Duck: Who do you think you are? Popping in and out without so much as a glomp?? Xtream: *looks around, then glomps Tintin* Duck: WHAT?!?! HIM AGAIN!?!? Xtream: I can't help it... No matter how hard I try, I just can't keep away from him... Tintin: It's coz i'm the sex. Duck: D:
Andrea: ....I think my kidney laughed. Sye: Your bladder told it to stop. 83
Dude, if someone told me that an actual animator from the show drew that, I would totally believe them. And I love the way the letters look at the bottom. Be cool Rev. Word. *does random gangster signs for no reason*
On Youtube there's a (low quality) video of his performance from last weekend. Gawd, I SO wish I was there! ;_;
BTW, thanks a lot guys, I'm flattered by all the comments! I tend to not give much value to 'poser' fanart and torsos like this, but knowing that y'all like it so much, makes me really happy! :)
All panty-wearing aside this is the first pic I've ever seen of Duck where I legitimately thought he was cute, just in the facial expression and the general WHEEEE demeanor. Maybe its also my thing for skinny guys.
Oh you guuuuuyysss! What happened in here overnight?? *dies*
Duck as no junk in the trunk X0 I just KNEW someone would say that! XD Ducks have ninja-gears, they hide and look harmless until it's time for the action!
Glad y'all like it. I drew three pics of him before this one and he just wouldn't look like Duck at all. D:
Geez louise, Ayelet. You draw Rev so awesomely it's ridiculous. X_x And I admit to particularly enjoying the 'Mondays' pic. You captured that early morning air of unwilling waking perfectly.
*insert witty quote that will impress all the other forum members here*
Well...if anything, I find the expression amusing. Please forgive me Ayelet, but I just don't find it all that 'squee' worthy. *dodges bricks* Maybe for reasons that have already been discussed...XD
*insert witty quote that will impress all the other forum members here*