Is funny... nobody look those two like a pair... and Lexi is always with Ace or with Duck... and nobody now if Lola Bunny and Bugs bunny get married... that meant that Lexi and Ace can be family... or not...
After all, Since Bugs Bunny and company existed to the time Loonatics live... there's a lot of centuries... so those two may have the same ancestors... but not family...
Well... now lets talk about Lexi and Duck (and I know he is a Duck (a bird) and she is a bunny (mamal)...), they are always together... they are a good team (and Ace said that)... and she's not that sweet, sometimes she is a little like Duck...
I really want to see those two together... Whant do you think??? (sorry my bad english)
I see Duck and Lexi in a more Brother/sister relationship. You should see Martiangirl's videos at Besides, Duck is the self-centered type.
Well, you`re free to like what you want, but most here feel Ace/Lexi is the most probable, with DuckxLexi being on the opposite end of the spectrum. Like Stella, I think Lexi and Duck are more the sister-and-brother type (although it appears Duck`s an uncaring brother, if you`ve seen the episode It Came From Outer Space; that left me with no doubts that DuckxLexi is impossible). But, it`s your opinion, and I have nothing against that.
StellaMagic wrote: I see Duck and Lexi in a more Brother/sister relationship. You should see Martiangirl's videos at Besides, Duck is the self-centered type.
True... but I still love this pair jejejejejeje
ejem... I saw Martiangirl's videos at dailymotion... is the only way I can see the new chapters because in the country that I live, in Cartoon Network, I only can see the old chapters... So all the chapters of the second season I saw it in dailymotion (thanks Matiangirl... ejem... well... I only hope to see the last episode soon... jejejejeje... you haven't submit it yet... ahhh... and thanks for all Duck Dodgers chapters!!!!)
You're welcome. I'm sorry I couldn't get the last episode of Loonatics up though. I tried, but I've been so swamped with schoolwork I had no time. I'm definitely going to get it up either Thursday night or Friday. And I also hope to get some more Duck Dodgers episodes up as well!
A rabbit and duck? Not the weirdest combination I've seen.
In blackest day or brightest night, watermelon, cantaloupe, yadda yadda, erm. . .a superstitious and cowardly lot, with liberty and justice for all!
Certainly not the weirdest, but I just don't see a LexixDuck pairing. (And no, this isn't the "ZOMG! Ace/Lexi shipper" in me saying no XD) I too see the two of them in a bro/sis type of relationship where y'all are supposed to get on each other nerves 'cause it's fun!
RevRunner wrote: I can see a DuckxLexi pairing. Not as strong as AcexLexi, but I could still see it.
I know... and I see those two together... because I don't see her with Ace... they personality don't match...
Many people told to me that they want Ace x Lexi together because both are bunny... maybe those two will be together... but I still dream with a Duck x Lexi relationship!!!!
There was that scene in Weathering Heights when Duck asked Lexi whether she was jealous of his idol, Misty Breeze, and then there was that awkward silence. Did anyone else feel that?!?!? :)
But I still support Ace/Lexi pairings. *dodges objects thrown by Duck/Lexi fans*
"Too much power used too soon can do as much harm than good."~Zadavia
Zadavias_spirit wrote: There was that scene in Weathering Heights when Duck asked Lexi whether she was jealous of his idol, Misty Breeze, and then there was that awkward silence. Did anyone else feel that?!?!? :)
But I still support Ace/Lexi pairings. *dodges objects thrown by Duck/Lexi fans*
I don-t know... I never see that chapter (funny... I never can see the same chapters)...
My only hope... that someone submit the first season in Dailymotion... because there some chapter I never saw...
And I hope to see her jealous because Duck look more another girl n_n
Zadavias_spirit wrote: There was that scene in Weathering Heights when Duck asked Lexi whether she was jealous of his idol, Misty Breeze, and then there was that awkward silence. Did anyone else feel that?!?!? :)
But I still support Ace/Lexi pairings. *dodges objects thrown by Duck/Lexi fans* That did worry me into thinking they were pushing for Duck/Lexi at first, but consider that Duck has an ego the size of Acmetropolis itself, and you can see that he`d naturally think that Lexi`s jealous because:
7/10 of the time they`re rivals going at each other`s necks, so Duck may simply be trying to heckle Lexi
He might know that Lexi can be jealous of other girls (aka Black Velvet), so he might`ve done that to, again, heckle her
9/10 of the time he`s so full of himself that of course he wants Lexi to be jealous so he can convince himself that he`s so great
And, Lexi`s silence could also be a silent way of saying "NO" without making it seem like a pointless piece of dialogue. Of course, I might just be trying to find an excuse to say it would never happen, but the painful truth of the matter is there`s not much more evidence for the pairing on the polar side of the scale (though I still think Lexi at least favors Ace since she didn`t mention any of the other boys when she got her plant powers, but that isn`t necessarily romantic).
