Ice: Let's say. I'm not Eager to finish, I'm eager to get to a certain seen. PG: Let's call a 50-50 on Cute and sad. Thanks guys.
TOP FLIGHT: FBI Chapter 25
The days scurried by, and up came the 25th. A pleasant, good weathered, Friday. The musical was right after work, so they all decided to car pool there.
“So, we all can't fit in one car, soooo. Who's going with who?” Rev asked when they where all on the main floor of the building.
“Well, I'm going to need a ride...I don't have a car.” Ace replied.
They all gave him looks of 'what do mean'.
Ace rubbed the back of his neck, slightly blushing, “I'm in walking distends to just about every where I need to go. No need for a car. Plus deres da bus.”
“I guess that means you're comin'?” Lexi asked more mono toned then she meant it to be.
“Uh, ya.”
Lexi sighed, flipped out some keys from her coat pocket, and said again to mono toned then she'd meant it to be, “I'll Drive, but theres still room for one more.”
“I'll go with ya Lex.” Rev said steeping forward.
“Okay then, Let's jet.” Again they all kinda stared at Ace, shrugged, and walked on.
The car ride there was quiet except for the radio. When they arrived it appeared that Tech, Slam, and Duck had beaten them there.
“You guys are slow.” Duck said as the two groups became one.
“I guess we are.” Lexi replied.
Rev sipped up to them, “Speak for your self.”
They all laughed. As they walked through the parking lot, Ace gave look at the school. It was a decent size. Not extravagantly big, but not small ether. The schools animal apparently was the Ravens. They approached the main doors where other families and groups of kids shuffled through.
Once in there was hall and exactly to the left where wide open doors that every one was going in. The room, as told in the invitation, was a gym. Decorated to the them of the entertainment. The bleachers, used usually for seating at basketball games, where pulled out.
On the wall opposed to the bleachers was a stage with the curtain stopping any one from seeing any last minuet changes to the set up. Some choir students sat infront of the stage with a few bad members and a piano.
“You guys find seats. I'm going to go see Vivian and tell her we're hear.” Lexi said as she walked to a side door that led to back stage. Some one greeted her and let her pass.
'they must know Lexi well to let her pass through like that.' Ace though as he and the others looked around for six seats.
“You guys are hear!” Vivian said hugging her older sister, “Cuttin' it a little close don't you think. It starts in like ten minuets.”
“Oh don't be so worried.”
Vivian took a deep breath, “I know, I know. I'd be lieing if I said I wasn't nerves.”
Lexi adjusted the had Vivian was wearing, “your always nervous before you get on stage. I'm the same way.”
Lexi took Vivian's hands, “Jest remember. If you get nervous with every one staring at you. Ether, look at the back wall or at some one your not afraid of singing and acting infront of.”
Lexi hugged her, “Good Luck.”
“Thanks Lex.” Vivian said returning the embrace.
“And Vivian?”
“What are you wearing?” Vivian let go and looked at her self, “You look like a punk.”
Vivian was wearing a bagging blue jeans, a white shirt with long sleeves that was tight around the waist, a red vest, a red cap, and gloves that had the fingers cut off.
“It's my costume for the better half of this thing.”
Now this my first time ever having one of my charecters are singing so be nice. Please.
TOP FLIGHT: FBI Chapter 26
The Musical was very enchanting. All the main singers/ Actors where able to play there rolls so well it was extremely believable. You didn't see the actors, you the charterers. You could feel the hard ships of Billy Jean. You see the friend ship between Billy and Jolene, and sens the pain both had when they separated.
Then came Vivian's main solo.
'Jolene', a red headed green eyed cat in a blue dress, walked onto the stage with 'Billy Jean' behind her.
“Oh Jolene, pleas. I need to talk with you. I know what your trying to do with James. And I'm asking, no, I'm begging of you. Don't take him from me. Things are more complicated for us then you know.”
'Jolene' simply turned her head away and took a few steps, “I don't think you deserve him. He's so much better then you.”
That's when the light softened and the music began
“Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene I'm begging of you please don't take my man” Vivian's voice filled the room
“Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene Please don't take him just because you can Your beauty is beyond compare With flaming locks of auburn hair With ivory skin and eyes of emerald green Your smile is like a breath of spring Your voice is soft like summer rain And I cannot compete with you, Jolene” Se started walk away, but Vivian pulled her back.
“He talks about you in his sleep Theres nothing I can do to keep From crying when he calls your name, Jolene
And I can easily understand How you could easily take my man But you don't know what he means to me, Jolene” Vivian had her hands on 'Jolene's' shoulders as tears came down.
“Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene I'm begging of you please don't take my man Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene Please don't take him just because you can
You could have your choice of men But I could never love again Hes the only one for me, Jolene” Jolene got out of her grasp and staggered back.
“I had to have this talk with you My happiness depends on you And whatever you decide to do, Jolene” Jolene sat down on a near by bench.
“Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene I'm begging of you please don't take my man Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene Please don't take him even though you can Jolene, Jolene.“
The Music died down as 'Billy' collapsed to her knees and placed her head, bared in her arms, on 'Jolene's lap. Crying was herd.
“Jolene, pleas, for what ever is left of are friend ship. Pleas, PLEAS. Don't take him. Pleas.”
Jolene, now also in tears, lifted Billy's head to where they looked each other in the eye, “BJ. You ARE my friend, so I'm not gonna touch him.”
The curtains drew back together as the crowd burst into applause. That had been the main climax of the story, so the play quickly drew to a close, and all the actors/singers where lined up on stage to take a bow. The crowed gave there respectful last claps. Thinking it to be over every one started rise.
“Wait! Wait!” The Principal of the school came out, “Pleas if you'd sit back down. Are main four rolls each have some final songs they'd like to sing, with a little help from are choir. All dedicated.”
Every one sat back down and waited. Kenny and Biff both sang songs dedicated to there respected girl friends. Lisa sag a quick beat song for her best friend. Then Vivian came on stage last.
The spot light was on her as she gazed out into the audience, looking for some one. She smiled as she spotted Lexi. She held a microphone up “This song is dedicated to my Sister, Lexi, for every thing she has ever done for me. I find the song very truthful.”
She placed the microphone on a stand as the music started to play. Violins. Then piano.
Vivian waited for her cue and when she herd it, “When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary; When troubles come and my heart burdened me; Then, I am still and waiting in the silence, Until you come and sit awhile with me.”
