Well, I noticed one topic which touched on the subject of sexuality, but not as a whole. So, I decided to be the one to introduce the topic. It seems fitting to post here, considering its nature within politics and other aspects of life.
I was curious as to how LUO views the LGBT community. Certainly there are those who approve of homosexuality, as there are shippers of couples such as Dace and Tev. I've noted at least one bisexual member on the forums, and everything seems pretty tolerant here. But I decided I was still curious.
As a member of the LGBT community, (Personally, I fall under the T), I personally support all the progress the various members have been making. I'm glad that homosexuals, bisexuals, pansexuals, transexuals, and what have you, have been becoming more and more accepted by the world at large.
Well, mostly, I guess. There's still tension between groups against homosexuality and the like, which I personally find saddening. Discrimination is wrong, whether it is racial, age-based, sexuality-based, gender discrimination, and any other types that still manage to rear their ugly heads in our lives.
That's this transexual's opinion.
Wow, I hope that last sentence didn't sound too creepy. Dx
Quick note: I identify as female, but am physically a relatively androgynous male. It makes for some confusion, especially on the internet. >_<;; I hope that doesn't creep anyone out. Xd
But yeah, sorry to detract from the serious tone of the subject. In short: just what are the forum's conceptions about the LGBT community? Personal views and other such things can be included, if you wish. After all, it is the controversy section.
I have no problem with any of it. At all. Though that should be relatively obvious. In fact, I find myself questioning my own sexuality at times, to be honest.
I think everyone questions their own sexuality at some point...
I honestly don't have a problem with this sort of stuff... If people are happy with who they are and are capable to accept themselves for what the prefer, then why can't I? As long as one lives with love in their life, there is nothing to be angry about. 83
Andrea: ....I think my kidney laughed. Sye: Your bladder told it to stop. 83
A good point, Xtream. ^^ And don't worry, DW, I'm sure everyone gets a little curious about themselves at least once. Just make sure you're happy with what you discover, and such. 8)
I have a question though, Dragon.
I don't want to be offensive, but this might sound like it. Sorry in advance. >_<;; Anyway... is there alot of intolerance for the LGBT community in Texas? I'm not sure if it's just something propagated by the media, but I would like to know.
Alberta (The province I live in) happens to have the highest rate of violence against LGBT members in Canada... in case you were wondering. O8
In the part of Texas I live in (Houston-Galveston Metro area), there's not more LGBT hate than anywhere else in North America. But in North Texas and the Panhandle (hundreds of miles away from me), it's probably above average.
well i'm straight actually ^^ but i do believe is somone loves somone of their own sex, they deserve to be together, i actually know some ppl who are gay. i also hate how ppl are against it though.
Seth. Asking for sex at the worst moments imaginable. ~ Emily
Wile E. Coyote was anvil'd, crushed, catapolted, ignited on fire, blown up, runned over, and sent sailing across the desert to God knows where. But he never stopped trying.
True enough. Also, excuse me for this, HOLY CRAP CALI-BUNNY IS IN MAH TOPIC, CONTRIBUTING TO POST TOTALS! *Dies of joyness*
Aaaanywaay, now that that's out of my system... I do have to say that there are indeed a lot of biased people out there. Fortunately, I don't seem to know many, which is good; I can avoid them that way.
Also... I can't really say that I hate people for being disliking the LGBT community. I disagree with them, obviously, but I can't say that I hate them. It'd just contribute to a big, ugly circle of hate.
For some reason, I now wonder just what a big, ugly circle of hate looks like. >_>;;
I personally don't have a problem with it, if you like the same gender, then that's your preference. I'm straight but sometimes I wonder about it.
It's like what Jesus said, "Hate the sin, not the sinner." In other words, yes, people will disagree with people being gay or Bi but in the end, it's their opinion.
You've just got to learn to live with it and move on. Try and change people's views, yes but not so that they feel forced to change.
Stars in your eyes little one, Where you go to dream of a place we all know, The Land of Make-Believe
I don't mind it as long as they're happy to be together. But ever since something has happened with a homosexual couple in my life, I've become a little apprehensive. I'm not totally against it, or saying gay people are a disgrace cos I know it's not like they've grown eight arms or have six eyes. I just feel a little uneasy around them.
By the way, I'm definately straight. And the couple in question does not has nothing to do with me, apart from the fact that one of them is related to me. And it's not Twilightgirl before you ask.
Personally, I haven't read any particularly hateful homophobic comments other than the unavoidable "that's gay" comments. I don't know if people are smart enough not to post those comments or they're free of comments like "fa**ot."