Now, did ya see the cards people held up with their DLS (Dirty Little Secret) in the video, and other people posted their DLS in the comments on the video? Well why not post our DLS here on LUO? C'mon, we're all friends here. It can be as long or as short as you like, deep and profound or totally trivial. It's all just for fun!
Here's mine: 'My parents think I'm still sweet and innocent, but I have a really bad cussing problem and I LOVE YAOI LEMONS(gay porn).'
My parents would flip out(Dad anyway) if they knew about the lemons, but I can't deny my Tevvieness and Dacerness! Tev and Dace 4EVA!
KTgirl Out! Peace!
Why yes, I am completely insane. You should try it sometime, It's really fun.