Vivian raised her hand up in the direction that Lexi was sitting.“You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains; You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas; I am strong, when I am on your shoulders; You raise me up: To more than I can be.” There was a small pause for music.
“You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains; You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas; I am strong, when I am on your shoulders; You raise me up: To more than I can be.” There was another, very short, pause, but this time singing with Vivian was the choir.
“You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains; You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas; I am strong, when I am on your shoulders; You raise me up: To more than I can be.
“You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains; You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;”
Just the girls sang“ I am strong, when I am on your shoulders; You raise me up: To more than I can be.”
The last line Vivian sang alone “You raise me up: To more than I can be.”
The applause could of made the building come down, as people stood clapping. Tears could be seen by many, but the one who, to Vivian, mattered most was Lexi. Lexi had a wide grin as tears of happiness fell from her eyes.
Were those lyrics from a song? or were they yours Siamese? you make a very good lyricist!
I can't wait for more!
"Be nice to nerds, You'll probably end up working for one" - Bill Gates, Founder of Microsoft™
"Be yourself, don't take anyone else's s**t and NEVER let them take you alive" - Gerrard Way, 'My Chemical Romance'
"Life Moves Pretty Fast. If You Don't Stop And Look Around Once In A While, You Could MissIt" - Ferris Beuller (Mathew Broaderwick) , 'Ferris Beuller's Day Off'
You uploaded that chapter quick. That was so beautiful. I recognised the song Vivian sang to Lexi the moment I read the lyrics. It's You Raise Me Up by Westlife. I that song. Nice job by the way.
Can't think of anything so, don't blame me for being lazy.
Thanks Ice, but its done in the way of Celtic Woman
TOP FLIGHT: FBI Chapter 27
“Vivian, you should of told me you where going to do some thing like that.” Lexi said as the group came up to the girl. Lexi wiped her eyes with the back of her wrist.
Vivian shrugged, “I told you there was a surprise at the end.”
Lexi shook her head in mock annoyance the put her arm around her sister, “So who's for going out? It's a Friday, we have the week end ahead of us, and Vivian deserves a celebration.”
“I can agree to that.” Tech said.
“I'm game.” Rev added.
“Ya I'll come. Got nothin' better to do.” Duck pitched in.
“Grebra.” Slam smiled.
They all waited a moment then looked at Ace.
“Hay, Ace, Ya in?” Tech asked.
Ace looked up at them, “Didn't know da invitation was directed to me.”
“why wouldn't it be?” Rev asked.
“Why should it? I'm da new guy.”
Vivian giggled as they started heading for the exit. Tech and Duck grabbing Ace on the way by, “Looks like we need to show the new guy the ropes. Call this your initiation.”
“Hay Lex do I hear a Karaoke night?”
“If your horse in the morning Viv. It wont be my fault.” Lexi replied.
After a small argument over were they could go that was still open, open to minors, and had Karaoke they where off. It was a tight squeezes into the back of Lexi's car, but they made do.
It was only a matter of time before they where all at a club, named Bill's Place, nursing off some drinks. Tech and Vivian drinking Coke, as they had been voted designated drivers. Vivian had no choice in the matters.
“Dose Duck all ready have a buzz?” Lexi smirked as Duck finished singing. He wasn't a bad singer, that wasn't the problem. It was his choosing in song. “What guy gose around singing I feel Pretty?”
They had a round both at the front, and the siting arrangement was simple. Tech, Duck, Vivian, Slam, Rev, Lexi, Ace.
“No idea. Should we ask him?” Rev replied trying not to laugh.
Duck came to sit back down, Tech getting out to let him. And of coarse they all started laughing at the proud look on his face, and started making fun of him.
In all this Ace was quiet and deep in thought. He felt slightly guilty as he remembered the attitude he had when he first came, 'Look at me. When I first came hear I told myself I'd take charge again. Be number one and all. I don't know if they realized it or not, but when I first came hear I did give off the feeling that I was better then them. When all they have been is nice to me. They've even incorporated me into there group, like I've been one of them for years. Jezz! I think I'm going soft.'
“Okay! Okay!” Duck snapped driving Ace out of his thoughts, “Singing wasn't my objective up there.”
They all looked at him disbelieving.
“Then, oh so pretty, Duck. What was it?” Rev asked.
Duck gave him a look before leaning over and whispering something in Vivian's ear, and giving Lexi a quick look 'n' nod. As Duck leaned away Vivian let out a giggle.
Lexi looked at them with a displeased look, raising one eye brow, “What'd you two plan?”
“Oh Lexi,” Vivian said in a very sweet voice, “Can you guess what song they have hear?”
Lexi's eye's popped open, “I'm not getting up there!”
“Oh come Lexi! Please!” Tech unleashed the puppy pout.
Lexi gasped and covered her eyes, “No. Not going to do it.”
“Come on Lexi! Lexi! Lexi!” they where all chanting her name and slightly slamming the table.
“Hay! How am I to get out I'm trapped hear.” Lexi said to try and stop them.
“Not any more.” Ace said getting up.
Lexi sighed and got up, the others give happy whoops.
“Your going to pay for that latter.” Lexi said pressing her index finger to Ace's chest.
“Sure I will.” He said with a coy grin. Lexi got up on to the stage to where the guy running the Karaoke machine was. She looked through a book of songs and pointed to one.
'Dis should be good.' Ace thought.
The Music started and she stood there listening for the moment she was to join in.
“Midnight bottle take me calmly through my memories and everything will come back to me Midnight bottle make it real what feels like make believe so I can see a little more clearly Like every single move you make kissing me so carefully on the corners of my dreaming eyes”
The hole place got quiet and listened. It'd been some time sens they had talent at up there.
“I didn't know your sister could sing.” Ace said looking over at Vivian. For Lexi was good. Really good.
“I've got a midnight bottle gonna drink it down A one way ticket takes me to the times we had before When everything felt so right If only for tonight.
a midnight bottle gonna ease my pain From all these feelings driving me insane I think of you and every thing's all right,
if only for tonight Got a midnight bottle drifting off into the candlelight
where I can find you any old time oh midnight bottle I forgot how good it felt to be in a dream just like you had me Cause lately I've been stumbling feels like I'm recovering But I think it's only for tonight.”
“Oh ya. Before the Accident Lexi and I wonted to being Singing sister.” Vivian Replied. Lexi added some simple dancing. A swaying of the hips, and circular motion with her hands.