In the end, we`re just a bunch o` crazy kids that made a hobby of speculating about these characters like it`s actually gonna influence WB`s decisions. Nonetheless, I still say
is strange, I saw the last chapter and Duck seem jealous that Tech have Zadavia attention... and how he ask if she has a boyfriend... but that because he want to be her favorite.
And we can see he is famous with the girls (Like Duck Dodgers)... when I saw his face with all those kisses... and Lexi wasn't there... coincidence??? I don't think so...
Is true they fight a lot... but here we say more two people fight, more they love... so maybe they fight, but after all that they still are good friends and are almost always together... n_n
Actually, those kisses came from some girl inside that club area (we hear her call out just as the boys are about to leave, and Duck looks mortified to see her off-screen, obviously one of those female fans he doesn`t want )
Tyranee wrote:My only hope... that someone submit the first season in Dailymotion... because there some chapter I never saw..
In a few days the first season from Loonatics Unleashed will be released on DVD in America. But you need an regionfree DVD-Player. I have ordered mine at
Tyranee wrote:My only hope... that someone submit the first season in Dailymotion... because there some chapter I never saw..
In a few days the first season from Loonatics Unleashed will be released on DVD in America. But you need an regionfree DVD-Player. I have ordered mine at
BTT: AcexLexi.
Sorry... no credit card... and I don't like buy on internet Y.Y
Tyranee wrote:My only hope... that someone submit the first season in Dailymotion... because there some chapter I never saw..
In a few days the first season from Loonatics Unleashed will be released on DVD in America. But you need an regionfree DVD-Player. I have ordered mine at
BTT: AcexLexi.
Sorry... no credit card... and I don't like buy on internet Y.Y
Tyranee wrote:My only hope... that someone submit the first season in Dailymotion... because there some chapter I never saw..
In a few days the first season from Loonatics Unleashed will be released on DVD in America. But you need an regionfree DVD-Player. I have ordered mine at
BTT: AcexLexi.
Sorry... no credit card... and I don't like buy on internet Y.Y
I'm curious.
Why don't you like buy on internet?
First: I live in Costa Rica... anything can happen to the DVD from USA to here (it already happen to people receive they things broken) Second: I'm scary someone stole the credit card number (and the money)
Tyranee wrote: First: I live in Costa Rica... anything can happen to the DVD from USA to here (it already happen to people receive they things broken) Second: I'm scary someone stole the credit card number (and the money)
I have to wait until the DVD be here... Y.Y
I live in Austria and I have bought a lot DVD's on and all DVD's I got are not broken or damaged.
And I think paying with credit card at is safe. All month I get a bill from my credit card institute where I can see what I have bought. And when there is something on this bill I didn't have bought I can block my credit card. So no other can buy something with my credit card.
Tyranee wrote: First: I live in Costa Rica... anything can happen to the DVD from USA to here (it already happen to people receive they things broken) Second: I'm scary someone stole the credit card number (and the money)
I have to wait until the DVD be here... Y.Y
I live in Austria and I have bought a lot DVD's on and all DVD's I got are not broken or damaged.
And I think paying with credit card at is safe. All month I get a bill from my credit card institute where I can see what I have bought. And when there is something on this bill I didn't have bought I can block my credit card. So no other can buy something with my credit card.
Okay, I looked over this thread a few times, and decided I needed to think it over before I present my take on this. Here goes.
The precieved possibility of Duck/Lexi has probably been around since early in the first season. I have to admit something: I wasn't always an Ace/Lexi fan, or even an Ace/Duck fan. (Whoops! Did I say that last part?) The show was still relatively young, and a whole lot of stuff hadn't happened yet. Duck/Lexi, to me, had possibilities. But of course, that changed over time.
