zadavias_spirit wrote: Maybe the Cuuriunm from "In The Pinkster" will come back. Probably unlikely, but I don't see how they can leave a rock that can delete the Loonatics' powers alone in the show.
Now that is an interesting thought. It would be interesting if it returned to aid the baddies in the season finale. Or at least return perhaps in the next season, since you make a good point. Something like that can't just be introduced and never heard of again.
That's what I was thinking after I watched that episode. =0 If a villain, Optimatus perhaps, could get a hold of that stuff... buh-bye Loonatics. D: Although WB better never even dream about ending the show that way. A third season must be made! =]
I may have figured out Optimatus's plan in the season finale. With Zadavia's power, he could recruit some of the villains in season 2 and use the power of the cosmic guitar to give them powers, making a team of Evil Loonatics.
I was left with a shocking thought in my head after watching "The Music Villain". What if Tech really is revealed to be a traitor in the finale eps?! There were things in this ep that raised potential suspicions in my mind. Firstly, how on Earth did Bootes gain access into Zadavia's underwater base to lay the flower trap for her?! Surely their are security measures in Zadavia's underwater base?! A logical explanantion is that Bootes had help from the inside! And Tech comes to mind! When Bootes made his first transmission to Zadavia, Tech was seen at the computer tapping away in the background. At first i thought Tech was just trying to trace Bootes' transmission signal, but he did that during Bootes 2nd tranmission later (after he had captured Zadavia)! So unless Tech had 'twice' being trying to trace Bootes' signal, the first instance could have been him sending Bootes and co. access and location information to the underwater base! Hence allowing Bootes to break in and set a trap for Zadavia!
And then it was rather convenient that Tech knew exactly what kind of guitar Bootes was wanting! Bootes didn't really give much information about what design and specifications he wanted Tech to build into his guitar (in amongst his funk jargon!). And how could Bootes have been so sure that Tech would have being tracking his signal's origin when he told Ace to ask Tech about the drop-off point?! Too convenient.
And it is also notable that none of the Loonatics ever managed to get direct hits at Bootes and his band save for Tech in all their confrontations! Tech was the only one that ever managed to strike them in all their battles! Tech managed to push back Bootes and his band with his EM powers in the first concert scene, but then was knocked back by Rupes (which he somehow knew to shield himself against!); after the cosmic guitar was handed over to Bootes, Tech's gluco-gel shot was the one that made contact and stopped the band for a while; and in the final fight, Tech's deflector device backfired the band's firepower, taking them out.
What if all along, Tech had just been enacting out an elaborate plan to create and pass a cosmic guitar to Rupes who would suck up Zadavia's powers with it and then free Optimatus? Aside from that, Tech could have been making sure that his 'team mates' wouldn't stop Rupes' progress in all their fights! I'm half thinking Tech's treachery is a possibilty in the S2 finale now! Ludicrous as it sounds! Tho' i could be completely wrong as well.
You're probably right, it's just me being over-suspicious of everything and always envisioning the possibility of Tech going traitor. But i still want to know how Bootes broke into Zadavia's base?!
Tech in a costume that normal rock people make with a rocking hair style playing the electric guitar that he made to an audience as big as the one in the ep "The Music Villain".
Do you think one of the many talented artists we have on here will draw what I just thought up?
The Frelengian universal code! Of course! He! He! You're brilliant oddity!
Duh.Rupes Oberon is from planet Freleng of course! The only logical choice would be that he probably must have given it to Bootes before he was sent to the underwater base after the whole concert incident that they caused!
I Think Tech Can Regenerate From Cuts, Scrapes, Burns, Etc. But I Do Think Of A Few Weak Points In His Power.
What If He Was Impaled With A Spear In A Vital Organ And It Didn't Get It Pulled Out? The Wound Probabily Wouldn't Close Properly And He Could...You Know...
Or What If A Villain Pulled His Heart Out Like Kabuto Did In Naruto And Crushes It (See Video Below)? That Would Probabily End Things!
What If He Was Split In Half? He Couldn't Probabily Regenerate Both Halfs Of His Body Together Unless They Were Very Close To Each Other.
Or *Gulps* What If He Was Beheaded? Or Poisoned?
Just A Quick Note: I AM A Techie Fan! I Just Like To Keep Note Of All The Possibilities That A Person With Regeneration Could Go Kaput.
I'm Using The First And Second Possibilities In My Newest Fanfic "Loonatics Unleashed: The Unknown." So I'll Keep This In Mind.
... Malak, this topic's been inactive for a little over a year now.
Please don't reply to threads that are getting up in age; most of the people in the older threads no longer visit LUO. If it's older than a year, you probably shouldn't be responding to it.