Star Wars (ep 3-6) (wowness) The Terminator (1 and 2) (wowness) Predator Alien (wowness) Aliens One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest A Clockwork Orange (oi me gulliver) O Brother Where Art Thou? (excellent brother-like relationships) Felix The Cat The Movie Robocop Robocop 2 The Pest Krull Pink Floyd The Wall (wowness) Raiders Of The Lost Ark True Lies Platoon Apocalypse Now (wowness) The Deer Hunter American History X Full Metal Jacket
and im pretty sure there might be more, i just dunt remember anymore but u can probably guess what type of movies i like... GOOD ones
The original Star Wars Trilogy (none of that special edition stuff) Batman Batman Begins Spiderman X-Men (1 & 3. Didn't care for the second one) Galaxy Quest Dogma Hitchhikers Quide to the Galaxy Robin Hood: Prince of Theives Michael Collins Robin Hood: Men in Tights Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Die Hard Pirates of the Carribean: Curse of the Black Pearl American Tale The Land Before Time All Dogs Go to Heaven Jurassic Park The Pagemaster Felix the Cat: The Movie Honey, I Shrunk the Kids ET Halloween The Phantom of the Opera (1925 version with Lon Chaney)
eh. . .that's all I can think of right now.
In blackest day or brightest night, watermelon, cantaloupe, yadda yadda, erm. . .a superstitious and cowardly lot, with liberty and justice for all!
yeh i got the 1988 Star Wars tapes, just remastered, redone for the 1st time from the originals so yeh the normal ones r alot better than the redone versions (ep4= jabba Noooooo.... everyone hates it)
anyway a little more here:
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to stop worrying and love the bomb Amadeus Die Hard Its a wonderful life Jaws The sting The silence of the lambs Forrest Gump The Thing
watched Jackass 2 2day in an actual theatre, yep its definately one of the best movies ive ever seen, the first one was really bad but the 2nd makes up for everything
Flyboys Enemy at the Gates Flags of our Fathers Saving Private Ryan Letters From Iwo Jima The Fast and the Furious (all of them) The Godfather (All of them)
He needs to be stopped I like BF Heroes! Deal with it!
TMNT Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 The Secret Of The Ooze Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Batman Mask Of The Phantasm The Simpsons Movie Shrek 1,2,3 The Nightmare Before Christmas Jungle Book The Lion King Aladdin Finding Nemo Who Framed Roger Rabbit Batman Returns Batman Spiderman 3
(Zee Chick-Flicks) Sweet November Lake House Sliding Doors Mask Pretty Woman Bed of Roses Steel Magnolias The Fountain Far Away
(Zee more interesting films) V for Vandetta HOT FUZZ!!! (OMG! If you haven't seen it, rent it out... NAOW!!!) Pitch Black Phantom of the Opera (Oh, Gerard! Take me away! *insert dreamy sigh here*) We were Soldiers Alvin and the Chipmunks Crash Steven Speilburg's Tintin Trilogy... Ok, they won't be out until some time after 2009 begins... But I just know I'll love them ALL. 8D
I could think of more, but I've just had a brain fart. T_T
Andrea: ....I think my kidney laughed. Sye: Your bladder told it to stop. 83
My favorite movies are mostly cartoons or just plain "kids" movies but here goes. X3
The Santa Clause Fluke Brother Bear Spirit: Stallion Of The Cimarron Sinbad: Legend Of The Seven Seas Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer and the Island of Misfit Toys Meet The Robinsons Tuck Everlasting Peter Pan Mean Girls Girls Just Wanna Have Fun The Last Unicorn The Nightmare Before Christmas Atlantis: The Lost Empire The Phantom Of The Opera Mulan The Snurks (Back To Gaya) Oliver And Company Hercules The Swan Princess Tarzan The Fox And The Hound Huck Finn Tom Sawyer David Copperfield
Wow, how did I know you were gonna get me for that one? XD Well, I don't know, I mean... my Emperor's New Groove DVD is scratched so I haven't watched it in years so I can't really say if I still like it or not. D:
Off The Map... never heard of it. xD Last night I watched a movie called The Very Unlucky Leprechaun. And it was... really weird. Scary leprechaun. o O;
They just /wanted/ me to believe it was a kids movie about a nice little red-haired man. But in REALITY he was a magical psycho murderer gnome dude! D: Seriously... after he gave the girl his pot of gold, he ran away and threw a bunch of big rocks her way and she went into a mini-coma, and no one can tell me that it /wasn't/ intentional! xD
Mine are: Star Wars (all 6) Lord of the rings (I'm obsessed) Pirates of the carribbean (Love the music!) Dead or Alive The last unicorn (love the theme song!) Brother Bear (makes me cry...) First time godfather (Greek one but hilarious) I could go on for ever... *Steps back and looks at the list* Whoa!!! That's a lot of parenthesis!!!
My heart beats for LP <3 (and another thousand bands -_-;)
Ehm... I've been thinking and... ehm... Nevermind...
Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children (A beautiful and wonderful game based film!) Pirates of the Carribean (all three!) Spirited Away (absolutly breath taking!) X-Men (all three of them too!) Harry Potter (all of 'em!) The Night Before Christmas (dude, it's Jack Skellington...can't get any better then that) Space Jam (Looney Tunes + basketbal = HO'SHIZNET!) Looney Tunes: Back in Action! (made me laugh till my sides hurt) Austin Powers (all of them! also made me laugh till my sides hurt) Oliver and Company (LOVE THE MUSIC) Funny Games (Brilliant and very awkward....) Mulan (AWSOME TO DAH CORE! #2 sucked though) American Treasure (both were ACTION PACKED!) Rush Hour 1,2, and 3 (BEST ACTION/COMEDY EVER!)
I have like, a billion more........
Seth. Asking for sex at the worst moments imaginable. ~ Emily
Wile E. Coyote was anvil'd, crushed, catapolted, ignited on fire, blown up, runned over, and sent sailing across the desert to God knows where. But he never stopped trying.