How do you feel about pairings with a Loonatic and an Original Character?
I honestly don't mind it as long as the girl (or guy) isn't a Mary-Sue. So far I haven't come across any on (thank goodness). I have quite a few OCs in mind for a fanfic I'm writing for LU that I'll write and put on sometime. Thought I only consider them half OCs because they are all descendants of a character from either Looney Tunes or Tiny Tunes Adventures.
I'm all for them as long as they won't take the spotlight, aren't more powerful than the official main characters and, like you said, aren't mary-sues. They also kill my interest for the entire fanfic if one of the characters (in this case the 'tics) blindly falls in love with them. Not saying they shouldn't fall in love with an OC, but they should NEVER go out of character or become completely devoted to said fancharacter (hence, why i used the term BLINDLY).
And sadly, this happens very frequently.
To this day i am STILL looking for an enjoyable TechxOC fanfic (m/f). No luck there yet. :/
I totally agree with you. I really hate it when the main character falls for the perfect almighty powerful godess. What i especially dislike is when the main character falls for the OC even when he/she is already taken in the mainstream of the series.
Don't get me started about THAT one! XD I support occicial characterxOC only if the official character is not paired up with anybody in the series. Fanfics that break up official pairings for the sake of a fancharacter piss me off beyond comprehension! *snarls*
^///////^ Thanks. Man, those stories make me mad, too. It's like the person doesn't even care that they're throwing cannon to the wind or wether or not it's ooc! It just doesn't make sense.
I must ask again, am I doing this messaging right? I don't know if I am. TT^TT
You got it right mate. I must agree though, As I've had my fair share of mary-sue charaters (not metioning any), Even some people hint at the pairing too soon.
Edit: Bah posted at the same time, read 'Missing in Action' ch. 9 or 8, very werid what happened there Oo, and all my sister's idea for that pairing
-- Edited by Luc Bunny at 22:37, 2007-08-09
He needs to be stopped I like BF Heroes! Deal with it!
I don't like Mary-Sue OCs, but I also dislike OCs who are overly tough and have the ability to annoy the canon character into submission. That's what I saw in many Snape/OC fanfics in the Harry Potter fandom, where the OC gets to humiliate and beat up Snape until he becomes a nice guy who falls in love with the OC.
The winners write the history, and the losers children will be brainwashed by it.
[I usually hate OCs falling in love with one of the Loonatics and vice-versa.]
[Before you throw stuff at me, let me explain.]
[Most of the time, the OCs and/or chosen Loonatic either blindly fall in love with each other or are already dating/boyfriend/girlfriend.]
[Other times, as you might have already mentioned, the OCs have powers that outmatch the Loonatics' powers combined...or something. There's no way that a single character can have so much power. Well, maybe villains, but that's not my point.]
[...I had more to explain, but I forgot what I was going to say.]
You got it right mate. I must agree though, As I've had my fair share of mary-sue charaters (not metioning any), Even some people hint at the pairing too soon.
Edit: Bah posted at the same time, read 'Missing in Action' ch. 9 or 8, very werid what happened there Oo, and all my sister's idea for that pairing
-- Edited by Luc Bunny at 22:37, 2007-08-09
Edit: Bah posted at the same time, read 'Missing in Action' ch. 9 or 8, very werid what happened there Oo, and all my sister's idea for that pairing
Oh, I found that story, I plan on reading it today.
Just a question, did I do this quoting thing correctly? Gah, I hate being so new to this! TT^TT
Kenny McCormick wrote:[Other times, as you might have already mentioned, the OCs have powers that outmatch the Loonatics' powers combined...or something. There's no way that a single character can have so much power. Well, maybe villains, but that's not my point.]
[...I had more to explain, but I forgot what I was going to say.]
Oh man, I hate the almighty powerful ones. I read a fanfic in the X-men section of and this one chick had every power a mutant ever had, has, or will have. When I read that, I immediatly stopped reading.
Oh, I'm sorry you forgot! I hate it when that happens.
[Other times, as you might have already mentioned, the OCs have powers that outmatch the Loonatics' powers combined...or something. There's no way that a single character can have so much power. Well, maybe villains, but that's not my point.]
[...I had more to explain, but I forgot what I was going to say.]