“I've got a midnight bottle gonna drink it down A one way ticket takes me to the times we had before When everything felt so right If only for tonight.
a midnight bottle gonna ease my pain From all these feelings driving me insane I think of you and every thing's all right
if only for tonight If only for tonight,oh if only for tonight, if only for tonight.”
Ace looked up at her. She was happy. Absolutely happy with a gentle smile. It didn't even look like the agent he had been partnered up with. It looked like a young women having fun with friends.
Ace listened and started to get lost in her gently voice. The song seemed to be hers. She didn't need to look at the lyrics, she knew them. She was the song. The song was her, and he could get lost in it all night.
“I've got a midnight bottle gonna drink it down A one way ticket takes me to the times we had before When everything felt so right If only for tonight
a midnight bottle gonna ease my pain From all these feelings driving me insane I think of you and every thing's all right
if only for tonight, ya.
midnight bottle”
“take time away
“from where we are.”
There was clapping from all over the place as Lexi left the stage. As she sat down she still had that look about her. Like she was glowing. Ace got a glimpse of her eyes, and nearly got caught staring.
They seemed to have completely lost the sadness. They where vibrant, as the lighting hit them so perfectly to make them sparkle.
“Okay... I'll admit that was fun.” Lexi said. Did her voice become softer?! Was this the Lexi Ace had speculated was in there? If it was he had no idea how to react to it. That night she was such a different person.
That night Ace had dreams. Dreams he'd only remember a speck of, with the same song playing over and over in the background. Midnight Bottle.
...and what exactly was the scene you wanted to getposted Siamese?! *Crazy old-person stare*
-- Edited by PurpleGirly at 16:40, 2008-12-30
"Be nice to nerds, You'll probably end up working for one" - Bill Gates, Founder of Microsoft™
"Be yourself, don't take anyone else's s**t and NEVER let them take you alive" - Gerrard Way, 'My Chemical Romance'
"Life Moves Pretty Fast. If You Don't Stop And Look Around Once In A While, You Could MissIt" - Ferris Beuller (Mathew Broaderwick) , 'Ferris Beuller's Day Off'
Very cute chapters, Siamese! Sorry I haven't been reveiwing as much. ^.^ I'm still reading, though!
I believe in Jesus Christ as my Saviour
Lucky: Why can't you Toons just enter a room normaly?! Bonkers: Us Toons don't do normaly things! That's what makes us sooo adorable! X3 Lucky: Yeah, like a trainwreck. -__________-
Cassidy and Dusk: Freaky siamese twins seperated at birth.... ~ Andrea
Many thanks to HCoyote for the awesome avatar! I love it! <3
Danni- Official supporter of Tessidy, Sethidy, Cassless, Duri, Seck, Ricy, Dapphire, Calric, and Cassaghu 83 And Maley D. Because it's wrong. \8D/
Sorry. I missed that bit. Anyways, I completely understand why you wanted to get to that chappy. Like the Acexi stuff. Defiantly had me going. I have a funny feeling that something big is coming.
Can't think of anything so, don't blame me for being lazy.
Sorry. I missed that bit. Anyways, I completely understand why you wanted to get to that chappy. Like the Acexi stuff. Defiantly had me going. I have a funny feeling that something big is coming.
Got that right!
Rock on! ...with the story! ;)
"Be nice to nerds, You'll probably end up working for one" - Bill Gates, Founder of Microsoft™
"Be yourself, don't take anyone else's s**t and NEVER let them take you alive" - Gerrard Way, 'My Chemical Romance'
"Life Moves Pretty Fast. If You Don't Stop And Look Around Once In A While, You Could MissIt" - Ferris Beuller (Mathew Broaderwick) , 'Ferris Beuller's Day Off'
Wow, Ice I agree with you. And I still wonder what the infamous 'accident' was... Can you give us a hint Siamese?
Sapphire: *grabs Rev around shoulders*......*shakes him violently* REV! I... Dusk... We... Celeste... HELP!! Rev: I require more words to understand 83 Dusk: *grabs Rev* FIND MY DAUGHTER YOU MORON! USE YOUR GPS THINGIE OR I WILL RIP OUT YOUR BOWELS AND DISPLAY THEM AT A GARAGE SALE!!!!!! Sapphire: *is too flustered to care that she's partly deaf*
But what the word in out on what it is your....dang even that would help give it away
DW Siamese, I'm sure we can wait!
"Be nice to nerds, You'll probably end up working for one" - Bill Gates, Founder of Microsoft™
"Be yourself, don't take anyone else's s**t and NEVER let them take you alive" - Gerrard Way, 'My Chemical Romance'
"Life Moves Pretty Fast. If You Don't Stop And Look Around Once In A While, You Could MissIt" - Ferris Beuller (Mathew Broaderwick) , 'Ferris Beuller's Day Off'
But what the word in out on what it is your....dang even that would help give it away
DW Siamese, I'm sure we can wait!
Sapphire : *starts muttering spells* Me : *clamps her mouth shut* No. no my minion. We must wait. *picks up samurai sword* Sapphire : *faints out of lack of oxygen* Lexi : Is there a doctor in the house??!
Sapphire: *grabs Rev around shoulders*......*shakes him violently* REV! I... Dusk... We... Celeste... HELP!! Rev: I require more words to understand 83 Dusk: *grabs Rev* FIND MY DAUGHTER YOU MORON! USE YOUR GPS THINGIE OR I WILL RIP OUT YOUR BOWELS AND DISPLAY THEM AT A GARAGE SALE!!!!!! Sapphire: *is too flustered to care that she's partly deaf*
But what the word in out on what it is your....dang even that would help give it away
DW Siamese, I'm sure we can wait!
Sapphire : *starts muttering spells* Me : *clamps her mouth shut* No. no my minion. We must wait. *picks up samurai sword* Sapphire : *faints out of lack of oxygen* Lexi : Is there a doctor in the house??!
Is she OK?
Tech: Hang on, Saph!
Can't think of anything so, don't blame me for being lazy.
But what the word in out on what it is your....dang even that would help give it away
DW Siamese, I'm sure we can wait!
Sapphire : *starts muttering spells* Me : *clamps her mouth shut* No. no my minion. We must wait. *picks up samurai sword* Sapphire : *faints out of lack of oxygen* Lexi : Is there a doctor in the house??!
Is she OK?
Tech: Hang on, Saph!
