due to some advice, and the fact I dont like Yuni as shes rude. My friends are really rude and they helped me with her, sooo. Meh. I"M SORRY TO ALL IF I OFFENDED YOU! You can hurt me ANyway, I'm thinking of an oc, but I dont want it to be a mammal as everyone has one pretty much, so I'm going for a bird. A macaw. NOT A PARROT A MACAW!
JUNK FOOOOOOOOD! Is MickD speach for hello and goodbye! 8D
Yes! Yes! That's exactly it, Mickey! Originality! You're on your way! Your thinking before you take that big step and just come out with an OC. Taking into mind that most OCs are mammals and that you should make an avian instead was great! And I don't think there's any parrot OCs. Hey! I'll even help you if you want! PM me and we'll roll over some ideers! ;)
Me: I SHALL HAVE THEE FERRET GOD OF DOOM SMITE YE DOWN IF YE FAIL TO DO SO!!!!!! I SHAAAAAAALLLLL!!!!!!!! Ozzie: *standing on a tall pillar in a cape and robes with his stone glowing* MWAHAHAHA!!!!! Do as she says or I shall turn you all into bugs! AHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Ant:... Is that supposed to be a threat? Rev: *squeals like a girl and jumps into Ace's arms* They're BACK!!! D8
That actually sounds very neat. xD And I can totally imagine her freaking out every time she's called a Parrot or a Lorey. Kinda like Ed being called SHORT or Lina being called FLAT. xDDD
And now for a shameless plug:
Me: I SHALL HAVE THEE FERRET GOD OF DOOM SMITE YE DOWN IF YE FAIL TO DO SO!!!!!! I SHAAAAAAALLLLL!!!!!!!! Ozzie: *standing on a tall pillar in a cape and robes with his stone glowing* MWAHAHAHA!!!!! Do as she says or I shall turn you all into bugs! AHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Ant:... Is that supposed to be a threat? Rev: *squeals like a girl and jumps into Ace's arms* They're BACK!!! D8
Thanks! :) okay, heres the basics i have Name: Alida (sounds like its spelt) AGe: 23 (or 22) Species: Debating a hyacinth macaw or a scarlet macaw. Hyacinth macaws are blue (like the picture I showed) scarlets are a bunch of colors. Faults: absent minded, overly excitable, has skitsophrenia. (its very mild, so she doesnt think about killing herself) often forgets to take her medication, has issues when people call her a parrot (Duck XD) Pros: shes sweet, loves animals (wants to be a zoologist), loves any gorey thing 9bookss, tv shows, movies) as shes a MACAW (which are desended from paarrots) she can remember words and thier meanin g if you hound her with them (good luck getting her attention) Fears: snakes, spiders, and has a wierd fear of... snickerdoodles XD Colledge: hates English, but is getting a degree in that 9her parents are both English teachers) and zoology Powers: when the meteor hit, she kept puking and got colds very easily. she later found that her powers were the ability to turn into a rock. Thats what I have serenity already pitched in ideas, so I'll let her tell them :) but her backrounds pretty simple Grew up in a rainforest town. Since Macaws have one or two eggs at a time, she has a twin brother and a younger sister. As shes a gore lover, her brother is one as well, but there is a problem. Her sister hates it XD Both parents are English teachers so shes excpected to follow in thier footsteps. But she hates it. She would rather be in the wild. She was often tramping around the rainforest, looking. She use to be able to eat anything, from the gross black coal lumps her brother called cookies to the crazy stuff her aunt brought back from all over the world, so she knows her way around the kitchen. :) She does have schizophrenia, but its not terible. SHe does here voices, but thier very quiet. Easy to block, but her forget fullness is a problem. She meets the tics by literaly running into Rev on the street. :) she wears these huge glasses and they were knocked off. so she was looking for them and Rev gave them to her, but he had droped a piece of paper with some inportant stuff on it, so she put it into her notebook and forgot about it. But the nex day she got a call so she went to the tower. SHe met the team and the rest of the ocs then. but she quickly got into a fight with Duck about her heritage. She ended up finding her powers. Thats whaat i got now
JUNK FOOOOOOOOD! Is MickD speach for hello and goodbye! 8D
Sapphire: *grabs Rev around shoulders*......*shakes him violently* REV! I... Dusk... We... Celeste... HELP!! Rev: I require more words to understand 83 Dusk: *grabs Rev* FIND MY DAUGHTER YOU MORON! USE YOUR GPS THINGIE OR I WILL RIP OUT YOUR BOWELS AND DISPLAY THEM AT A GARAGE SALE!!!!!! Sapphire: *is too flustered to care that she's partly deaf*
Well, I think if you made her 23 she'd be that much closer to getting out of College and maybe trying to become the zoologist she wants to be. But If you made her 22 she could have more time to have her parents bother her about her studies or for other possible things.
So either one of those could be a factor.
And I think she should be the blue kind of Macaw, a Hyacinth. Simply because I've never heard of it, and that would be an intresting thing for her to have to explain to people.
As for the schizophrenia, I think that's a brilliant idea. It's a good flaw, to prevent Mary-sue...ness and it's believeable and an actual disability. Though I would suggest you do a bit of research on it, just so you know exactly what she'd be dealing with.
Other stuff I like is: her snickerdoodle fear; (XD) it's just irrational enough for her to stand out. her rainforest hometown; it reminds me of how Rev lives in a 'habitat'-like place Her family; I feel it's always good to make and think about their family
And finally I like her powers, buuuuut I wonder. is it like she just turns into a rock and sits there? orrrrr is she like a rock-person who can move and such?