Ya, I hate it when the OCs over powers already existiong characters. I say If you make your own that have powers make sure its on the same power level as the real characters. For plan on paring some of the Loonatics up with OCs later on that have power, but the OCs are truly kinda week.
I belive a exaple of a good OC and loonatic pairing can be found in CassidyCoyotes Giddy Up, Loonatics!
The pairing, or almost, parinig of TechxCassidy (Tecidy)
I agree with all of those opinions. Unfortunately, I screwed up my fanfic "Invasion of Acmetropolis" to the point of no return. My oh my, I shall stick to adding onto stories from now on.
Bleh. No offense to anyone. But for me any character in general paired with an OC makes my stomach turn. It just seems nowadays people only write fanfics to shove their own characters in there and pair them with someone and expect it to be the greatest thing since buttered toast.
But there are exceptions. I know all writers don't think like this. And I have been known EXTREMELY rarely to be a fan of an OC pairing. But And escpecially in Loonatics. Unless maybe it's not the same old Tech, Duck or RevxOC pairing I always see.
Well, it's like the name suggests. It's a pairing of two people of completly different worlds/dimmentions/etc. Like, for example, the popular Kagome/Kurama (from Inuyasha and Yu Yu Hakusho).
But there are exceptions. I know all writers don't think like this. And I have been known EXTREMELY rarely to be a fan of an OC pairing.
I know what you mean, there has only been one characterxOC pairing to date that I've actually liked. It was an X-Men fanfic on by an author named dizi. A NightcrawlerxOC pairing. I recomend it to all X-Men fans.
Back on topic, though I do like writing fics with OCs in them, I do tend to enjoy fics with pairings with characters from the series only. Either that or the rare story with an OC that has no romantic involement whatsoever with any of the serie's characters.
I'll accept LUxOC ONLY if the OC dies, leaving behind an important lesson to the character OR maybe turns out to be the bad-guy in the end or something drastically realistic. What I really don't like, though, is a Mary Sue. They make me feel...not good. At all.
And now for a shameless plug:
I'll accept LUxOC ONLY if the OC dies, leaving behind an important lesson to the character OR maybe turns out to be the bad-guy in the end or something drastically realistic. What I really don't like, though, is a Mary Sue. They make me feel...not good. At all.
I agree. I don't like Mary Sues/Gary Stus either. That's why I never ever ever try and get any of my OCs to fall in love with an existing character and expect a wedding at the end.
I'm still pretty new to the whole world of fan fiction, so I need some clarification.
What exactly specifies an OC? Like, for example, in my one fan fiction I created a character who isn't normally on the show, but she isn't like a recurring character of mine. She's just there for that story. I don't see how that's much different from a new minor character being introduced on the actual show, just that it's happening in my own story.
And is a Mary Sue when the author herself pairs herself off with one of the characters?
It's odd that I'm pairing up someone, since I have previously taken the stance of being against all shipping in general. Even perfectly realistic pairings. I'm probably just a grouch though. =-/
Oh, but I know very well what a crossover pairing is. I've seen a HORRIBLE one - Vegeta from Dragon Ball Z with freakin' Anne Frank. And Vegeta has an epic battle with Hitler at the end. It would be hilarious if it wasn't serious.
Dragon Wing, I do believe that any character you create is an oc. I'm sure that if it was not in the original series, it is not classed as a canon character, and is therefore entitled as an original character (I assume that's what 'oc' stands for).