Me : *walks another way while whistling innocently* Lexi : Ughh, Tech. We could use some help here. *pokes Sapphire*
Sapphire: *grabs Rev around shoulders*......*shakes him violently* REV! I... Dusk... We... Celeste... HELP!! Rev: I require more words to understand 83 Dusk: *grabs Rev* FIND MY DAUGHTER YOU MORON! USE YOUR GPS THINGIE OR I WILL RIP OUT YOUR BOWELS AND DISPLAY THEM AT A GARAGE SALE!!!!!! Sapphire: *is too flustered to care that she's partly deaf*
But what the word in out on what it is your....dang even that would help give it away
DW Siamese, I'm sure we can wait!
Sapphire : *starts muttering spells* Me : *clamps her mouth shut* No. no my minion. We must wait. *picks up samurai sword* Sapphire : *faints out of lack of oxygen* Lexi : Is there a doctor in the house??!
Is she OK?
Tech: Hang on, Saph!
Me : *walks another way while whistling innocently* Lexi : Ughh, Tech. We could use some help here. *pokes Sapphire*
Me: Give her the kiss of life!
Can't think of anything so, don't blame me for being lazy.
Greetings I'm Siamese712, and my topics, between post, are used for rampaging OCs, Fan girl fantasies and random conversation that seem to involve 'the kiss of life'
You guys are nuts(in a good way)
But any who! I'v FINALY updated this one! YAY!!
TOP FLIGHT: FBI Chapter 28
Monday was a rainy day. It started early that morning and continued through out the hole day. In it's down poor many where caught in the wet weather. Are agents where no exception to this.
Ace stepped into the elevator shaking water droplets off his jacket. The door was starting to close when he heard.
“Pleas hold the elevator.” He immediately paced his hand between where the door where closing making them open back up. Lexi walked in, also shaking the moister from her clothing. The doors shut and Ace pressed the button.
“Thanks.” She said as she started to ring some of the water from her ears and ribbon. They stood there in silents as the numbers started going up with the floors.
“Um..Hay.” Ace began getting Lexi to look at him. Her hair slightly matted to her head by the rain, “I'd like to t'ank you, and da guys, for invitin' me Friday.”
Lexi half smiled, “It wasn't any thing special. It wouldn't have been right for all of jest to ditch you.”
“Still, t'ank you.” The doors opened as they reached there floor. Lexi shrugged as she left the elevator. Tech was at his computer, Rev and Slam next to the coffee maker and microwave, and Duck laying on the sofa.
“Hay Lex.” Tech greeted. She walked over to him leaned on the large control panel in front of him.
“Hay Tech.”
“How 've you been this morning?”
Lexi sighed, “I like the rain in all but man it can irritate old wounds.” She let her fingers trace the scar on her stomach, “Tech I thought the weather was suppose to irritate bad joints not scars.”
“Well,” Tech said turning to her, “Considering how long and deep this was,” Tech used his index and middle finger and ran them down the length of the scar and then placed his fingers on her side indicating how deep it had been. As far as Ace, who had been watching and listening, could tell Tech was indicating that what ever had scared Lexi went about half way through her. “it shouldn't be surprising that it can be effected by thing such as the weather.”
Lexi sighed, “Great...Well on another note, Viv should be up momentarily. Teachers-in-serves.”
Jest then the elevator door opened to reveal the younger of the bunny sisters. She was greeted and gave her greetings as she walked over to Lexi and Tech.
“Hi Tech.” She smiled.
“Hay little sis. Another day out of school?”
“Yup, for the students anyways.”
Lexi gave a small smile to her sister and 'brother' before walking over to the sofa. Duck was sprawled across it with his eyes covered by a black sleeping mask. Lexi pinched part of it between her fingers, pulled it up, and let it smack back down.
Duck sat up both surprised and in pain, “Ow! W-what?” He looked up at the female smiling at him. He glared at her, “Oh, it's you.”
“Scooch.” He did and she sat down. She turned on the T.v. Before them. The News.
“I'm off. I heard there's some new cadets who decided to join because they think it's cool to wave a gun around. Got to teach them proper.” Duck got up and then looked over at Rev and Slam, “You guys want to help me scare the heck out of some Teen Agers? It's volunteer work, but it's fun.”
Rev and Slam smiled and shrugged before fallowing the water foul to the elevator. Ace sat down next to Lexi. He was curios on how Lexi had obtained her scar.
“How 'd you get that any ways?” He asked.
Lexi looked away from the screen and at him, “Hum?”
“'ur scar, on your stomach, how did you get it?”
She seemed caught off guard my the question as she stared at him, eyes slightly more open then usual. She slowly turned her head way from him, “I...I don't want to talk about it.”
“Why not? What was it a-”
“I said I don't want to talk about it!” She yelled as she got up and went to her office. Ace blankly stared int the direction she had left.
Then, with a bit of a snort, he said, “I don't get her. It was only a freakin' question.”
“Lexi's sensitive.” Ace jumped as he spun his head around and looked up at Vivian.
“She's sensitive.” Vivian repeated. She walked around and sat down, “She didn't use to be. She was a lot looser and easy going. Always, always smiling. She hardly yelled at people.” Ace gave an unnoticed scoff, “but then...”
Vivian's usual happy and childlike face became very serious, “The accident changed Lexi. Allot. Ever sens it she's...brained washed her self into think things. Tech said that it's a way her subconscious is protecting her.”
“Protectin'? From what?”
“Pain... The night of the Accident we both lost the same family. Mom, Dad... Benge. But Lexi lost so much more. Unlike me, She was there. She was the only one who lived. She was the only witness.”
Ace looked down a moment before asking, “Who's Benge?”
Vivian looked at him, thinking of what to say, “I guess she hasn't told you yet... Your a one of the Top Flight members right?”
“Ya.” Ace shrugged.
“If you want to know so badly look it up. I know you, and all the others, have access to Techs supper computer. You could look every thing up. The police reports, interviews, news clipping and video. For once being Top agent, I'm surprised you didn't remember that.”
More peaces to the puzzle! And will Ace take up what Vivians said?
Hello Siamese712, my username is Sapphire A. Star which is not my real name.... (looks at siggie) And I'm proud that my talent to fantasize has went noticed by Siamese712 *holds out award to you*
Sapphire : *whispering* I think the exam tension has finally gotten to her head XD.
PS. NUUU!!!! LEXI!!! Don't let out your anger at Ace. Need I recommend you to a shrink??
Sapphire : *mouthing* SOMEBODY SAVE ME FROM THIS TORTURE!!!!
