I suppose we all have vomited as babies but can you recall to first time you remember vomiting?
The first time I remember vomiting must've been when I was five years old
I remember having a stomacheache and trying to sleep it off, Then I had some really weird dreams about cows having a spitting contest when I woke up I vometed. At first I didn't know what was happaning to me I went to my parents and what happand after that I can't remember too clearly
I hated being sick when I was little. Once I even snuck out of the house and went to school when I was ill but I went home just an hour before school ended and I only managed to do at least one hour of maths.
Everytime I was ill, I had to sleep on the sofa and watch the stupid 1980's education programmes for 7-11 year olds. I hated being sick.
The only time when I got something good from being sick was when I had to be taken into hospital and I got to be on TV with famous chef Patrick Anthony who made pancakes. I just kept saying "Superb" with the nurses who were watching him making them, everytime he asked "What do you think of that ladies?". There wasn't enough room for all the sick children to stay behind the camera. So when I was the one who arrived late, they just put me in front of the camera just to the side. Man those were some good pancakes . But I was only 9, possibly 10 years old when that happened.
Nah. I very much doubt that that particular cooking thingy on the news was gonna be recorded by someone and put up on there. Plus I don't think I'll ever find it but I might take a look.