As for a mary-sues/gary-stus, such is a charcter that is stunningly beautiful with no flaws in their appearance or personality; has people constantly fighting for his/her affections because of said beauty; is in possession of over-the-top quirks such as weird fashion sense or incredibly odd pets with fascinating abilities so as to try and establish a feeling of individuality - even though every other mary-sue/gary-stu has been written like this; had a completely traumatic background that has driven them to seek revenge or led them on some weird-@r$ed crusade to prove something to the world; has amazing abilities that are unusual for the canon or are better than all the canon characters; can fight the pants off the original show's characters yet ends up becoming the victim in a battle inspite of said abilities and skills, just so the main canon character has to go and save them in an act of passion and thus prove their undying love for them even though they've only known each other for five freaking seconds and it would make more sense to leave that mary-sue/gary-stu to rot because any sort of relationship between them and the canon character would be unrealistic and melt said character's brain and shatter his/her senses to a million pieces which will eventually drive the poor canon character to break his/her own legs with a screw-driver and kebab his/her own eyes out with a pen before having his/her feet run over by a large vehicle's wheels and eventually end their own life to avoid any further contact with such an annoyingly frustrating and completely unrealistic character ever again. GAHIHATEMARY-SUES!!! *faints*
*curiosity strikes her* Who're you pairing up?? Ooooooooooooooh, suspense! 8D
I have never seen a DuckxOC pairing... Besides Oddity's lil stories. Not one. Ever. X.x
I know that I would absolutely adore oc pairings if the oc characters were actually decent...
I mean, there have been some occasions where I've found an oc that was done well, but it's not very often. And I think that's the biggest problem in the realm of ocs; people don't have any good examples to influence their own characters.
It's quite difficult with ocs, because if you try to be too realistic with their personalities, they become the anti-mary-sue/gary-stu, which can sometimes be as bad as the stereotypical mary-sue/gary-stus... So I undertsand the difficult position writers can be put into. But even if the character is slightly mary-sue/gary-stu, it won't be so bad as long as the relationship itself is executed in a believable way...
I shall now stop babbling and go spam some other thread. *takes a bow and exits*
Andrea: ....I think my kidney laughed. Sye: Your bladder told it to stop. 83
That Mary-Sue explanation was one of the best things I've read in my whole life. It also clears everything up for me, so thanks.
The story I'm writing has Rev paired up with another roadrunner gal name Shannon (although its not going all that great at this moment). Your explanation has frightened me somewhat, though. Now I'm worried that Shannon is too typical of an OC, or worse, a Mary Sue. Mostly because I've always loathed the concept of the character you have so thoroughly described (Haha), and I'd hate to think I've become an author of one.
It's hard to judge my own characters, especially since I haven't read much fan fiction in general to provide a vantage point from which to judge. D:
Maybe it's worth noting that in the context of my story (The Fragile, btw) the RevxShannon pairing is more of a cause for what happens rather than, you know, the entire story.
I took this quiz with my own LU OC (which I haven't actually written into a fanfiction or even shown on this site), and recieved 10 points. Anything over 30 probably needs some fixing. *nod*
And sorry if I've made you paranoid. I gave this quiz in order to help, not offend. D:
Andrea: ....I think my kidney laughed. Sye: Your bladder told it to stop. 83
Cripes that is long. After a while I had to scan through the questions. But generally speaking pretty much nothing there applied to my OC. So I feel better. :D
Edit: OK I actually got off my lazy ass and took the test. 9 points. So I guess I'm in the clear.
I did this quiz with Dagan Dingo once. And he got at least 7 points. But as Miss Xtream said; I'm still being wary that he doesn't become as bad as an anit/a general Mary Sue/Gary Stu.
I took this quiz with my own LU OC (which I haven't actually written into a fanfiction or even shown on this site), and recieved 10 points. Anything over 30 probably needs some fixing. *nod*
And sorry if I've made you paranoid. I gave this quiz in order to help, not offend. D:
I've become paranoid.
Cassidy scored 25 points.
I've noticed that Cassidy's taken a lot of spotlight lately, so I'm trying hard to cut her back...... but it's kinda hard, since most of my stories are about her and Tech...... and I hate the fact that I fail to give Slam the attention that I want to in my stories..... that has and always will bug the crap out of me.
But, anyways, now I'm paranoid... but, don't worry, it happens alot.
I believe in Jesus Christ as my Saviour
Lucky: Why can't you Toons just enter a room normaly?! Bonkers: Us Toons don't do normaly things! That's what makes us sooo adorable! X3 Lucky: Yeah, like a trainwreck. -__________-
Cassidy and Dusk: Freaky siamese twins seperated at birth.... ~ Andrea
Many thanks to HCoyote for the awesome avatar! I love it! <3
Danni- Official supporter of Tessidy, Sethidy, Cassless, Duri, Seck, Ricy, Dapphire, Calric, and Cassaghu 83 And Maley D. Because it's wrong. \8D/