Pretty and sweet. My favorite pairings are TechxRev and...DuckxLexi! I do not really like AcexLexi. a couple is cute, but banal and predictable. I really like "The impossible love". Love unpredictable! And the impossible loves are those that last longer! Type Romeo and Juliet! As they say in qiesti cases, love knows no age, no color, no sex! Love can be born in various forms of completely unexpected! Therefore, I approve very TechxRev. Their ancestors had always been enemies, and in the future, Tech and Rev were both great friends to work as well together! Despite their great differences, these two characters are both very intelligent, love science and have one thing in common, that of not being understood by others. Rev speaks too fast, and friends do not understand it except Tech. He even translates. And Tech talks way too professional so as to be incomprehensible at times, and Rev is the only one who understands him! P.s. Even TechxRev is a very popular combination, more or less almost as AcexLexi. I love to death yaoi stories, but I do not really like AcexDuck. this is just a random pairing, imagery, unlike TechxRev. What I am saying is that currently the couples are now more credible and AcexLexi TechxRev. As Ace and Lexi have not yet been declared officially in love, it is assumed that they were actually brothers or cousins. Then perhaps DuckxLexi! but I am also sorry LexixOc!
Totally agreewith you, dear AderChelsea! Redand greenare twocolors that gotogetherreally well! just like the"Apple Time". Iheard that, for the lovesimbolleggiareunited,there are twotypes ofapples,green onesandred ones. Of course, the lovebetween a boy(applegreen) anda girl(red apple!). The colorred is thesymbol of fire(Rev typicalelement) and passion. Thegreenisrathera symbolof hope, and eventhe calmand stability(typical characterof Tech.) Despite theirgreatdifferences, thesetwohavemuch in common.More than youimagine! Bothare very fond oftheirscienceand their owndiscomfort ofnot being understoodbyothers.Revspeaksvery fastand his friendsdo not understandanything exceptTech. The coyote, indeed, helps himtranslatethat strangeway of speaking. Meanwhile, Techtalksway tooprofessional, that kindof"scientific," so as to bealmost incomprehensibleto the audienceconcerned. RevItwashoweverthe only oneamong his friends,who understands himperfectly. In addition, bothhave theirpowersassociated with the element"Fire". Rev isa verylively andhyperactive, and hasthe giftof thetraditional firefor hissuper speed. Techinsteadhas the giftof"Cold Fire", that is the powerof electricity. Coolandquietjust like theantisocialcharacterof the coyote. You know,the electricitycomes fromlightning andthe lightningcomesfrom the energyof the fireitself! Manysmallfeaturesin common, huh? You know, opposites attract!
Phew,I do not wantthe newcombination, AcexDuck, exceeds that ofTechxRev! This is just arandompairing, imaginary. Thatwhich has nodetailin bothtwoseasons, which indicate howthehomosexual couple. TechxRev, however, it is! I likejust that! What do you say?