Nah, I think that eventually the whole of Earth came to an agreement to come together as one completely united planet, no longer divided by war or religion, and living under tolerance and maybe even acceptance of one another.
Think; some of the villains on the show are angry because the meteor did something to them, the other part were shunned by a small community, some are aliens and the rest are fulfilling some type of quest for riches of some sort. There's never any mention of war or the like.
So maybe planet Earth united as a whole and renamed itself Acmetropolis?
I was thinking today (I know, scarey), that what if one of Duck's secrets is that he got a girl pregnant in high school and now he's trying to help his adoptive parents support the child that his ex girlfriend left behind? It would explain his constant want of money... *shrugs*
Andrea: ....I think my kidney laughed. Sye: Your bladder told it to stop. 83
XtreamCrazy wrote:=I was thinking today (I know, scarey), that what if one of Duck's secrets is that he got a girl pregnant in high school and now he's trying to help his adoptive parents support the child that his ex girlfriend left behind? It would explain his constant want of money... *shrugs
Now THERE'S a thought.
I can actually see Duck being gay, or at least bi (he's too flirty to be simply homosexual... he obviously likes girls too). It would explain his love for Lexi's clothes. ;)
*gasp* ODDITY! If you were planning on writing a fanfiction about Duck having a duckling, THAT WOULD BE AWESOME AND YOU MUST DO EET!!! It would compliment that convo we had on DA about Duck's eggs and Duck being a parent!!
Duckling: Daddy! Read me a story! Duck: ... Do I have to? Duckling: Pwease? *puppy eyes* Duck: T_T ... Don't make that face. Duckling: *pouts*
(I so totally drew that... I only haffta ink it...)
Maybe Duck took piano lessons when he was young but never told anyone because the piano is such an old and "uncool" instrument by the 28th century?
Andrea: ....I think my kidney laughed. Sye: Your bladder told it to stop. 83
I can't imagine Duck playing the piano. I think that's more of Slam's secret forte and all. Whenever someone does a wedding fic, Slam's always playing the organ. Coincidence?
Anyways, that will be so sweet to write a fan fic about Duck as a parental figure for his son/daughter or something like that. You could totally compare the way Duck cares for his offspring compared to how he was treated when he was or before he became an orphan. That will be so cool.
Or compare the way Duck treats his child to the way Duck treats the rest of the world. 8D
I can imagine him being sweet and loving toward his offspring, but still be arrogant and pig-headed around everyone else. It would confuse ppl. ^__^
Ever since I saw 'Who Framed Roger Rabbit?', and there was that scene where Daffy Duck and Donald Duck were playing the piano in a sort of competition thingie, I've been hooked on the idea that maybe Duck would play the piano too. =3
Andrea: ....I think my kidney laughed. Sye: Your bladder told it to stop. 83
It sound a good idea about the child... or maybe he was in love and going to get marry and she gets pregnant... before the wedding she had the baby, but die...
And about the piano... it must be funny to see Duck with music habilities!!!!
Gay or Bi... I don't think so... Lexi is not that girly and I know men that are not Gay or Bi and love girls clothes...
Strangely, that doesnt sound so out of character to me.
LoL, I bet this has been said before, but can you imagine if one of the other tics found that porn movie?
Tech: K, its 1:30 AM, they should be asleep now. *Closes classical music on itunes and goes online* Tech: Dum de dum. Males, avians, DUCK?!? *Throws monitor into the wall in a panic attack*
That would be awesome! Slam can play the cello... right before he eats it. XD
And Ace would play the sax... except that's not a classical instruemnt... :9
Lolz... Duck AND Lexi have a dark secret involving... Things... Like... Cake... *pause* Yeeees... Cake...
You're right Techfan, it does seem pretty in-character for him. I guess WB did a good job of making his past so mysterious and intriguing that we could say almost anything about him and it'd be beleivable. Or they made him such a jerk that we could peg him with any naughty thing (heh, naughty), and we wouldn't care. XD
"Tech: Dum de dum. Males, avians, DUCK?!? *Throws monitor into the wall in a panic attack*"
You win the internetz Techfan! Mostly because you portrayed Tech as someone who sneaks a peek at pornos at 1:30 in the morning. 8D
Andrea: ....I think my kidney laughed. Sye: Your bladder told it to stop. 83
Umm... He's highly intelligent, single, and works late-nights in the lab, DUH he peeks at porn at 1:30 AM.
But the concept is friggin hilarious. The idea of one of the tics being in a porn movie, and then the other tics find it while browsing. I cant get over it!