Sapphire: *grabs Rev around shoulders*......*shakes him violently* REV! I... Dusk... We... Celeste... HELP!! Rev: I require more words to understand 83 Dusk: *grabs Rev* FIND MY DAUGHTER YOU MORON! USE YOUR GPS THINGIE OR I WILL RIP OUT YOUR BOWELS AND DISPLAY THEM AT A GARAGE SALE!!!!!! Sapphire: *is too flustered to care that she's partly deaf*
I like how her powers mess up her organs, it's an awsome sorta' trait 83 I think a blue macaw would be cool, just becuz the scarlet ones seem more natural (and because the blue ones are PRETTEH). LOVE how u made her a bird, very creative! 83
Seth. Asking for sex at the worst moments imaginable. ~ Emily
Wile E. Coyote was anvil'd, crushed, catapolted, ignited on fire, blown up, runned over, and sent sailing across the desert to God knows where. But he never stopped trying.
thanks! :) Her personality is open minded and very sweet. in the future, she probaly would be the one the kids went to talk to or to confese stuff to if they were upset. She also argues day in and day out with parents about her career choice, and the fact she still is in contact with her brother. Her brothers gay and was disowned from his family. (her parents are homophobes) but she also bickers about religon with them as well. Her sister is open minded as well about the stuff. Shes also doesnt want to be a loonatic but has trouble controlling her powers, so she is learning how to. Another aspect is like the rock creatures dare made, when in rock form she can heal herself simply by sticking her arm or any limb into the ground.
JUNK FOOOOOOOOD! Is MickD speach for hello and goodbye! 8D
double posting again! I have Alida more refined. SHes now a 22 year old hybrid macaw. Shes blue though, with a light yellow stipe on her hands. around her eyes are a bit of white. Her hairs black and reaches the middle of her back. Her eyes are brownish black. If anyone would like, I would love a picture of her. I've drawn her quite a few times now, but I can't get her beak quite right. :)
JUNK FOOOOOOOOD! Is MickD speach for hello and goodbye! 8D
Seth. Asking for sex at the worst moments imaginable. ~ Emily
Wile E. Coyote was anvil'd, crushed, catapolted, ignited on fire, blown up, runned over, and sent sailing across the desert to God knows where. But he never stopped trying.
thanks. I also did some digging and got some more info on schizophrenia. The classification is parinoid schizophrenia for her. That means she has hallucitnations and delusions. she takes heavy duty meds, but often forgets to take them. Tech is always after her about it. people in urban areas tend to become schizophrenic more, so she grew up in a rainforest city. it was mostly made up of anthro rainforest creatures. Thier homes were in trees or near rivers.
JUNK FOOOOOOOOD! Is MickD speach for hello and goodbye! 8D
Sapphire: *grabs Rev around shoulders*......*shakes him violently* REV! I... Dusk... We... Celeste... HELP!! Rev: I require more words to understand 83 Dusk: *grabs Rev* FIND MY DAUGHTER YOU MORON! USE YOUR GPS THINGIE OR I WILL RIP OUT YOUR BOWELS AND DISPLAY THEM AT A GARAGE SALE!!!!!! Sapphire: *is too flustered to care that she's partly deaf*
yep. except the fact when she found out she had schizophernia was when she heard voices telling her to jump out of a 20 ft tree. she did, but luckily a friend caught her before she hit the ground. She has to take antidepressents as well.
JUNK FOOOOOOOOD! Is MickD speach for hello and goodbye! 8D
shes pretty smart, if really confused alot. SHe also goofs around alot. SHe does have a bit of a runaway thought prossses. And she rambles alot, but mostly shes really one track.SHe acts pretty normal, but when she hasn't taken her meds, shes like a rocket. :) Her relationships, Ace- shes not a fan of him. HSe often is angry about stuff he does, and pretty much ignores him. Though she does like meditaion lessons Lexi: Like a sister. These two yak day in and day out about anything Duck: she likes him, but will often get in a fight when he says 'Polly wanna a craker' or 'Arr. Matey' but hes also a good basherball guy, so the two watch together. Tech: Alida and Tech sahre a love for books, so they talk... alot. But hes also a father like figure, always on her case about not remember her medication. rev- originaly she has a slight crush on him, but it disolves into brother-sister friend ship. He reminds her of her brother, minus the fact her brothers gay. Slam: loves him. he knows when shes really sick, she just wants to watch movies, so he'll sit with her and watch the movies. He'll also help her in fist fights with ZDuck
JUNK FOOOOOOOOD! Is MickD speach for hello and goodbye! 8D
This is all great Mickey! :3 But try and give her a simple amount of traits and hobbies and such 83 Don't want her to get OC overload XD
Seth. Asking for sex at the worst moments imaginable. ~ Emily
Wile E. Coyote was anvil'd, crushed, catapolted, ignited on fire, blown up, runned over, and sent sailing across the desert to God knows where. But he never stopped trying.
her hobbies are reading and working out. SHes planning on going on a world wide trip to study animals everywhere as soon as she finishes colledge. She takes rock climbing, scube a diving and mountain biking lessons. But she does have a weakness for bannana chocolate chip cookies. HSes also kind of a vegitarian. doesnt like meat that much. her wierd quirks are kind of centered around her deisease. She snapps her fingers when thinking hard and also sleeps with her mouth open. (she also talks in her sleep) Another quirk is the fact she knows Spanish, (as rainforests are in South America) so she'll randomly talk in SPanish when shes excited, or when she forgets where she is. SHe doesn't use Spanish alot, as she mainly grew up speaking English, so when she does, you know shes very excited.
JUNK FOOOOOOOOD! Is MickD speach for hello and goodbye! 8D