I used to watch this when it was on KidsWB, but now no more Mucha Lucha for me. It was okay, but occaisionally I found it a bit random. Snow Pea will some day defeat everybody, and then you must bow down to it. GO SNOW PEA!!! GO SNOW PEA!!! GO SNOW PEA!!!
My top two favorite characters were Rikochet and The Flea. It's too bad that the show is over now, I thought it was entertaining and I would really like to bring it back. {Reflect back to the 'If You Could Bring Back A Show' topic.} And I also would like to bring back Loonatics as well.
... I'm not an anti-Rev. I just really love Kuzco.
Did you know that Candi Milo (Zadavia) does The Flea, Headmistress, and Rikochet's mom? And Jason Marden (Duck) does Rikochet. Really makes you think... Not really. Meh. Snow Pea is my favorite for some strange unknown reason.