical Romance'
"Life Moves Pretty Fast. If You Don't Stop And Look Around Once In A While, You Could MissIt" - Ferris Beuller (Mathew Broaderwick) , 'Ferris Beuller's Day Off'
Angel is so sweet i wuv her and ma girls.. plus jake do to Jake: STOP SAYING THAT I AM A GIRL Techie?minerva: cidney: Kiki: Me: no. Jake: hmm mmm mickey mouse *makes face at me* Me: NOT FUNNY Ma girls plus jake: very funny
I support Rexi, Acexi, Texi. Yaoi is the manga term for guy/guy. I will support that to, but only if its well writen.
“I will call a town meting. Explain to the villagers your proposal and see who among us is willing to go.” The mayor replied, “I'd be carefuller though. There are people hear who you can't trust.”
“Dere all ways is. I ask is dere a place around hear where we can make camp. Hopefully where those we can't trust wont find us.” Ace asked.
“Yes. There's a lake. Not to far from hear. It's surrounded by mountains and forest. No one will look for you there.”
“Thank you.” They all stood up, Ace shaking hands with the mayor. When they left the building it had grown dark outside and the stars shined brightly up above next to a full moon. _____________________
"Be nice to nerds, You'll probably end up working for one" - Bill Gates, Founder of Microsoft™
"Be yourself, don't take anyone else's s**t and NEVER let them take you alive" - Gerrard Way, 'My Chemical Romance'
"Life Moves Pretty Fast. If You Don't Stop And Look Around Once In A While, You Could MissIt" - Ferris Beuller (Mathew Broaderwick) , 'Ferris Beuller's Day Off'
After the excitement of Angels fall they all continued on. As suspected there was a small settlement ahead. The caravan of people separated into the town. Gaining new supplies or finding some place to rest or enjoy a little fun.
Ace, Lexi, Pop-pa, and Tech where greeted by another group as they all quickly retreated into a near by building. Angel was left to be watched by Rat-a. Rat-a decided to teach Angel a card game.
“But you have to promise me you wont tell your mother this time. I think the last thing she wonts me teaching you is Poker.”
In the building, more precisely a small meting room in the building, are heroes ,the mayor of the settlement, and a few of his men all chatted. Ace propping to them that they join them in over throwing the Kutons rule. Many words where exchanged for several hours, but in the end this is what was said.
“So, would you like to join us?” Ace finished.
“I will call a town meting. Explain to the villagers your proposal and see who among us is willing to go.” The mayor replied, “I'd be carefuller though. There are people hear who you can't trust.”
“Dere all ways is. I ask is dere a place around hear where we can make camp. Hopefully where those we can't trust wont find us.” Ace asked.
“Yes. There's a lake. Not to far from hear. It's surrounded by mountains and forest. No one will look for you there.”
“Thank you.” They all stood up, Ace shaking hands with the mayor. When they left the building it had grown dark outside and the stars shined brightly up above next to a full moon. They separated to find all of there party. Lexi looked a bought till she came across Rat-a holding a sleeping Angel.
“Well she looks out.” Lexi commented as she took her daughter in her arms.
“She fell asleep star gazing.” Rat-a said. After awhile the camp was all set up next to the lake. After having there tent set up, Lexi, still holding the sleeping Angle in her arms, gently layed her daughter down on the rolled out sleeping mats. Lexi took off the old cap on her head and set it next to her.
“Good night my little Angle.” Lexi whispered before getting up. Lexi wasn't tired yet, so to maybe help her relax she sat at the edge of the lake. The mountains in the back framed the lake with black borders and shadow. The full moon reflected off the waters surface. Giving it a silver completion. Thought Lexi didn't know, and couldn't see it, the reflected light was also gleaming in her eyes. Making there sparkle like stars.
Lexi looked behind herself when she herd footsteps coming close. She smiled at the gray rabbit that sat next to her.
“Hay Lex. Can't sleep?” He asked.
“I guess not. How about you?”
Ace shrugged, “I guess I can't ether.”
