Um,I know this seems kind of stupid,but um...Look I've been bullied for the past few months by Nikki,Taylor,Eric,Annacaludo and've
said some really hurtfull things to me.Talor and them think Im gay because I let reagan have my scarf.Reagean wont help me with them.I was all alone in drama almost ready to cry my eyes out,they didn't apologize,reagan asked me if i was a loner and Claudo hits me every chance he gets and by hit i mean litterly bump into me Clair wont be my friend anymore....I'm really hurting today...Help me....
P.s.Im aware this should go in the EHT(emotional help thread).
"Is it just me or is she kinda cute when she's angery",-Hunter(spyro year of the dragon). -Yes I have been converted into a Duckie,GO DUCK AND HIS GREATNESS xD!
-When everylife meet's another life,Something shall be born- quoted by Cynthia The Shinno Elite 4 Champion.
My first few months of High-school, I was bullied.
If you think you need to, I would, if someone is physically harming you, maybe you should tell a teacher or some form of authoritive person.
When I was bulied, I told the head of year form my year-group and then I had to fill out a bullying form, which my two friends wrote an acount of because they were witnesses, and then It was sorted out, and the person who bullied me actually apolagised and leaves me alone now! XD
If may seem daunting, and you might feel alone at times, but it takes a great deal of weight off of your chest when you tell someone, and have it sorted out.
Tell someone, I;m sure it'll help. I was scared that she would be angry and never stop bullying me after I said something, but It turns out, she didn't.
A couple of my friends have been bullied, and their...bullies left them aloe too.
Don't be scared that they'll be angry with you, if the teacher that sorts them out is stern enough, they'll get through to them. Trust me! :)
Hope I helped
Good Luck!
EDIT: Rember my signature (Motto thingy) "Be yourself, don't take anyone else's **** and NEVER let them take you alive" Gerrard Way, My Chemical Romance
Don't let other people bother you, be yourself!
-- Edited by PurpleGirly at 16:16, 2008-12-19
"Be nice to nerds, You'll probably end up working for one" - Bill Gates, Founder of Microsoft™
"Be yourself, don't take anyone else's s**t and NEVER let them take you alive" - Gerrard Way, 'My Chemical Romance'
"Life Moves Pretty Fast. If You Don't Stop And Look Around Once In A While, You Could MissIt" - Ferris Beuller (Mathew Broaderwick) , 'Ferris Beuller's Day Off'
Well here's something that may or may not get them to stop bullying you. It worked for me at least twice when I was bullied so I hope it works for you too.
Go up to those stupid bastards, and ask them "Do you like me?" . Now you'll think that it's the most dumbest thing that I've said to you. But let me explain:
If they say 'no', ask them why they keep going near you if they don't like you. Ask them do they care for you in a way that it's like tough love. If they hate you that much then keep asking them why do they keep going near you.
If they say 'yes', then ask them why they are being nasty to you if they do like you. People who like you would not go and say bad things about you wouldn't they?
But you've got to be confident when approaching them. You cannot be scared in front of them, otherwise they will use try to get you to break down and that would not be a good thing. Also, I think it would work better if you talked to each person alone. That way they haven't got their friends to hold their hands. If you can't find any of them alone, just be confident and go for it.