Ace/Lexi shippers will like the cover of the DVD. x3 Lexi is looking at Ace with a rather flirtatious eye... And the way he's looking back at her, I don't think he minds. And to make it better Duck is giving Ace the "evil eye." Hehe. I love it. =3
Photogenic? *Pulls out a camera.* Smile! *Blinds Kaejae with camera flash.*
Kaejae: Ahhh! I can't see! I've been blinded!
Me: AHAHAHAHAHAHA! Take that you anti-Tech!
*But then i accidentally flash myself with the camera.*
Me: Ahhhhhhh! I too am blinded! The spots! The spots!
*Me and kaejae stumble around clumsily waving our hands about helplessly. We bump into each other and both fall over.*
Me & KJ: Owwies!
And i was unnaturally quiet in high school myself! I bet you weren't as bad as me. I was a very depressed teenager i was! My heart was filled with hatred back then. People tended to stay clear of me. *Sigh* I brough the loneliness upon myself....But thankfully, things are different now! I'm a different person!
I'd still be running around screaming, but...ISATs have just drained the day's supply of screaming. Or laughing. My laughing was spent on the first reading section of the test, where we had to answer questions about a story about a pineapple that has no sleeves.
So I am content with staring at the case lovingly as my daddy tries to copy the first disc. He insists that it's not that the CD is protected, it's something with the DVD copying program.
Black Oracle wrote: Photogenic? *Pulls out a camera.* Smile! *Blinds Kaejae with camera flash.*
Kaejae: Ahhh! I can't see! I've been blinded!
Me: AHAHAHAHAHAHA! Take that you anti-Tech!
*But then i accidentally flash myself with the camera.*
Me: Ahhhhhhh! I too am blinded! The spots! The spots!
*Me and kaejae stumble around clumsily waving our hands about helplessly. We bump into each other and both fall over.*
Me & KJ: Owwies!
And i was unnaturally quiet in high school myself! I bet you weren't as bad as me. I was a very depressed teenager i was! My heart was filled with hatred back then. People tended to stay clear of me. *Sigh* I brough the loneliness upon myself....But thankfully, things are different now! I'm a different person! Tech: ... Ace: ... Tech: With fangirls like these, I guess we don't need to run for cover Ace: SMILE! *Blinds KJ and Black Oracle with camera flash* KJ + Black Oracle: >_< *stumble over Tech and Ace*
Ace: Well, dat didn't go as I expected ^^; Tech: ...
>_< I had my real angry moments back then too... I was quite the introvert... Then I met people in uni that aren't dumb like the idiots I dealt with in high school. But then that kinda changed slightly too X3. But what I think made me so outgoing now is the people I met at work... I luv'em... ^^
Hey guys. I tried out the Villain Invasion Challenge. In it, Optimatus teams up with the bad guys and sends meteors hurtling towards Acmetropolis. You have to use the arrow keys to target the meteors and press enter to open fire. Guess who is the first Loonatic...Tech E. Coyote.
StellaMagic wrote: Hey guys. I tried out the Villain Invasion Challenge. In it, Optimatus teams up with the bad guys and sends meteors hurtling towards Acmetropolis. You have to use the arrow keys to target the meteors and press enter to open fire. Guess who is the first Loonatic...Tech E. Coyote.
I tried that game too. o: I was pressing my remote like crazy but I kept losing. x3 The remote hates me and it wouldn't react. One day though... I shall get that remote to cooperate with me, I swear.
My sister is going to see if she can order it from the internet. Soon by the time the DVD enters our house, I shall take over the world!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
I managed to get the Season 1 DVD on the day of release! HOOOORRRAAAYYY! Somehow, I managed to watch ALL of Season 1 in one sitting. After The World is My Circus, I tried out Villain Invasion. I managed to beat the first Beginner level, but then I concluded that the Season 1 episodes were great, but the included game is overly simplistic and is a piece of "bleeeeeeecccchhhhh." Overall, good job, WB! But please try to include bios of every hero and villain in the next DVD...
Cali-Bunny, if you're reading this, please delete this account as soon as possible, for I have no further use for it.
