Well, that got an involunatary giggle out of me. XP
Bunnies aren't cute like everybody supposes! They've got them hoppy legs and twitchy little noses! And what's with all the carrots! Why do they need such good eyesight for anyway?! Bunnies! Bunnies! It must beBUNNIES!!
You're right of course Ski. This is nothing but a horribly distorted image of Tech. The reality is he's a 'geeky studmuffin'! *Sighs happily.* I feel better now. Thanks Ski! You're the best Techie friend a Techie could have! He! He!
Ah karma, i've heard about it. What goes around comes around right? *Chuckles.*
WHHHAAATTT??!!! Another obese portrayal of Tech?! What do these people have against Tech?! And shouldn't Tech have a green tummy? Just goes to show the inaccuracy of the pic! *Sniff.* What has Tech done to incur such spite?!
I think I'm emotionally damaged now, and I'm not even a Tech-fangirl. Now I have to re-watch '300' to get the image out of my mind. A movie featuring 300 tall, beefy, hairy, and delicious men fighting viciously should really do the trick.
Never stop questioning everything.
Life is never perfect, but that doesn't mean it's not good.
o-o;; Okay, some of my obsessions have been slightly on the weighty side, but not like this. Like...they're cute chubby, not morbidly obsese e_e;; My inner Techie is attempting suicide.
Danielle: *nervous twitch* *starts to shake* *breathing heavily* *sinks to ground* *finally faints*
I'm sorry Tech, I tried not to faint, but the picture was too much!
Cassidy: *is mad* That tears it.... *hands glow blue* PREPARE TO DIE WHOEVER DREW THAT PICTURE! *starts tossing flame-balls everywhere*
I believe in Jesus Christ as my Saviour
Lucky: Why can't you Toons just enter a room normaly?! Bonkers: Us Toons don't do normaly things! That's what makes us sooo adorable! X3 Lucky: Yeah, like a trainwreck. -__________-
Cassidy and Dusk: Freaky siamese twins seperated at birth.... ~ Andrea
Many thanks to HCoyote for the awesome avatar! I love it! <3
Danni- Official supporter of Tessidy, Sethidy, Cassless, Duri, Seck, Ricy, Dapphire, Calric, and Cassaghu 83 And Maley D. Because it's wrong. \8D/
I've seen a fat Lexi before, but none of the others.
Bunnies aren't cute like everybody supposes! They've got them hoppy legs and twitchy little noses! And what's with all the carrots! Why do they need such good eyesight for anyway?! Bunnies! Bunnies! It must beBUNNIES!!
Sorry but I wanted pic of all them fat so we can all have a good laugh but I saw pic of a naked tech(with a consred bar)and he's hot but in my book ace is a hunka hunka brunin love hot ace Feel free to kill*ties blindfold around eyes and smokes a cigarete*I'm ready
Tech:say asta la vista baby!*puls out laser connon* Me:*glups*
Ever wondered how the anorexically skinny Rev would look like after a pizza overdose? C'mon click on it.... you are a Tech fan afterall... it's not as if it's going to affect you........ click it....click it.....click it......
The winners write the history, and the losers children will be brainwashed by it.
Not a chance! I'm not going to dignify this slight against Rev's awesomeness by viewing it!
D: Rev is not anorexic! Anorexic is extremely not-hot, while Rev is most drool-inducing. He just has a lithe runner's figure. <3 (I'm a Revvie, too, if you hadn't noticed. )
Ah, Tech. Tu chauffes mon cœur comme un jour en été…