Rutt: Please don't eat us! You wouldn't like us ,eh! We're really gamey... Tuke: Yeah! Eat hoof-for-brains over there! Rutt: Oh really nice eh! Pinecone breath! Tuke: Crusty tail! Rutt: Twig legs! Tuke: Big nose! *Rutt gasps and gets quivering lip* Tuke:....sorry... Rutt: You went to far that time......
Me: I SHALL HAVE THEE FERRET GOD OF DOOM SMITE YE DOWN IF YE FAIL TO DO SO!!!!!! I SHAAAAAAALLLLL!!!!!!!! Ozzie: *standing on a tall pillar in a cape and robes with his stone glowing* MWAHAHAHA!!!!! Do as she says or I shall turn you all into bugs! AHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Ant:... Is that supposed to be a threat? Rev: *squeals like a girl and jumps into Ace's arms* They're BACK!!! D8
Me: I SHALL HAVE THEE FERRET GOD OF DOOM SMITE YE DOWN IF YE FAIL TO DO SO!!!!!! I SHAAAAAAALLLLL!!!!!!!! Ozzie: *standing on a tall pillar in a cape and robes with his stone glowing* MWAHAHAHA!!!!! Do as she says or I shall turn you all into bugs! AHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Ant:... Is that supposed to be a threat? Rev: *squeals like a girl and jumps into Ace's arms* They're BACK!!! D8
I swear, the day that guy dies is the day this world goes into Armeggedon.
Me: I SHALL HAVE THEE FERRET GOD OF DOOM SMITE YE DOWN IF YE FAIL TO DO SO!!!!!! I SHAAAAAAALLLLL!!!!!!!! Ozzie: *standing on a tall pillar in a cape and robes with his stone glowing* MWAHAHAHA!!!!! Do as she says or I shall turn you all into bugs! AHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Ant:... Is that supposed to be a threat? Rev: *squeals like a girl and jumps into Ace's arms* They're BACK!!! D8
You have two choices and you have to pick one, Emily.
Who would you'd rather live forever? Speilberg or Duck?
Me: I SHALL HAVE THEE FERRET GOD OF DOOM SMITE YE DOWN IF YE FAIL TO DO SO!!!!!! I SHAAAAAAALLLLL!!!!!!!! Ozzie: *standing on a tall pillar in a cape and robes with his stone glowing* MWAHAHAHA!!!!! Do as she says or I shall turn you all into bugs! AHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Ant:... Is that supposed to be a threat? Rev: *squeals like a girl and jumps into Ace's arms* They're BACK!!! D8
Me: I SHALL HAVE THEE FERRET GOD OF DOOM SMITE YE DOWN IF YE FAIL TO DO SO!!!!!! I SHAAAAAAALLLLL!!!!!!!! Ozzie: *standing on a tall pillar in a cape and robes with his stone glowing* MWAHAHAHA!!!!! Do as she says or I shall turn you all into bugs! AHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Ant:... Is that supposed to be a threat? Rev: *squeals like a girl and jumps into Ace's arms* They're BACK!!! D8
Me: I SHALL HAVE THEE FERRET GOD OF DOOM SMITE YE DOWN IF YE FAIL TO DO SO!!!!!! I SHAAAAAAALLLLL!!!!!!!! Ozzie: *standing on a tall pillar in a cape and robes with his stone glowing* MWAHAHAHA!!!!! Do as she says or I shall turn you all into bugs! AHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Ant:... Is that supposed to be a threat? Rev: *squeals like a girl and jumps into Ace's arms* They're BACK!!! D8
I was wondering how long you were holding onto that.
Me: I SHALL HAVE THEE FERRET GOD OF DOOM SMITE YE DOWN IF YE FAIL TO DO SO!!!!!! I SHAAAAAAALLLLL!!!!!!!! Ozzie: *standing on a tall pillar in a cape and robes with his stone glowing* MWAHAHAHA!!!!! Do as she says or I shall turn you all into bugs! AHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Ant:... Is that supposed to be a threat? Rev: *squeals like a girl and jumps into Ace's arms* They're BACK!!! D8
Me: I SHALL HAVE THEE FERRET GOD OF DOOM SMITE YE DOWN IF YE FAIL TO DO SO!!!!!! I SHAAAAAAALLLLL!!!!!!!! Ozzie: *standing on a tall pillar in a cape and robes with his stone glowing* MWAHAHAHA!!!!! Do as she says or I shall turn you all into bugs! AHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Ant:... Is that supposed to be a threat? Rev: *squeals like a girl and jumps into Ace's arms* They're BACK!!! D8
Just to let it out I don't dislike any of the members! I'm a true blue fan.