Sapphire: *grabs Rev around shoulders*......*shakes him violently* REV! I... Dusk... We... Celeste... HELP!! Rev: I require more words to understand 83 Dusk: *grabs Rev* FIND MY DAUGHTER YOU MORON! USE YOUR GPS THINGIE OR I WILL RIP OUT YOUR BOWELS AND DISPLAY THEM AT A GARAGE SALE!!!!!! Sapphire: *is too flustered to care that she's partly deaf*
Hmm, Interesting...I think I have an idea of what's going on....
Another great Chapter, of another great Story, Siamese!
I can't wait for more! XD
"Be nice to nerds, You'll probably end up working for one" - Bill Gates, Founder of Microsoft™
"Be yourself, don't take anyone else's s**t and NEVER let them take you alive" - Gerrard Way, 'My Chemical Romance'
"Life Moves Pretty Fast. If You Don't Stop And Look Around Once In A While, You Could MissIt" - Ferris Beuller (Mathew Broaderwick) , 'Ferris Beuller's Day Off'
Sapphire: XD Ice: maybe she is maybe she isn't PG: You know you go ahead and post your idea(s). I don't mind
Thanks guys ^_^
Sneak peek !! _______________________
Only a click separated him from the secrets of Lexi Bunny.
'But is it worth it?' Ace thought, 'Yes I'll know, but wouldn't I be tainting the trust between me and her? Me and them? They made me part of there group. Plus this is invading her privacy. It's her life not mine. Yet we do this all the time to random people. What's the difference? Her and them? She'll never tell me any ways! She's made it very clear that she doesn't want to saying or talk about anything that has to do with her accident. And no one els will say anything ether!'
Ace glared at the screen and hit a key. Again images flashed before him. ___________________
Me : *fainted from the suspence* Sapphire : *attempts to walk away slowly*
ALSO!!!! I just realized, this is officially my 500th post XD *happy sigh*
Sapphire: *grabs Rev around shoulders*......*shakes him violently* REV! I... Dusk... We... Celeste... HELP!! Rev: I require more words to understand 83 Dusk: *grabs Rev* FIND MY DAUGHTER YOU MORON! USE YOUR GPS THINGIE OR I WILL RIP OUT YOUR BOWELS AND DISPLAY THEM AT A GARAGE SALE!!!!!! Sapphire: *is too flustered to care that she's partly deaf*
"Be nice to nerds, You'll probably end up working for one" - Bill Gates, Founder of Microsoft™
"Be yourself, don't take anyone else's s**t and NEVER let them take you alive" - Gerrard Way, 'My Chemical Romance'
"Life Moves Pretty Fast. If You Don't Stop And Look Around Once In A While, You Could MissIt" - Ferris Beuller (Mathew Broaderwick) , 'Ferris Beuller's Day Off'
Ace stood there. He looked around one more time. No one, every one had long gone home. With a deep breath his fingers rapidly typed away at the key board. Opening programs and typing passwords.
“Pleas enter subject.” The computers voice asked as a blank line appeared on the screen.
“Lexi bunny.” Ace said as he typed the words. He then scrolled his mouse over the search button and clicked. The computer went searching through hundreds of files. All of them flashing before him. To fast to read. Documents no one could ever asses, not the police, not the normal FBI, no one, but TOP FLIGHT.
“Subject found.” A folder popped up with a photo of Lexi and a button saying 'Open File'. He scrolled his mouse over the button. He hesitated. Holding the mouse and rubbing his thumb across the side of the black plastic. What he wanted to know was right there. Only a click separated him from the secrets of Lexi Bunny.
'But is it worth it?' Ace thought, 'Yes I'll know, but wouldn't I be tainting the trust between me and her? Me and them? They made me part of there group. Plus this is invading her privacy. It's her life not mine. Yet we do this all the time to random people. What's the difference? Her and them? She'll never tell me any ways! She's made it very clear that she doesn't want to saying or talk about anything that has to do with her accident. And no one els will say anything ether!'
Ace glared at the screen and hit a key. Again images flashed before him. They flashed as the programs shut down till non where left. He took his hand from the mouse and placed both infront of him. He smiled.
“She'll tell me. When she's ready. As dey said, she takes time to trust people. I ain't ready to lose what little trust I have.” He powered off the computer, took his jacket from the back of his chair, flung it over his shoulder, and left the building.
He rather enjoyed the rain during his walk home.
“So? Did he do it?” Vivian asked as she looked at the lap top on the table in font of Tech.
Tech looked at the screen, “No, he didn't.”
Vivian sat down next to him on the couch as thunder clashed out side. Illuminating the room from the window. Lexi could be heard in the kitchen cooking her sister and 'brother' diner. “That's good. It means he passed your test.”
The two of them spoke in hushed words so Lexi could not over hear, “Yes it dose.”
Vivian gave the coyote a confused look, “You don't sound to happy about that. Why, and why did you have me set up the test in the first place? It was pretty risky.”
Tech clasped his hands together, placing his chin on top of them, and he continued staring at the screen, “There's something about him. As a man, in general, and an agent I trust him. I don't think he'd do the wrong thing consciously... But when it come to your sister. I don't know. I feel like he's going to do something. Again I don't know the what.”
“I think I know what you mean, Tech.” Vivian replied, “When there together...They act differently. It goes unnoticed unless you take the time to look.”
Tech nodded.
“Hay guys fall in!” Lexi called from the kitchen where there dinner was served. Tech shut his lap top and fallowed Vivian in.
-- Edited by Siamese712 on Friday 13th of March 2009 07:39:49 PM
Sapphire : *jumps into chapter to go eat* Lexi, Tech and Vivian : How in the world?? Sapphire : *takes a bite* Lex, I'm sorry to say, you'd better leave the cooking to me next time. Like in school.... Lexi : Just because I couldn't get the recipes right in high school doesn't mean I can't get them now XD Sapphire : *takes another bite* Wanna bet? XD *runs away* Lexi : *crosses arms* Some things never change.....
Sapphire: *grabs Rev around shoulders*......*shakes him violently* REV! I... Dusk... We... Celeste... HELP!! Rev: I require more words to understand 83 Dusk: *grabs Rev* FIND MY DAUGHTER YOU MORON! USE YOUR GPS THINGIE OR I WILL RIP OUT YOUR BOWELS AND DISPLAY THEM AT A GARAGE SALE!!!!!! Sapphire: *is too flustered to care that she's partly deaf*
Sapphire : *jumps into chapter to go eat* Lexi, Tech and Vivian : How in the world?? Sapphire : *takes a bite* Lex, I'm sorry to say, you'd better leave the cooking to me next time. Like in school.... Lexi : Just because I couldn't get the recipes right in high school doesn't mean I can't get them now XD Sapphire : *takes another bite* Wanna bet? XD *runs away* Lexi : *crosses arms* Some things never change.....