Lexi: K, 2:00 AM. Tech should be done peeking now. Wonder what that crashing sound was? *Closes fashion site and goes online to peek pornz* Lexi: Hmm... sexy, sounds good! Lexi: Wow, that guys cute, he looks just like Duck... ZOMFGzorz!!! *Brain blasts PC and runs into hallway screaming*
Yeah, and Duck's highly un-intelligent, single, and doesn't get as much attention as he wants. So maybe it makes sense that he might have been in a porno... XD
*dies laughing*
Please continue, there are a few other 'Tics left to catch him out. XD
Andrea: ....I think my kidney laughed. Sye: Your bladder told it to stop. 83
Lexi: Di-di-di-did you s-s-s-see it t-t-t-t-too? *Tech nods slowly while gazing at wall* *Record scratch* Lexi: Wait, is for male avians. Tech: Uhhh... ^^;
In aces room:
Ace: Hehehe... I love dem cheerleaders! *Pop-ups from other sites start popping up* Ace: Damn pop-ups! Go away sexyfeathers! * pops up again* Ace: *Sigh* I guess a little bit couldnt hurt. Hmm... *Scrolls down to see pic of Duck* Ace: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH *Rips out keyboard and throws it into monitor*
In the hallway:
*Ace sits next to Tech and Lexi in fetile position* Tech: Y-y-y-y-you t-t-t-t-too? *Ace nods slowly while shaking* Ace: I'll never experiment again!!! *Record scratch* Lexi: What the hell?! Ace: ^^;
Invade, you know, hitler invaded poland. Then austria, then france, then holland, then belgium, then denmark, then norway, then the USSR... Can you imagine would it what look like if he received a box of chocolates?
Except that it's a kids show and they would never put anything like this in there.
or would they...
LOL! Had the most hilarious thought! Imagine the next day after such a revealing night! Lexi giving Tech and Ace weird looks and all three of them avoiding contact with Duck. XDDD
Andrea: ....I think my kidney laughed. Sye: Your bladder told it to stop. 83
Rev: No-one-would-ever-suspect-an-innocent-road-runner-like-me. *Logs on the internet* Rev: Wow-that-sounds-like-something-I-could-be-on!!! Rev: But-how-do-I-submit-pictures? This-profile-looks-pretty-experienced. Danger... *Woosh, computer screen is blank and Rev is gone in under a second*
Rev, Ace, Lexi, and Tech are now all sitting in fetile position. Lexi: OK, if slam comes running in here too, I'm REALLY gonna be scared! Tech, Ace, & Rev: ^^;
Xtream: *pats Duck on the head* It'll be ok... Duck: What the heck are you talking about?
*offscreen* MY EYES! THEY BURN!!! MY RETNA HAVE BEEN PERMENENTLY SCARRED! I'm-a-pretty-little-bird... I'm-a-pretty-little-bird... feathers... FEATHERS... *insane high pitched laugh* There is nod God... D8
Duck: *looks at Xtream* Xtream: Ask me no questions and I'll tell you no lies... Duck: T_T Xtream: ... *looks around the room* *turns to Duck* I AM YO BIGGEST PHAN!!! 8D Duck: 8D
Andrea: ....I think my kidney laughed. Sye: Your bladder told it to stop. 83
Xtream: *pats Duck on the head* It'll be ok... Duck: What the heck are you talking about?
*offscreen* MY EYES! THEY BURN!!! MY RETNA HAVE BEEN PERMENENTLY SCARRED! I'm-a-pretty-little-bird... I'm-a-pretty-little-bird... feathers... FEATHERS... *insane high pitched laugh* There is nod God... D8
Duck: *looks at Xtream* Xtream: Ask me no questions and I'll tell you no lies... Duck: T_T Xtream: ... *looks around the room* *turns to Duck* I AM YO BIGGEST PHAN!!! 8D Duck: 8D
This sound like an episode of Loonatics Unleashed that comes airs on the Bizzarro channel at 38:00 PM. In the Bizzarro world. In which Willy Wonka is the president of the Bizzaro States of America. And XTremeCrazy never LOLs.
Wait did Rev insinuate that he wants to be on a porn site?
What's to be confused about? I'm comforting Duck for I know that he will be rejected for some time now, but he doesn't know that, all he knows is that I know something... But I don't want to put him in an awkward position by telling him that the others saw him on a porn site...
Wait... It is confuzzling...
Oh well, I know what I'm on about. XD
Why do ppl brush their teeth before breakfast? It just makes the food taste weird. D8
Oddity, i nominate you! 8D
Andrea: ....I think my kidney laughed. Sye: Your bladder told it to stop. 83