Is there anyone else here, besides me,think that Tweetums is the real bad guy on Planet Blanc?
Cause I do have this strange feeling that he IS!!!! Cause why is it that Tweetums and Sylth Vester are the only life sourse on Planet Blanc, and why does Tweetums have so many Egg-bot guards and robo-clones of himself all over the place?
It's like Tweetums had robot-ised all the dizitens of Planet Blanc or something, and controls them with that wand (or whatever it is) to turned them into slaves as well. And I think that Queen Grannius [even though I DON'T care about her, cause she might be a triple agnet to liminate not only Tweetums (though I want him dead), but she might've wanted to liminate Sylth too] was turned into an Eggbot, that'll might explain why she was absent in "The Fall of Planet Blanc".
Plus, when Planet Blanc was attacked by Duce and Rupes, Tweetums didn't sounded like he was really scared at all, and after the Loonatics desided to make Planet Blanc their H.Q. Tweetums did have a plotting evil-like grin on his face.
If I'm right about him being the bad guy, then Planet Blanc is all nothing but a giant trap and the Loonatics are in grave danger!!!!