WOW! Def Jam Fight For New York is the coolest fighting game that I've ever played because of it's stylish fighting moves,special features and interesting story mode. not like ICON, ICON disappoints many Def Jam fans including me. so stick to play Def jam Fight For NY rather than ICON and may I asked you all some questions.
1.Is the game cool? 2.Do you know Def Jam Fight For NY? 3.What fighting style do you like the most? 4.Who is your favorite Def Jam Fight For New York Character? 5.Does anybody know the Suspect looks like? 6.Is Busta Rhymes or Magic is the best submissioner in the game? 7.Do you hate Snoop Dogg or Crow in the game? 8.What attire do you always use in the game? 9.How many characters are in the game? 10.Who is your best friend in the game and He is D-Mob's right hand?
I'm no hero..never was, I'm just a killer...hired to do some wet work..