The episode with the "Royal Tweetums" is "The heir up there". And personally, I think Tweetums should have been hung, drawn and quartered, chopped into tiny little pieces, put into a tin of cat food along with some gravy and then eaten by Sylph Vester from the tin !!!
Ahem. Welcome to the LUO fan base Alexi. We hope you enjoy your time being in such a random and fun place.
does anyone know who that guy was standing beside optimatis,myebe that was the orginal wialder of the gss and his name was friz freling,in honary to the animater and the planet if there is a season 3 hope that dude apperes...
-I'm a techie,and proud of it-
When Every life meet's another life, Something will be born-Qouted by the Shinno Champion Cynthia