I am currently looking for moderators for the LUO message boards. I know that in another topic loonaticforever, loonaticfan, kari bunny, the_oddity, and mimic12355 voiced their wish to be a moderator. If there is anyone else who wants to be a moderator, let me know and reply to this topic. After about a week or so, I will select two or three moderators, who will also help with the different analyses on the site.
I;d like to, but I don't have the time. *coughSCHOOLISINTHEWAYcough* Fraggin' school.
Herr A: We didn't put a Christmas tree up, nothin'. We went to the beach. It was wonderful. BUT... I got in water up to my... crotch area, and when that wave hit ALLLLLLLL my business went running towards my intestinal tract...
This may be REALLY late note, but can I please be a moderator????Please-please-please-please-please??? Did I forget to mention please with a cherry on top?
Lonewolf: Well, at least he would get a job.
P.S: Can you list what a moderator does so I would know what to do if i become one P.P.S: Did I just say that I am a great LU fan? I would do anything to even be with them.
*round of applause* If the boards get any more members (we've already got 80), I also nominate Doma (if she's not too busy with school) and mimic12455 (if she wants), but only if the number of members exceeds 100.
The three I just named, please PM me to receive your mod privileges and guidelines.
I chose these people because they have experience with fansites and are pretty consistent. I might nominate one or two more (other than the 5 named) if the number of members goes past 150.
Me, have experience with fansites? Gee...well, I do have a grasp of the basics, but I`ve never actually designed my own site. But, that`ll change eventually, so I`ll thank you for giving me a compliment ahead of time. And, good luck to my fellow mods, Kae and oddity.
Anyways, I congratulate on those new moderators. I'm sure Cali_Bunny has her reasons for choosing you guys instead of me so I'll still remain a member! Yay! Congratulations again! Cheers!
Woo! Nomination! I graduate in... less than 7 weeks! Woo! Then I'll have all the time in the world! Until I find a college that will accept my 1.8 GPA.
Herr A: We didn't put a Christmas tree up, nothin'. We went to the beach. It was wonderful. BUT... I got in water up to my... crotch area, and when that wave hit ALLLLLLLL my business went running towards my intestinal tract...
dOMITUPSYK wrote: Woo! Nomination! I graduate in... less than 7 weeks! Woo! Then I'll have all the time in the world! Until I find a college that will accept my 1.8 GPA.