I hear that, girlfriend. Oh. Syaz, Congrats on becoming a Loonatic. What powers do you want to have?
Can't think of anything so, don't blame me for being lazy.
Me : Hmmm, *scratches head* FLIGHT!!!! *jumps out of window* Sapphire : Good grief... *face palm then finally realizes what happened* OH CRAP DX WHAT THE HECK DID YOU JUST DO????!!!
Sapphire: *grabs Rev around shoulders*......*shakes him violently* REV! I... Dusk... We... Celeste... HELP!! Rev: I require more words to understand 83 Dusk: *grabs Rev* FIND MY DAUGHTER YOU MORON! USE YOUR GPS THINGIE OR I WILL RIP OUT YOUR BOWELS AND DISPLAY THEM AT A GARAGE SALE!!!!!! Sapphire: *is too flustered to care that she's partly deaf*
Me : Thanx a bunch An XD *glomps her* Sapphire : So what did you learn today? *hands flare up* Me : That I can't fly DX Sapphire : Good, cuz.... Me : But maybe I have super speed!!!! *runs out of the room* Sapphire : ..... I think I'm going to need help trying to find her ...... Anyone? XD
Sapphire: *grabs Rev around shoulders*......*shakes him violently* REV! I... Dusk... We... Celeste... HELP!! Rev: I require more words to understand 83 Dusk: *grabs Rev* FIND MY DAUGHTER YOU MORON! USE YOUR GPS THINGIE OR I WILL RIP OUT YOUR BOWELS AND DISPLAY THEM AT A GARAGE SALE!!!!!! Sapphire: *is too flustered to care that she's partly deaf*
The hole week was drenched in rain. From light sprinkles to heavy down poor. Friday was promising however. Even in the early shades of dawn, a time that it usually very dark, one couldn't see a cloud in sight.
“The only thing that would make this day better is no missions.” Duck said.
“I hear that.” Lexi replied as they all hung around in the lounge aria, “Promising skies, no missions, and my sister is spending the night at Jennies tonight.”
“Don't tell us,” Tech said, “I see two, no, no, three rental movies. One's a chick flick one comedy and one horror. All ones your sister has seen or doesn't want to watch. You'll start with comedy, then the chick flick, and then end your movie watching in horror, but your night will end with down loading some of the newest hits for your music blaster 5000.”
Lexi gave him a look, “Brother, it's scary how well you know my life. Go get your own, ay?”
They all shared in a small laugh. It was interrupted by a soft beeping from the main computer. Tech walked over and tapped one of the buttons on his computer.
“Come on guys. Zadavia needs us.”
“SO much for no missions.” Duck commented as they all went to into the elevator.
“Relax Duck. Maybe it wont be anything serious and we'll all be out of der in no time.” Ace said hopefully.
“The situation is serious this time agents.” Zadavia said taking a seat and passing out new assignment folders. They all flipped them open to a photo of a rabbit anthro. Around the same age of them. White fur in contras with his jet black shaggy hair. “William Scot. By other names Spike. Recent escapee from the maximum security prison. He is bad news. He is young, yes, but brilliant. He has a history of hacking into security systems, back computers, government file. Six years ago he manged to steal top secret files. Then he created a black out to hep his escape. The black out was across the entire continent. So far any thing he's done he did jest to see if he could do it, but if that is to change.”
“He could mess allot of things up or tip world powers.”
“Correct Lexi. He has been near impossible to track. Till no. Other teams have discovered his were about and clam that he is here in Acemtropalic. Find him agents and bring him in. Dismissed.”....
“Alright, Spike is hiding out in this building here.” Lexi claimed as she pointed to a spot on the map in font of them. They where gathered around the map on the ground next to an old abandoned warehouse, “I want Rev and Slam to chase him out and drive him here to the warehouse. Here is where we'll get him.” She pulled out blue prints to the old building, “You'll have get him to go through this door. Now then, if you two are unable to grab him all of us will be waiting. There are only four doors to exit from. Tech you'll take this one. Duck, Ace, and My self. We half to stay talking. If he passes your door join the chase.”
“Neh, What about dis door?” Ace asked pointing to one she hadn't marked for anyone. “ If you send him in da door you want dis one is the closet for him to go through, but no ones dere.”
“He wont use that door.” Lexi said standing up. Fallowed by the others.
“How do you know. If I where in his shews it would seem perfect.”
“He wont use it Ace. Okay I know that for a fact.”
“How do you know dat for a fact? It da door invisible and he wont see it?”
“No, bu-”
“Den what will stop him from going through it? Dat's pretty bad decision making to forget something like dat. Maybe I-”
Lexi glared at him, “NO! You will go to your assigned door.”
“Do I have to make that an order, Ace? Fine, You are to go to your assigned door and go no where near the other one. I say this as an order. And don't give me that look, or do you forget Bunny-boy who has more command here? Every one get into position.”
Ace stood there. His face stuck in a scowl. The others passed him. Each giving him a look before going to there assignment. As Duck passed Ace grabbed his arm. Duck looked at him quizzically.
“Duck, jest as Lexi is my superior, I'm yours. She didn't give you orders, but I am. Go to that other door.”
"Be nice to nerds, You'll probably end up working for one" - Bill Gates, Founder of Microsoft™
"Be yourself, don't take anyone else's s**t and NEVER let them take you alive" - Gerrard Way, 'My Chemical Romance'
"Life Moves Pretty Fast. If You Don't Stop And Look Around Once In A While, You Could MissIt" - Ferris Beuller (Mathew Broaderwick) , 'Ferris Beuller's Day Off'
I forget Si. Is it the next chapter or the one after that, that your going to add the twist to?
Darkness is apart of us. Working with are light. We all have it, it jest shows more in some of us. -BB and Rea: Its there. [<-I don't get along with people]
Ace waited at his door quietly. Tapping his foot in and out of a small puddle next to him.
“Guys We're coming!” Revs voice rang out through there communicators.
Spike slammed the door open and continued running. Looking around in panicked vision he saw one door strait ahead. He ran to it and pushed on the handle. It wouldn't budge. He pounded it with his fist the noticed something. Running his hand around the frame, “Dame! It's welded shut!”
With a growl he ran on. Eyes darting every witch way. Rev and Slam entered behind him and continued there chases.
