Seth. Asking for sex at the worst moments imaginable. ~ Emily
Wile E. Coyote was anvil'd, crushed, catapolted, ignited on fire, blown up, runned over, and sent sailing across the desert to God knows where. But he never stopped trying.
DX Jonas Bros. DX But the picture was great. 'Cept it has sparked my fury of the fact that I can't draw Duck. Have you thought of putting all your art in one topic? 0_0 4 some reason i haven't *shrugs* maybe i will a little later, and as 4 the jonas bros thing....i think they're sexy (but not as sexy as tech XD)
Seth. Asking for sex at the worst moments imaginable. ~ Emily
Wile E. Coyote was anvil'd, crushed, catapolted, ignited on fire, blown up, runned over, and sent sailing across the desert to God knows where. But he never stopped trying.