It's not that I absolutely loath the idea of Duck and Lexi being together; it's just that I can't hate something if I can't even SEE it there. I'm not even remotely convinced anymore there's a possibility for them.
I'm going to take a good look at It came From Outer Space (cited as maybe the greatest source of anti-Duck/Lexi.)
1)Lexi is negotiating with Melvin, and Duck shoves her aside to razz on him. Do YOU want a guy who shoves you when you're having an important conversation?
2) The idea of trading up Lexi is presented. Confronted with the possibility of never seeing her again, Duck talks about the good things Lexi could find while away, such as seeing the universe and playing checkers with another man.
3) Duck's response to Lexi comparing herself to Helen of Troy: "Pu-lease; this isn't about your beauty but about your ballistic bunny blast. But I do agree you deserve the blame."
But he does have her feelings in mind. Really.
4) (Comfort, Duck-style.) "I know you're feeling bad, Lexi. Blaming yourself for this whole mess you caused, but you really shouldn't." Lexi smiles. "Aw, thanks." He continues. "Why is that throughout history so many have to suffer for the acts of a this case, just one." Hearing his tone of voice in that scene just makes it better.
5) (When Duck and Ace are walking through a hallway in Melvin's ship.) "We'll never find Lexi. I say we cut our losses and go home. We can divide up her stuff and call it a day. There's a sequin jacket I've had my eye on-" Ace interrupts, REALLY annoyed. "Duck?" "What? You can have first pick!"
For God sakes, he likes her CLOTHES better than her! That's just cold!
6) "What! You're leaving the fate of our planet in the hands of some joy-stick juggler?!"
Sure, he said later he had faith all along. But come on.
These things not only indicate lack of romantic interest in Lexi on Duck's part. To me, they come together saying he doesn't even care for her that much.
Thoughts anyone?
Never stop questioning everything.
Life is never perfect, but that doesn't mean it's not good.
*high-fives oddity and Anna* No offense to any Duck/Lexi shippers; I still respect your views. But, I cannot deny my total coalescence of opinion with my fellow Ace/Lexi shippers.
Hi, I've been lurking here for awhile; learned about the place from mentions at the LU forums. This seems to be a nice forum for discussing all things LU, so I'd thought I'd join. Anyways.... The Danger/Lexi pairing, I don't see happening on the show for a number of reasons:
[American] children's action adventure series tend not to deal with romantic issues. So most likely, no romance for any of the Loonatics.
Token characters have a tendency not to be involved in romance. Lexi being the sole female member of the Loonatics makes her the "token" female of the group. Also, I think for token female characters there seems to be a mindset among some that having them involved with a male member on the team dilutes the female character's feminist representation. I think it's because some might then perceive the female character as nothing more that a trophy girlfriend as opposed to being valued as "one of the guys". Most likely, that means Lexi will stay solo for the run of the series.
If the token female happens to be linked to one of the males of the team, she's usually linked to the alpha of the group. The romance helps to preserve the alpha's place in the pecking order, even if it's at the expense of the token female. So if a romance were to blossom among teammates, Lexi would most likely be paired with Ace because he's the alpha of the group.
There tends to be "specist" mentality for anthropomorphic characters: dogs with dogs, cats with cats, bunnies with bunnies, ducks with ducks and so on. Characters tend to only go outside their respective species for romantic liaisons when it's played for comedic purposes by highlighting the absurdity of the relationship. Since there are two bunnies on the team, with one male and the other female, an Ace/Lexi romance has the cards stacked in its favor.
Danger is more "donkey" than duck. In order for him, to be with Lexi [or anyone else for that matter] there will be times when he would have to be able to put his gigantic ego aside for at least few moments and think about her needs. So far it doesn't seem that Danger is capable of that.
Personally, I enjoy watching the friendship between Danger and Lexi. If the series were to continue, I hope that Lexi could get some of her compassion to eventually rub off on Danger. He could sure use it.
Tyranee wrote: Well... today little kids are not that innocents... and I know more a 5 years old little girl who want to see some romance in Loonatics...