“Can I talk to you about something?” Lexi looked at him.
He grinned back a said, “You know you can.”
“All right then... Angles birthday is in a couple of days.”
“Oh...” Ace said looking out at the lake, “You told me her birthday was some time dis month.”
“Ya, well... I was thinking. Maybe, If it's okay with you, for her birthday we could tell her?” Lexi looked up at Ace as looked at her.
“Tell her what?” Ace question.
Lexi gave him a look before saying, “What do you think Ace? I truly believe the best gift we could ever give her is her Father....You.”
Ace thought a moment then looked up at Lexi, “I guess it's time I start gettin' used to bein' called father.”
Lexi smiled and hugged the rabbit. Ace hugged her back and smiled as well. When they let go they looked at each other and lightly chuckled. They looked out at the lake for awhile. In silent bliss. Each in happy thought of what the future may bring.
Lexi quietly broke the silence by saying, “Ace, how's your family been?”
“Looked and slightly shrugged, “Dere okay I guess. My sister, Josie, got married.”
“She did?!”
“Ya, now she has two boys, twins, and five years old. Cole and Ash. Spitin' image of dere father. Black hair and gray fur with green eyes. I'm amazed she and David ever get any sleep.” They both laughed.
Lexi looked down the back at Ace, “Do you know of my family?”
Ace looked at Lexi. Some times he forgot all she had missed out on, “Well. I haven't really talked to them in a while, but last time I had. Your dad is getting a little arthritis, but besides that your parents are fine and healthy. Your brother now! I can't be sure on the toll marriage is taking on him.”
“Max is married!?” Lexi smiled placing her hands on Aces arm. Ace nodded. Lexi let go and looked back in front of her. “Wow. My big brothers married. What els have I missed?”
As Ace started caching Lexi up on the personal lives of the Loonatics and events in Acmetropalic a red runner was walking around sens he, like the two rabbits, was unable to sleep. He stopped when he saw the two, he was at a distance and couldn't make out what they where saying. But something about the seen in front of him seemed all two familiar.
Then the words of a child came to his mind: ' I dreamed that Mother and Ace where talking next to a lake. It was night time. The moon was full and reflected off the water. It made mama's eyes sparkle. There where moutons in the background and they framed the lake nicely'
Rev blinked then shook his head, “It's probably jest a coincidence.” With that he walked away.
“Wow, I've missed out on so much.” Lexi stated softly when Ace had finished. Ace looked at her. She looked like was feeling a deep melancholy. He placed his hand under her chin and had her looked at him.
“We've both missed out on a lot Lexi, but we can now start caching up. What's happened isn't are fault. So we need to move on from any feelings of guilt or depression.”
Lexi scoffed, “I guess your right. We need to move on, but will we get the chance Ace.”
She removed her face from his hand and placed in on her knees.
“What do you mean Lex?”
“What I mean is. We're walking into a Rising storm, Ace. And what if we don't make it out?”
Ace thought a moment and was about to reply when all he felt was her hand on his shoulders, her body against his and her soft lips pressed to his. It didn't take him a minute to wrap his arms around her and give into the kiss.
Lexi broke away and stood up. She looked at him with a soft smile and gently look, “That's for when we don't make it out of this thing.”
She started to walk away but Ace snatched her wrist and pulled her down into his lap. This time he initiated the kiss. It was much more passionate then the one before and lasted longer too.
But in the end they had to separate. “That's for when we do make it out of this thing.”
"Be nice to nerds, You'll probably end up working for one" - Bill Gates, Founder of Microsoft™
"Be yourself, don't take anyone else's s**t and NEVER let them take you alive" - Gerrard Way, 'My Chemical Romance'
"Life Moves Pretty Fast. If You Don't Stop And Look Around Once In A While, You Could MissIt" - Ferris Beuller (Mathew Broaderwick) , 'Ferris Beuller's Day Off'
Ace and Lexi forever and i'm not a peice of toast so don't u even try to eat me*glares at everyone* I'm serious i will hurt you........Kidding i'm a very friendly person