Yay! Okay im gonna do two stories, this one and Zadavia has returned so everybody is happy. When im finished both stories, i'll be ready to do the finale.
( The next day at 10:30 a.m after the shocking surprise. Steve came into the kitchen very slowly but he was very happy. He slept with Kylie, he slept with her. He put his hand on the fridge and looked around with his eyes squinting to look for something to eat. He sees yogurt and he reaches for it as he hears somebody come in.)
Ace: Good mornin' Steve.
Steve: Oh mornin' Ace. ( As he grabs the yogurt and pulls it out and closes the fridge door.)
Ace: So, have you noticed that i kissed Lexi?
Steve: Yeah. Why?
Ace: Nothing. Are we gonna become more than just friends pretty soon?
Steve: Probably.
Ace: What about you and Kylie.
Steve: We are ahead of you a bit.
Ace: Oh. Did you know that its Rev's birthday in a couple of days?