So guise, this is my first story heer on LUO. Neway, i hop u liek it! Rmember, plz plz plz dont flam my story cuz i wurked rly hard on this.
Birds of a fether
chapter 1 - "the bird is the wird"
So one day this hawt guy was wakling dowm teh stret wen all of a suden he stopped. the loonatics were on the tv, saving the day from the bad guise and kicking but and fighting crim and savign teh day.
He saw that they needd help fihgting the monster, cuz it was givng them hard tiems. So, he flaped his wigns and flew off into the sky, cuz he was a pellikin who could fly nd his name was Bob. And the skwurls flew in the sky aftr him becuz when he was arund they culd fly to. They folowwed him cuz animals always lieked Bob.
He went there really fast and the birds were following him and the sun was getting hihg into the sky and the floewrs were smilign. He lande not 2 far frim the loonatics, and usd his eye lasrs and the moster blew up. And then Bob fldew over to the monster and punched it reel hard and it's eyeballs ezploded and then the montre imploedd and died.
When Rev saw Bob cum flyign in to save the day he instantly fell in love wit him and he went over 2 bob and sad "i love u bob ur so hawt lets have sex." And bob said yes, and then he pulld down Rev's pants and put his thingy into rev's u-know-what.
and the other loonatics thouhgt this was relly hot, so they fel in love with with Bob 2.
end chapter 1
So guise, what did u think? I wirked rly hard on it and I hop u all liekd it. plz dont flame cuz this is my furst story.
i luv the loonatics becuz their sooooooooo awesum! If u dun liek loonatics unleashed, why r u hear? O:<
ace: lets jet!!!!