“Lexi he's passed your door.” Rev said into the communicator. Lexi entered and ran with them. Spike knocked over some forgotten crates. They jumped them with no problem.
“Ace we've passed you.” Lexi reported. He to joined the pursuit. More crates where toppled. “Tech you can join us. Duck that means he's heading for you.” Tech joined them.
“Lexi I'm not there!” Duck answered back.
“Look back.”
Lexi did to see Duck fallowing them. Her head shot forward. No one was at the final door! Still running she looked around. There had to be a way! Her eyes found an open window. It was a bit high, but would work. It was jest barely big enough to go through.
“I have to.” She said to herself. She stopped running. Ace looked back and watched her. With great acrobatic skill she somersaulted out of the small window. Again the guys had to hurdle over some crates.
“You guys can doge crates easily enough, but lets see you doge these.” Spike said as he tossing several discs to the ground behind himself.
“Guys hit the deck!” Tech yelled as he got a look at one. They all fell to the ground right before the tiny discs each exploded in turn.
“Free and clear.” Spike smiled as he opened the door in front of him. What met was sunshine, fresh air, and a fist.
As the dust and smock from the explosion cleared all the agents looked up to see Lexi standing over spike panting and shaking her hand. “That hurt.” She muttered.
“way to go Lexi!” Rev cheered as the stood up. Spike was quickly cuffed.
“Great work guys.” Lexi praised, “Except, Duck! Why were you not at your post?” She gave the mallard a glare.
“Um...Ace made an excellent point saying you didn't order me to stay at my door, so he ordered me to go to the other door. He is, after all, my superior. I didn't get a choice.”
Lexi turned to Ace, “I ordered you not to mess with that door! He almost got away because of you!”
“Correction! You ordered me to stay at my door. And okay! He didn't use dat door, but he didn't use most of da doors! He could of used dat one!” Every one Looked at Ace then at Lexi.
“NO HE COULDEN'T! It's welded shut!”
“Well how was I supposed to know dat!? Why didn't you tell us.”
“I don't have to tell you guys EVERY thing!”
“How did you even know dat it was welded shut! Zadavia gave us thoughts blue prints only today, and no where dose it say dat door is unusable!”
Aces aggression became confusion and shock as tears formed in Lexis eyes, “Because Ace! I was with my father when he welded that dame thing shut! Back when he used to work here, before he was killed!”
“I don't need to explain anything els to the likes of you.” Lexi walked away from them.
Darkness is apart of us. Working with are light. We all have it, it jest shows more in some of us. -BB and Rea: Its there. [<-I don't get along with people]
I can't wait for more...or are you gonna add another chapter right after I send this, like you did with the previous one!
-- Edited by PurpleGirly on Thursday 26th of March 2009 01:32:41 PM
"Be nice to nerds, You'll probably end up working for one" - Bill Gates, Founder of Microsoft™
"Be yourself, don't take anyone else's s**t and NEVER let them take you alive" - Gerrard Way, 'My Chemical Romance'
"Life Moves Pretty Fast. If You Don't Stop And Look Around Once In A While, You Could MissIt" - Ferris Beuller (Mathew Broaderwick) , 'Ferris Beuller's Day Off'
Don't tease me with your 'Expect the unexpected' phrase-ness!!!
But Yes, please update!
-- Edited by PurpleGirly on Thursday 26th of March 2009 02:15:23 PM
"Be nice to nerds, You'll probably end up working for one" - Bill Gates, Founder of Microsoft™
"Be yourself, don't take anyone else's s**t and NEVER let them take you alive" - Gerrard Way, 'My Chemical Romance'
"Life Moves Pretty Fast. If You Don't Stop And Look Around Once In A While, You Could MissIt" - Ferris Beuller (Mathew Broaderwick) , 'Ferris Beuller's Day Off'
Sapphire : Ok, that was random..... *thumbs up to Si* XD
Sapphire: *grabs Rev around shoulders*......*shakes him violently* REV! I... Dusk... We... Celeste... HELP!! Rev: I require more words to understand 83 Dusk: *grabs Rev* FIND MY DAUGHTER YOU MORON! USE YOUR GPS THINGIE OR I WILL RIP OUT YOUR BOWELS AND DISPLAY THEM AT A GARAGE SALE!!!!!! Sapphire: *is too flustered to care that she's partly deaf*
Me : CHICKENS!!!! ATTA.... *is taken out with a pillow*
Sapphire: *grabs Rev around shoulders*......*shakes him violently* REV! I... Dusk... We... Celeste... HELP!! Rev: I require more words to understand 83 Dusk: *grabs Rev* FIND MY DAUGHTER YOU MORON! USE YOUR GPS THINGIE OR I WILL RIP OUT YOUR BOWELS AND DISPLAY THEM AT A GARAGE SALE!!!!!! Sapphire: *is too flustered to care that she's partly deaf*
Remorse. Guilt. Sympathy. Powerful emotions that can pleg ones mind. Especially for a gray rabbit that may have said some of the wrong things. It was the end of the work day. The only two agents left where Ace and Lexi. Ace stood there at her door trying to bring himself to knocking. He lifted his fist and was about to knock when the scenery outside caught his attention.
“Aw man.” He muttered as he walked over to a window, “It's rainin' again. This will be a fun walk home.”
“Do you need a ride?” Ace spun around and looked at his female partner. She looked at him, “Well?”
She wasn't an once hostile or mad. In fact she looked rather gentle. Ace didn't know how describe it. She looked like the Lexi he'd grown accustom to, and yet, though she only stood there, she reminded him of how she was back at the Karaoke bar. And her eyes, they where so gentle and warm. Ace felt himself getting lost.
“Um? Earth to Ace Bunny?” Lexi waved a hand in front of him.
“Um?” Ace rubbed his head. He looked confused for a second before letting go, “What?”
“Are you okay? I asked if you wanted a ride then you kinda faded out for a minuet there.”
“Oh, Sorry... Why would you want to give me a ride?”
“well” Lexi looked out the window, “It may only be sprinkling now, but judging by those clouds we should be expecting a down poor. It'd suck to get stuck in that.” Lexi smiled at him. “So? Are you taking my offer or not.”
“Um...Sure. Why not?” 'What could possible happen from a car ride?'
The turned off the lights, locked the door, and left.
“So,” She said as they closed the drivers side door, “Where do you live? You know where my apartment is, but I don't have the faintest idea where yours is.”