Me: I SHALL HAVE THEE FERRET GOD OF DOOM SMITE YE DOWN IF YE FAIL TO DO SO!!!!!! I SHAAAAAAALLLLL!!!!!!!! Ozzie: *standing on a tall pillar in a cape and robes with his stone glowing* MWAHAHAHA!!!!! Do as she says or I shall turn you all into bugs! AHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Ant:... Is that supposed to be a threat? Rev: *squeals like a girl and jumps into Ace's arms* They're BACK!!! D8
Me: I SHALL HAVE THEE FERRET GOD OF DOOM SMITE YE DOWN IF YE FAIL TO DO SO!!!!!! I SHAAAAAAALLLLL!!!!!!!! Ozzie: *standing on a tall pillar in a cape and robes with his stone glowing* MWAHAHAHA!!!!! Do as she says or I shall turn you all into bugs! AHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Ant:... Is that supposed to be a threat? Rev: *squeals like a girl and jumps into Ace's arms* They're BACK!!! D8
Hey! Duck was becoming an ego maniac again! Thyat's one of the seven deadly sins!
No, but seriously I'm athiest and don't beleive in that crap and I'm just glad Tech was there to put his flame out!
Me: I SHALL HAVE THEE FERRET GOD OF DOOM SMITE YE DOWN IF YE FAIL TO DO SO!!!!!! I SHAAAAAAALLLLL!!!!!!!! Ozzie: *standing on a tall pillar in a cape and robes with his stone glowing* MWAHAHAHA!!!!! Do as she says or I shall turn you all into bugs! AHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Ant:... Is that supposed to be a threat? Rev: *squeals like a girl and jumps into Ace's arms* They're BACK!!! D8
Me: *sigh* This never seems to get old around here. And I've never had a boyfriend so I wouldn't know. Icy: Eh, boyz are too much work. Me: Anoying? Icy: Totally. Me: Well, us singals must stick together. Icy: Till the end. *locks arms and skips off to a club*
Me: I SHALL HAVE THEE FERRET GOD OF DOOM SMITE YE DOWN IF YE FAIL TO DO SO!!!!!! I SHAAAAAAALLLLL!!!!!!!! Ozzie: *standing on a tall pillar in a cape and robes with his stone glowing* MWAHAHAHA!!!!! Do as she says or I shall turn you all into bugs! AHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Ant:... Is that supposed to be a threat? Rev: *squeals like a girl and jumps into Ace's arms* They're BACK!!! D8
That's nothin. My first year of juior high I was going to a whole new school. I didn't know anyone! After a while rumors were spread that a guy named Trevor liked me. Trevor would sit next to me at lunch, goof around around me and my friends. His friends tried to convince me he liked me. I thought everyoen was just BSing me so I didn't fall for it and my new BF Chloe was very protective of me so she made sure they left me alone.
But the rumor still went around that he really liked me. Soooo....eventually I plucked up the courage to be the one to make the first move and ask him out.....
Turns out him and half the seventh grade were playing a long-term prank on me. They were all in on it, helping it along for over two monts. My friend Chloe was the only one I knew that wasn't taking any aprt in it and it was becasue she was also new. Turns out Trevor had done this same thing to a girl the year before. TT____TT
Me: I SHALL HAVE THEE FERRET GOD OF DOOM SMITE YE DOWN IF YE FAIL TO DO SO!!!!!! I SHAAAAAAALLLLL!!!!!!!! Ozzie: *standing on a tall pillar in a cape and robes with his stone glowing* MWAHAHAHA!!!!! Do as she says or I shall turn you all into bugs! AHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Ant:... Is that supposed to be a threat? Rev: *squeals like a girl and jumps into Ace's arms* They're BACK!!! D8
Crap, they kept that up for 2 whole months? Talk about having no life and a significant lack of any entertainment value in their lives. I wouldn't worry about (if you still do). They got maybe like a 5 minute laugh after 2 months of trolling, which I'd consider a fail. And the execution was horrible too. All that just to get you to ask him out so they could lol about it? That's what you cal pathetic on their part. I hate middle schoolers.
