...I took the test with one of my characters (one that I have not used in anything yet) and my score with it was a 16.
Heh...talk about a close call.
Favourite Conversation:
"Hey, Mr. Bump. Thought I'd drop by for a visit." "Uh, hello, Miss Whoops." "Sorry to hear about your accident." "Oh, well. That'll teach me to wrestle elephants." "Hey, a remote control! Ooh, how about we watch some rollerderby?" "Uh, uh, no, Miss Whoops, that's not for the T.V.! Ow! Bed! Crunching! Oh!" "These remotes are so unreliable..."
A score of 20 and below is good for me. If any of my characters score above 20, then I would have to do major editing on them.
Although...the majority of my characters that I use are male, and I do not want them in a relationship with ANY canon characters. The same goes with my female characters, but I enforce it more with them.
Favourite Conversation:
"Hey, Mr. Bump. Thought I'd drop by for a visit." "Uh, hello, Miss Whoops." "Sorry to hear about your accident." "Oh, well. That'll teach me to wrestle elephants." "Hey, a remote control! Ooh, how about we watch some rollerderby?" "Uh, uh, no, Miss Whoops, that's not for the T.V.! Ow! Bed! Crunching! Oh!" "These remotes are so unreliable..."
I joined on May 19, 2007. I introduced myself, but I never had a chance to experience the message board.
Favourite Conversation:
"Hey, Mr. Bump. Thought I'd drop by for a visit." "Uh, hello, Miss Whoops." "Sorry to hear about your accident." "Oh, well. That'll teach me to wrestle elephants." "Hey, a remote control! Ooh, how about we watch some rollerderby?" "Uh, uh, no, Miss Whoops, that's not for the T.V.! Ow! Bed! Crunching! Oh!" "These remotes are so unreliable..."
The character that I scored a 16 with is a non-anthro character...heh. Actually, the character that I used for the test is a human child. Weird, no? I took the test again with my anthro character and my score for that one was an 11. That pretty much surprised me. I expected my anthro character to get at least a 20. Heh...
If I ever get my scanner working, I could show you what they look like...if anyone is interested.
Favourite Conversation:
"Hey, Mr. Bump. Thought I'd drop by for a visit." "Uh, hello, Miss Whoops." "Sorry to hear about your accident." "Oh, well. That'll teach me to wrestle elephants." "Hey, a remote control! Ooh, how about we watch some rollerderby?" "Uh, uh, no, Miss Whoops, that's not for the T.V.! Ow! Bed! Crunching! Oh!" "These remotes are so unreliable..."
I have to get my scanner working first, but I will show you my characters when I get it set up. I had no idea that someone was actually interested in seeing my characters. Wait...you were talking to me, right?
Favourite Conversation:
"Hey, Mr. Bump. Thought I'd drop by for a visit." "Uh, hello, Miss Whoops." "Sorry to hear about your accident." "Oh, well. That'll teach me to wrestle elephants." "Hey, a remote control! Ooh, how about we watch some rollerderby?" "Uh, uh, no, Miss Whoops, that's not for the T.V.! Ow! Bed! Crunching! Oh!" "These remotes are so unreliable..."
Well i dont have a problem with it at all but like everyone else I dont like ... -when they are the main thing in the story -the best out of the team -when one of the team members fall blindlessly in love with them and get all out of caractor(or in other words are just not themselfs and are more "passionate or "sensitive") -when somehow the oc is accepted to the group for no apperent reson just because they recued them or the one of the caractors has fallen in love with the oc -when the oc's life is soooo depressing and only because the writer wants the main caractor(s) to give them attention or to feel bad for them -when theres no good story to back-up the oc's reson to be accepted in the group -or when the oc is soo drop dead georges and EVERYONE in the main group are in love with her/he -or when the caracter will do almost anything to get the oc's attention
WOW! i did not think it would be this long but thats just what i think of ocs but other than that ,if the story and caracter is beleivable and fits the settings then its a good loonaticsxOC story !
You forgot to mention the male version of "Mary Sues"...The male version is called, "Gary Stu".
...Unless they changed it recently.
Favourite Conversation:
"Hey, Mr. Bump. Thought I'd drop by for a visit." "Uh, hello, Miss Whoops." "Sorry to hear about your accident." "Oh, well. That'll teach me to wrestle elephants." "Hey, a remote control! Ooh, how about we watch some rollerderby?" "Uh, uh, no, Miss Whoops, that's not for the T.V.! Ow! Bed! Crunching! Oh!" "These remotes are so unreliable..."
Oh no, you're right. I just keep referring to perfect OC characters within the LU fandom as Mary-Sues because there are five main characters who're male and only one who is female... ^^;
Andrea: ....I think my kidney laughed. Sye: Your bladder told it to stop. 83
The problem is nowadays that if somebody says that someone else's a character is indeed a Mary Sue/Gary Stu, they try to change the character by saying they had a bad past.
Big Whoop! That makes them even more of a Mary Sue/Gary Stu than they were before!