“Oh, I live over on 32nd street. The Paris complex.” He replied.
The drive was quiet. Nether really knew what to say to other. They knew what the wanted to say. Lexi pulled up to the building he indicated.
“Not bad.” She said looking at the building. It was tall and was of newer style then her own apartment biding. Probably a lot more expensive to.
“Thanks. I guess I'll see ya Monday.”He opened his door.
“See ya Ace.”
With a nod he got out and started to walk around the car towards the building. When he was a few feet away from her car he heard the engine stop. Looking back he saw Lexi checking her gas level.
“Empty? That's impossible I filed it up this morning.” She got out and opened the hood.
Ace walked back “Do you need help?”
“I... don't think so.” Lexi sounded unsure. She new more bout cars then the average bystander, but it wasn't by much. In other words: She was clueless. “I think I can handle it, and if I can't I'll call Tech.”
“All right, bye den.” Ace said as he went inside. Lexi pulled out her cellphone.
“This couldn't get any better. No bars.” as she said that a huge rain drop fell on the serfice of her phones screen. Putting it in her pocket she looked up. The rain came down harder and heavier. It was like an instant drench. Lexi sighed and placed her hand on her forehead.
She looked up when the down poor stopped, but only around her. Turning around she saw Ace with an umbrella. “You sure you don't need help? Here hold dis.” He handed her the umbrella and looked under the hood. “You ain't going any were Lexi. For one, your gas tank has a hole in it and dis tube isn't suppose to have a hole in it. I'm surprised dis t'ing got us here.”
“Great. That and my phone isn't getting any service in this rain.”
“Why don't you come inside. I have a land line. You call a tower or somet'in'.”
“Thank you.”
He gave her a nod before leading her in. Aces apartment surprised her. It was huge! It had a sunken living room connected to a specious kitchen. From the door one could see a hall way that lead to three rooms then on the other side was another hall.
“Um here's the phone.” Ace said going in and taking it out of a holder mounted on the wall next to the door. Lexi fallowed him and shut the door behind herself. She took the phone from him. Ace went down the first hall as Lexi started to press the buttons of the phone. After a quick chat with the towing company Lexi hung up and let out heavy sigh.
“Every t'ing all right?” Lexi looked up at Ace. He'd changed. Now wearing lose fitting blue jeans and a dark blue shirt that brought out his eyes.
“Ya, but the towing company wont be able to come by till tomorrow.” Lexi sighed again and looked out the large window of the living room, “D-do thing I could stay till the rain stops?”
“Sure, but do you t'ink you could take of your shoes. Your gettin' mud on da carpet.” Lexi slightly blushed as she got down to take them off. He had to have white carpets.
Ace took a good look at Lexi. She was still soaked. Dripping wet even. He slightly smiled. 'She's cute' He watched her. Took in her details and fallowing the curve of her body. Widening his eyes he quickly took them away from her, 'Ooooohh! Bad thoughts Ace-y boy. Bad thoughts.'
“um... Look. Lexi,” She stood back up and looked at him. He looked back, “I have some dry clothes you could barrow. You look pretty wet.”
Lexi held her arm and looked away. 'Don't blush Lexi! Don't blush.' “Uh, thanks. I'd appreciate it.”
“Wait hear den.” Ace said as he disappeared into the room at the end of the first hall. At this moment Lexi looked around. In the living room there was a large entertainment set along with a black couch in front of it. On ether side of the couch was a stand each with a lamp and a few nick knacks. To the right of the couch facing the window was a matching recliner. Looking at the kitchen there was a small bar and stools. Hard wood flooring. Ace returned with some clothing in hand. “Dey mite be a bit big, but dey should work.”
“Thank you, again.” Lexi looked around, “Um?”
“Oh bathrooms down the hall to the right, and I'll get you a towel.”
Ace waited siting on one of the bar stools with a green towel in his hand. He looked up when Lexi reentered. He had given her the smallest pair of jeans he could find and red t-shirt. The jeans, though small on him, where on the bag side for her and clung to her hips. She had folded the legs up a bit so she wouldn't be stepping on them. The shirt he didn't under stand. Some how it was a good size on her yet tight around the wait. They actually revealed her belly button.
Ace looked at her confused, “How 'd you?”
“Oh I tied it in the back.” She turned around and showed him were she had tied the shirt. “It's that the towel?”
“Ya. Here let me see your old clothes.” They traded articles. As Lexi started drying her hair she watched him place the clothing on the apartments heater. “They should get dry soon.”
He looked at her as she removed the towel and shook her hair. He walked over to her, “Ya done wit' dat?” he pointed to the towel.
“Thank you. Something I seem to be saying to you a lot this evening.” As he took the towel they looked at each other. Lexi giving him a gentle smile and Ace getting the erg to do something. He looked away from her and walked towards the hall again.
'If I look at her one more time I swear I won't be able to stop myself.'
He stopped but didn't look back. “Ya?”
“I'm sorry about yelling at you earlier. I was a bit sensitive to the matter, and should of handled it more comely.”
He continued waking, “So you agree that you should of told us?”
Lexi glared at him and fallowed him, “Hay now. I never said that!”
He entered the room, obviously his bed room, and she fallowed right on after him. He paced the towel in a laundry hamper next to the door. The room had a bed(with blue blankets and pillows but yellow sheets), dresser, night stand, closet, and window.
“I still think I don't have to tell you guys every thing!”
“Do you mind? Dis is my bed room.” Ace still not dare look at her.
“I don't care if this is your bed room. And will you look at me!?” Lexi tugged his arm making him look at her.
That was it! He lost his will power to stop himself. In one quick swoop he slammed her against the wall. His hands on her arms making her face him. He didn't take the time to look at her, to explain, or let her say something.
His lips were already firmly planted on hers. Now he waited. Waited for her to react to him. He expected her to push him back, yell at him, hit him, ask him what he thought he was doing, or all of the above. But he was definitely not prepared for what she did do.
It all happened in slow motion as her hand slid up his chest and wrapped around his neck. She kissed back. Pushing against him. Recovering from his initial shock, he pushed her back against the wall. Kissing her more passionately. He forgot her lips and kissed her neck. Lexi gasped and held him tighter. There lips met again, and, ever so slowly, they backed away from the wall and closer to the bed.
They fell together onto the bed. Lexi on top of him. They looked at each other. Lexi bit her lower lip and smiled at him. He smiled back before pulling her into another kiss.
-- Edited by Siamese712 on Thursday 26th of March 2009 10:02:11 PM