Same here. I was the fat quiet girl who was picked on constantly. -____-;
Me: I SHALL HAVE THEE FERRET GOD OF DOOM SMITE YE DOWN IF YE FAIL TO DO SO!!!!!! I SHAAAAAAALLLLL!!!!!!!! Ozzie: *standing on a tall pillar in a cape and robes with his stone glowing* MWAHAHAHA!!!!! Do as she says or I shall turn you all into bugs! AHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Ant:... Is that supposed to be a threat? Rev: *squeals like a girl and jumps into Ace's arms* They're BACK!!! D8
I'm, not having truoble now but growing up with the entire school against ya scarred me. My friend Kim, you've talked to her on here, was picked on because hwer parents were devorced so I alaws butted in and broke noses. "That didn't make me too popular. It made her go from crying to falling over laughing though. ^_^
Me: I SHALL HAVE THEE FERRET GOD OF DOOM SMITE YE DOWN IF YE FAIL TO DO SO!!!!!! I SHAAAAAAALLLLL!!!!!!!! Ozzie: *standing on a tall pillar in a cape and robes with his stone glowing* MWAHAHAHA!!!!! Do as she says or I shall turn you all into bugs! AHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Ant:... Is that supposed to be a threat? Rev: *squeals like a girl and jumps into Ace's arms* They're BACK!!! D8
...who in bloody hell makes fun of someone because their parents got divorced? That's almost as bad as going, "Ha Ha, your mom died." Seriously, are these demon children?
My friend Kim, you've talked to her on here, was picked on because hwer parents were devorced so I alaws butted in and broke noses.
Are you serious? Dude, in my middle school people stared at me 'cause my parents WEREN'T divorced. I remember walking into my math classroom in 7th grade for the first time and the first thing I was asked was, "Are your parents divorced?" I was like, "No... why?" Turns out every single kid in that classroom had divorced parents. It's like, "Well... this is awkward." xD I ended up making friends with the freaking teacher, 'cause she's like, "Hey, my parents aren't divorced either! Guess we're the only two." I was like, "Great... I fit in with my math teacher. I'm so privileged." She was nice though. XD
Yeah, but the kids at this particular school were mean! ended up leaving the school to go to a different one in the same ditrict and the kid at this one were soooo much nicer. Oh, well.....they were nicer after the first three months. That prank scarred me thogh. -__-;
Me: I SHALL HAVE THEE FERRET GOD OF DOOM SMITE YE DOWN IF YE FAIL TO DO SO!!!!!! I SHAAAAAAALLLLL!!!!!!!! Ozzie: *standing on a tall pillar in a cape and robes with his stone glowing* MWAHAHAHA!!!!! Do as she says or I shall turn you all into bugs! AHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Ant:... Is that supposed to be a threat? Rev: *squeals like a girl and jumps into Ace's arms* They're BACK!!! D8
Lol! My parents are divorced and remarried... Sorta...
I'd been goin' out with this feller for a couple of months (it was grade 8; he was a frigid nerd and I was just inexperienced), and we decided to spend the arvo over at my old primary school (because there is seriously SO little to do in my hometown). And I'd been hinting that we should kiss 'n' stuff... So Kalina and Chloe (who were with us at the time) took their friends over on to the second oval to give Brodie and me some privacy. We sat on the grass and watched the sun sink bellow the skyline, the houses and trees silouhetted black against the dusk... The stars began to twinkle as Brodie explained to me how the light from each star can be thousands of years old, while I just sat there and fiddled with a hoop I'd found on the grounds. Then we locked eyes for a few seconds before we both leaned in to one another...
We clashed teeth and he stuck is tongue straight into my mouth.
It was gross. XD
I haven't kissed a guy since.
AND THAT'S MY STORY. *skips away merrily*
Andrea: ....I think my kidney laughed. Sye: Your bladder told it to stop. 83
I always wondered how a first kiss would be like if you didn't even know what you were doing. XD
Me: I SHALL HAVE THEE FERRET GOD OF DOOM SMITE YE DOWN IF YE FAIL TO DO SO!!!!!! I SHAAAAAAALLLLL!!!!!!!! Ozzie: *standing on a tall pillar in a cape and robes with his stone glowing* MWAHAHAHA!!!!! Do as she says or I shall turn you all into bugs! AHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Ant:... Is that supposed to be a threat? Rev: *squeals like a girl and jumps into Ace's arms* They're BACK!!! D8