Hi, basicly I had a dream a few seconds ago if Digimon had kids turning into furries instead of stereotypical mons...
Ever watch that show Digimon well I had a dream like that except it was with teenagers being sucked out this universe and being turned into half-human half animal...things
It started with a girl turning into a cat-girl on an airplane and being approached by a strange woman, next 15 teens get sucked into an alternate universe and start turning into furries and scalies, one of them becomes a small snake and anouther turns into a wolf-cub (The Snake and the wolf-cub seem to be the most angsty of the group)
Suddenly darkness falls and they get cuaght up in a storm, I think I begin to lucid dream here as a silly girl turns into..a weird flower-fairy thing and helps the others brave the storm.
The last part of the dream focuses on a really nerder character who is third most angsty I'm not sure but I think he turns into a cat-man