Black Oracle wrote: Photogenic? *Pulls out a camera.* Smile! *Blinds Kaejae with camera flash.*
Kaejae: Ahhh! I can't see! I've been blinded!
Me: AHAHAHAHAHAHA! Take that you anti-Tech!
*But then i accidentally flash myself with the camera.*
Me: Ahhhhhhh! I too am blinded! The spots! The spots!
*Me and kaejae stumble around clumsily waving our hands about helplessly. We bump into each other and both fall over.*
Me & KJ: Owwies!
And i was unnaturally quiet in high school myself! I bet you weren't as bad as me. I was a very depressed teenager i was! My heart was filled with hatred back then. People tended to stay clear of me. *Sigh* I brough the loneliness upon myself....But thankfully, things are different now! I'm a different person! Tech: ... Ace: ... Tech: With fangirls like these, I guess we don't need to run for cover Ace: SMILE! *Blinds KJ and Black Oracle with camera flash* KJ + Black Oracle: >_< *stumble over Tech and Ace*
Ace: Well, dat didn't go as I expected ^^; Tech: ...
>_< I had my real angry moments back then too... I was quite the introvert... Then I met people in uni that aren't dumb like the idiots I dealt with in high school. But then that kinda changed slightly too X3. But what I think made me so outgoing now is the people I met at work... I luv'em... ^^
Well it's fortunate then that you met people who changed your outlook! The friends you keep can sometimes be quite important in encouraging confidence! I was unfortunately a rather isolated girl in every school i went to as i was growing up, i never made the effort to hang out with anyone and preferred to keep to myself. It was weird, but about two years ago, I just miraculously decided that i should change my attitudes and start trying to give life and people around me a chance and make more efforts at achieving things. Times have been brighter since. It really is all in the mind. And now i really enjoy the company of people at my martial arts classes. Chatting to some of you guys here is a delight as well! We all need friendship! *Hugs Tech tightly.* You're my friend aren't you Tech?
Tech: Yeah whatever.
Me (squeezing Tech harder): Awwww....we'll be bestest pals forever and ever!
zadavias_spirit wrote:But I am!! Well, 1/2 Japanese anyway.
Aaaawww! Why can't I be Japanese!? They got all the manga and cool costumes there! But saying that, I might not be able to see any LU episodes. Oh well, as much as I hate to admit it, Britain is sort of okay.
Ugh I'm not sure if I want the DVD or not!! I love Loonatics but, I don't want my money to go up in smoke!! It's all so confusing!!! But I guess I can always get it later.
Disney starts our love of cartoons but, Warner Brothers keeps it alive-Personal Quote
Avatar made by Animefangirl. ^_^
OH MY GOD!!!! I FINALLY GOT IT!!!! WHOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M INSANE WITH HAPPINESS!!!
Wow, I am soo insane.
Bask in my insaneness as I teleport to the t.v. room and watch 217 min. of dvdness!!!! One last
XD Haha, laugh all you want! I'll just be sitting here, being scared of the computers because a stupid hacker is attacking the computers with bomb threats.
Akira_Cat wrote: WHAT!? They're not allowed to sell the DVD outside America!? RIGHT!!! THAT'S IT!!!
I transform into my alter ego Ichigo Cat and fly all the way to America to the nearest shop where they sell the DVD.
Shop assistant: Madam! Please calm down!!!
It'll come out in England in a few months time.
A FEW MONTHS!? When!? Where!? I want it now!!!
Twilightgirl: Calm down Akira. You just have to calm down and wait for it to come. We had to wait for the eps on We just have to wait for a few months longer.
Me: But I can't wait a few months longer!!!
Twilightgirl: Patience was never your strong point.
Cheri wrote: Dudes, my friend said she's gonna buy it for me today, which is totally awesome =D
That's nice of her!! Does she like Loonatics too?
Yes, she's a Techie....but she's kind of weird about it. Once she finds out there's more than one Techie, without even knowing them, she's just like 'Omg I hate them now', it's the same with Wile too...but she doesn't go on the internet all that much, so don't worry about her coming here and flaming every other Techie.