I dunno.... From previous discussions I had on the same topic with other shows, I think the lack of romance has to do with "Family Values". I believe it has to do with some parents having objections to romantic situations in children's programming. Anyways, a romance could happen on the show. It all depends upon the writing staff and the direction they want to take the show in. If a romance is in the works for the main characters (The Loonatics), it'll be interesting to see if TPTB follow the clichéd formula (Ace/Lexi) or actually surprise us with something different. (Hey, Pinkster turned out to be a bad guy, so the writing staff has proven that they can think out of the box. )
Tyranee wrote: Well... today little kids are not that innocents... and I know more a 5 years old little girl who want to see some romance in Loonatics...
I dunno.... From previous discussions I had on the same topic with other shows, I think the lack of romance has to do with "Family Values". I believe it has to do with some parents having objections to romantic situations in children's programming. Anyways, a romance could happen on the show. It all depends upon the writing staff and the direction they want to take the show in. If a romance is in the works for the main characters (The Loonatics), it'll be interesting to see if TPTB follow the clichéd formula (Ace/Lexi) or actually surprise us with something different. (Hey, Pinkster turned out to be a bad guy, so the writing staff has proven that they can think out of the box. )
Well... and the violence???
Is better the violence that the love???
I saw a lot of little kids cartoons were two characters love each other... and are programs for 6-11 years old kids!!!!
Why this will be different???
Others WB cartoons for little kids have romance... is not like they will have sex or something like that!!! I hope one day we can see a little of romance between our characters (I hope Slam felt in love of a cute girl... or that Lexi and Duck felt in love... etc...)
The violence comes with the superpowers. XP Loonatics Unleashed is an action-comedy or something, right? Well...'action' implies 'VIOLENCEOMGLOLBOOM!'. so sure it'll happen in canon LU. Mainly 'cause LT purists would object at ANY action that WB does, and pairing up characters would explode them. XP But also that LU doesn't seem like a show where romance would play a big role. Maybe as a side-plot thing, but not involving the Loonatics much.
...not that we shouldn't stop supporting our ships, of course.
the_oddity wrote: The violence comes with the superpowers. XP Loonatics Unleashed is an action-comedy or something, right? Well...'action' implies 'VIOLENCEOMGLOLBOOM!'. so sure it'll happen in canon LU. Mainly 'cause LT purists would object at ANY action that WB does, and pairing up characters would explode them. XP But also that LU doesn't seem like a show where romance would play a big role. Maybe as a side-plot thing, but not involving the Loonatics much.
...not that we shouldn't stop supporting our ships, of course.
Parents, who simply don't like any form of violence, wouldn't let their children watch the show. That's why in America there are TV ratings. (I have no idea if there are TV ratings outside of the US.) Parents have the means to actually block certain programs from being viewed simply by the ratings system,
I think the strange thing with people is that violence is universal in the sense that most people can agree upon how much is too much. Romance isn't so easily agreed upon. There seems to be different ideologies on what is, or isn't acceptable when it comes to romance.
I've come across this discussion before and it seems that the general consensus is that in American culture, violence is more acceptable than sexuality.
For argument sake, if we lived in a world where Danger/Lexi was possible. Do you think it would be accepted? I can't think of too many cartoons where anthros date outside of their species. Would it be considered strange on the show? There don't seem to be a lot of anthros on the show; but if there were anthro couples, most likely it would be same species couples.
And I wonder if the viewing audience would accept such a thing. I can't remember any Merrie Melodies/Looney Tunes couples that were mixed species anthros. (There were a handful of human/anthro couples though.) There's the possibility of Pepe/Penelope but Pepe pursed Penelope because he thought she was a female skunk. I don't know if he would've pursed her if he knew she was a cat from the get-go.
This reminds me of all those songs that are about seperated couples. XP (Don't Matter by Akon FTW.)
Actually, we do live in a world where DD/Lexi is possible - POSSIBLE, mind you. THe accepted part? Not so much. It's kinda like...racism, I dunno. I remember a song where a child was born of two parents from different ethincities(I spelled it wrong D:). Other children shunned that child because he was a 'half-breed'. I think this might apply in the LU universe - couples of different species would be frowned upon.
Well, it wouldn`t be frowned upon, but...I just don`t get the same sense of sweetness from Duck/Lexi as I do Lexi/Ace. Besides, IMO, seeing Ace blunder in a relationship with Lexi (perhaps regularly, but not excessively) could help make him more relatable and fallible, whereas we already see plenty of human qualities in Duck. So, Lexi could help make Ace less of a "Stu".