Mary Sues and Gary Stus are usually the main focus of fanfiction in any fandom, correct? That pretty much kills the fandom. I have two OCs that I use often, but they are not Gary Stus. They are not overly powerful, nor are they equal in power with any of the Loonatics, for one. They are children, so they have no romantic interest in any canon characters.
I have my scanner up and running, actually. I just have to find good pictures of them to scan in.
Favourite Conversation:
"Hey, Mr. Bump. Thought I'd drop by for a visit." "Uh, hello, Miss Whoops." "Sorry to hear about your accident." "Oh, well. That'll teach me to wrestle elephants." "Hey, a remote control! Ooh, how about we watch some rollerderby?" "Uh, uh, no, Miss Whoops, that's not for the T.V.! Ow! Bed! Crunching! Oh!" "These remotes are so unreliable..."
My OCs have no powers, because they were on the other side of the world when the meteor hit. If I were ever to write a series of fanfictions, the focus would be on the action... And because my OCs aren't part of the team, they obviously can't be the focal point. ^__^
Andrea: ....I think my kidney laughed. Sye: Your bladder told it to stop. 83
I think the secret to a successful character creation is to give as little information about the OC as possible within the stories. It engages the readers to want to know more about the character and why they feel or act a certain way towards certain issues.
I hate it when people make their oc's ENTIRE LIFE STORY the main focus of a story. X_x
That's why when people put their oc's life story into their stories, there isn't really anything appealing about the character (it's a Brechtian technique that makes no-one feel sorry for the characters). It's like completing a video game and then you play the game less often cos you know what happens throughout the whole game.
Erm, this is always a difficult topic. Allow me to shed some light on my opinions.
I think the general approach taken when writing an original character into a story is to give them a central role. This usually happens because the character was conceptualized and completed even before there was a story idea to work with. More often than not, though, a character is created to establish someone's place in the fandom. Don't know what I mean? Think about it; when I mention a certain fan character's name, you're usually familiar with their creator. For example, if I said "Bia", you'd probably think of Sony-Mae. Fan authours and artists are almost always recognized for the characters they've created. A fan character stands out as unique amongst other fan creations, and therefore differentiates (sp?) between authours. It also makes doing requests and gift art easier, too.
When I approach character creation, the first thing that comes to mind is 'how will they fit?'. I try to include a character as a member of the cast, not as the star attraction. And I try to downsize their role a bit, so that they won't detract or distract from the central story. It isn't a crime for your character to be interesting, just don't let them hijack the plot in favour of telling their life's story.
There really isn't any wrong way or right way to write in an OC. After all, most of the tips you'll hear are somewhat contradictory. I think the best thing you can do is do what you feel is right for your character, and your story. Circumstances differ after all.
I'm in the (very) early stages of working on a Loonatics fanfiction that features non-canon characters. Sadly enough, I'm guilty of the LoonaticxOC cliche, but I feel that it's necessary to the story, and for more than one reason.
*insert witty quote that will impress all the other forum members here*
I agree with what you said Iggy (I'mma call you Iggy, kay?). I don't like it when an OC just randomly appears out of nowhere... and it's like, "Oh... We bumped into each other in the supermarket and fell head-over-heals for one another. Now we're getting married and having 17 babies." (ok, exaggeration... But you get what I mean?)
Like, with my OC, Mairi (pronounced Mah-ree... I'd just like to get that across... It's not Mary like Oddity's OC... Mairi is short for Amara... I IZ NOT COPYING. D8 !)... She was introduced to Duck through a line of people... And it began as a work based relationship... With something completely un-related to the crimefighting thing...
... Eh... I can't be bothered getting into it... But, you know... I made her fit... And explained the pictures in Duck's room AT THE SAME TIME. 8D
Which, you know... Is always a good thing.
Yeah... I'm rambling right nao. I'mma gunna stop. Because I'm getting a serious headache. ;__;
Andrea: ....I think my kidney laughed. Sye: Your bladder told it to stop. 83
I decided that I suck at writing original and non-canon characters in fan fiction. I can do it fine in a story that's entirely my own, but in fan fiction it's a lot trickier for me.
For this I usually just stick to the regular canon characters for pairings - more often than not I simply don't write about pairings at all.
Soooo as far as LUxOC pairings go, I think the well written one's are fine. I used to be TOTALLY against them, to the point where I didn't even want to SEE a description with an OC in it.
Buuuut after reading a few *the first being The Fragile BTW * and then making my own OC (which means I can't talk lol) ....soooo I'm fine with it
I'm going to write the story of how my Oc meets the Loonatics.....in time....after my Rev & Rip fic
Well i dont have a problem with it at all but like everyone else I dont like ... -when they are the main thing in the story -the best out of the team -when one of the team members fall blindlessly in love with them and get all out of caractor(or in other words are just not themselfs and are more "passionate or "sensitive") -when somehow the oc is accepted to the group for no apperent reson just because they recued them or the one of the caractors has fallen in love with the oc -when the oc's life is soooo depressing and only because the writer wants the main caractor(s) to give them attention or to feel bad for them -when theres no good story to back-up the oc's reson to be accepted in the group -or when the oc is soo drop dead georges and EVERYONE in the main group are in love with her/he -or when the caracter will do almost anything to get the oc's attention
WOW! i did not think it would be this long but thats just what i think of ocs but other than that ,if the story and caracter is beleivable and fits the settings then its a good loonaticsxOC story !
-- Edited by boredchild at 19:37, 2008-04-13
I Wanna Make Sure My Char Isn't A Gary-Sue!
Species: Human
Uniform: White
Abilities: (Trying to make him as least of a Gary-Sue as possible, but to give him a reason of recruitment too!)
Battle meditation: Tristan can meditate in order to temporarly boost his allies abilities.
Life Empower: Can grant life into non-living objects. (He can't control it though) Radation: When the Loonatics brought him to the base, he somehow gave each of them (only!) one new power (Not a Uber power though). Agility. (Self taught)
Flight rockets. (Made by Tech)
Life Story:
Tristian was born and abandoned at an orphanage. (He didn't care about his parents, but he did feel a tad lonely somedays! )
17 years later, the orphanage is attacked by Mastermind and Black Velvet, who were assigned by my O.C. Villain Malak because of his special ability to manuipulate the life energy around him, which Malak wants to create a immortal army.
So the Loonatics go and stop the two villains and the scene features Tristian getting hit by a car and Tech having an uber moment. He wonders why MasterMind and Velvet were trying to find him and decides to report this to Zadavia.
After that, Ace has a flirtatious moment with Lexi (Yes, it's Ace/Lexi too!).
So Zadavia tells the group that Tristian has special powers and she diecides to let Tristian join the Loonatics.
So he gets his uniform and goes into combat training with Ace and Tech. And in one part, falls on Tech, he apologies, and leaves blushing (A crush! a crush!).
That's all I'm going to say for now! You can ask questions later! Sooo...Is He Alright?
Long as they aint mary sue, i dont care. I'm writeing one! i am gonna put it up as soon as i learn how to put fics up here. Hehe, just showed up on this today.. help? Kiki rules. And i'm thinking i'll have another oc with her so tech will have some one for him. Tech rules!
Duck: what about me?
Kiki: what about you? Duck: dont i rule? Kiki: no. *duck cries, Kiki feels bad* okay you rule! Duck: Yay! *kisses Kikis cheek* Oops! Kiki: Ten seconds. one, two, ten! *chases duck*
I support Rexi, Acexi, Texi. Yaoi is the manga term for guy/guy. I will support that to, but only if its well writen.
I tolerate it--- sometimes they're good pairings. Other times, meh. Not really worthwhile. But MY OCs never have a romantic relationship with the Tics. 8D Either they're friends or enemies.
Enemies isn't dwelled upon enough.
And now for a shameless plug:
"Be nice to nerds, You'll probably end up working for one" - Bill Gates, Founder of Microsoft™
"Be yourself, don't take anyone else's s**t and NEVER let them take you alive" - Gerrard Way, 'My Chemical Romance'
"Life Moves Pretty Fast. If You Don't Stop And Look Around Once In A While, You Could MissIt" - Ferris Beuller (Mathew Broaderwick) , 'Ferris Beuller's Day Off'
*sighs* nothing special for me because my OC and me will never have girlfriends, I rather stick with friendship than love, so that's it...
I agree with that.
The same as everyone else here, I either make my OCs villains or just friends. However, I have made a fan fic one where one of the Loonatics fell in love with an OC but the relationship was never to be.
Mairi: LOVE MEEEEE!!! DX Duck: Get off!! *forceful shoving*
A Mary-Sue is a female character that has the same traits and qualities of every other female character ever invented within fanfictions... Smart, exceedingly beautiful, powerful, perfect, falls in love with one of the main characters with ease, has insane fighting skills that are better than everyone elses, has a dramatic and shady past, suffers a lot of pain most of the time, gets kidnapped in spite of their awesome ability just so their love interest can save them, at which time they suddenly become really powerful again and help save the world. T__T
Andrea: ....I think my kidney laughed. Sye: Your bladder told it to stop. 83
A Mary-Sue is a female character that has the same traits and qualities of every other female character ever invented within fanfictions... Smart, exceedingly beautiful, powerful, perfect, falls in love with one of the main characters with ease, has insane fighting skills that are better than everyone elses, has a dramatic and shady past, suffers a lot of pain most of the time, gets kidnapped in spite of their awesome ability just so their love interest can save them, at which time they suddenly become really powerful again and help save the world. T__T
Ahh, I see!
Thank you, I've been really confused about that for a long time!
So, mary sues are basically really cliché stories then...interesting.
But again, thanks for answering my query, it's been bugging me for months!
"Be nice to nerds, You'll probably end up working for one" - Bill Gates, Founder of Microsoft™
"Be yourself, don't take anyone else's s**t and NEVER let them take you alive" - Gerrard Way, 'My Chemical Romance'
"Life Moves Pretty Fast. If You Don't Stop And Look Around Once In A While, You Could MissIt" - Ferris Beuller (Mathew Broaderwick) , 'Ferris Beuller's Day Off'